Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only)

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They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only) Empty
PostSubject: They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only)   They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only) EmptySun 1 Jun 2014 - 18:23

Hazelpaw rose from her den, a yawn emitting from her maw as her dreary green-blue eyes looked and adjusted to the darkness, her eyes making out the shapes of the other apprentices, she growled slightly as her eyes rested on Raggedypaw's form, their 'father' always seemed to favor him. Hazelpaw snorted and left the den and walked towards her mothers den, she had another litter coming, but it wouldn't hurt her or herself if she went on one walk with her daughter.

The apprentice nosed away the reeds and entered the den nonchalantly softly prodding her mother. "Honeywhisker, get up, I want to go on a walk with you..." She trailed, despite being her mother, she seemed sometimes snappy or just flat out rude by ignoring her, she just figured it was the coming kits.
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Number of posts : 1655

They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only)   They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only) EmptySun 1 Jun 2014 - 18:51

Honeywhisker rolled over, and slowly opened her eyes. "Midnightsky?" she asked as she tried to figure out who it was. No, it's not him... Sandpaw? No, she's too shy. Amberheart. She barely knows me. She knew it was a she-cat, but which one? Not Silverpaw, we don't even know each other. Then it hit her, the only other she-cat in Riverclan. "Cinderfur?" No, no, that's not right. As her eyes began to form the small figure, she finally noticed who it was. "Oh, it's you... Sure Hazelpaw." Her voice was neutral, not showing any sign of hatred, or anything mean. it was more like a neutral tone, but she tried to make herself sound happy to see Hazelpaw.

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They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only)   They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only) EmptySun 1 Jun 2014 - 18:56

"Oh and she finally gets it right!" She huffed negatively, beckoning her tail for her mother. " And what do you mean by 'Oh it's you'?" She questioned, narrowing her eyes at her mother. "And don't even try to make excuses." She groaned before exiting the nursery, awaiting her.
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Number of posts : 1655

They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only)   They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only) EmptySun 1 Jun 2014 - 19:34

She let out a big sigh, and slowly picked herself up. "You were the last person I thought I'd see. You seem to dislike me." she replied. "I won't try to make any excuses, but why now? Why not in the morning?" She didn't appreciate being woken up just for a walk with someone like Hazelpaw.

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They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only)   They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only) EmptySun 1 Jun 2014 - 19:44

"Oh but it seems to be the opposite Honeywhisker, and I'd rather now before I start my training with Reedstar." She growled, lashing her tail with impatience.
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Number of posts : 1655

They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only)   They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only) EmptySun 1 Jun 2014 - 20:01

"What do you mean the opposite? And shouldn't you be asleep?" She asked as she joined Hazelpaw. She had forgotten Reedstar was her mentor, but then again, she didn't really go to her ceremony. She just kept herself in the nursery. After all, they weren't really her kits.

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They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only)   They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only) EmptySun 1 Jun 2014 - 20:05

"Oh don't play dumb!" She spat ignoring her second question as Hazelpaw padded through the camp entrance and into the water.
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Number of posts : 1655

They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only)   They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only) EmptySun 1 Jun 2014 - 20:20

"I don't know what you mean by that." Honeywhisker tried to keep her anger from showing in her voice as she spoke. She wanted to sound as normal as possible, but something about her made Honeywhisker mad.

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They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only)   They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only) EmptySun 1 Jun 2014 - 20:25

"Oh stop pretending Honeywhisker, I know how you act around your other kits, mate, and other family other than me and Raggedypaw!" She growled, lashing around to stare at her mother.
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Number of posts : 1655

They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only)   They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only) EmptySun 1 Jun 2014 - 20:43

"Okay Hazelpaw, I do treat you two differently, but you two require more...Tough love." She tried to find something to say, but started saying random things that entered her mind. "I just want you to be something more than just another apprentice."

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They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only)   They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only) EmptySun 1 Jun 2014 - 20:48

"We are your kits Honeywhisker, we are the second litter, we are the same flesh and blood! What makes us anymore different?! Now you are just making excuses!" She snapped, clawing at the ground.
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Number of posts : 1655

They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only)   They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only) EmptySun 1 Jun 2014 - 21:09

"That may be true, but I'm done with you and i'm done with Ryepaw." she said, almost screaming. She tried to keep herself quiet, knowing that the others were sleeping. "I knew Ryepaw would grow up to be a great warrior, and know I know the same will happen to you. Look at you, Reedstar chose you to be his apprentice, as far as i'm concerned, I only need to worry about Raggedykit." This was a lie, but the anger in her voice wasn't fake.

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They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only)   They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only) EmptySun 1 Jun 2014 - 21:13

"Reedstar being my mentor means nothing! Why can't you worry about us as equals? Raggedypaw has Midnightsky and you! I only have you! Midnightsky is not my father! I do not see why you can't treat me with the same affection instead of ignoring me, I am already ignored enough as it is by Midnightsky!" She screeched, despite being a new apprentice she was nearly half the size of her.
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Number of posts : 1655

They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only)   They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only) EmptySun 1 Jun 2014 - 21:48

"That's enough Hazelpaw! You're acting ridiculous. If you can't appreciate what Midnightsky is doing for you, then don't mention him, don't even say his name. Also, I don't ignore you, why would you even think that? You're just jumping to conclusions, aren't you? Give me one example of me ignoring you." She was ready to just sink her claws in Hazelpaw, but held herself back. Why did she have so much hate for her? You know why, Honeywhisker. You know why.

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They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only)   They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only) EmptySun 1 Jun 2014 - 21:54

OOC: If you want Honey can maul Hazel I have a plan for her to go into Post traumatic stress

OC: "You ignore me all the time! You are always with Midnightsky or Raggedypaw! And when we were in the nursery you'd push me away to pick up a conversation with another cat! Or you are always saying to 'go play with Raggedykit'" She snapped.
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They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only)   They think you are crazy (Honey and Hazel only) Empty

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