Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 talking to Midnightsky

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Number of posts : 1655

talking to Midnightsky Empty
PostSubject: talking to Midnightsky   talking to Midnightsky EmptyThu 29 May 2014 - 18:51

Honeywhisker sat outside of the nursery, waiting for Midnightsky to come back to the camp. She was pretty mad, and she wasn't going to just forget about this. She knew that there weren't many warriors, which meant he had to go on most of the patrols, and he had to train his apprentice leaving him with barely anytime for himself. She couldn't forgive him for this, though.

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Clan/Rank : [Midnightsky:RiverClan/Warrior]
Scorpio Buffalo
Number of posts : 586
Age : 26

talking to Midnightsky Empty
PostSubject: Re: talking to Midnightsky   talking to Midnightsky EmptyThu 29 May 2014 - 18:58

Midnightsky had to drag a large fish that was too big to carry into the camp. He smiled triumphantly at his trophy as he dragged it to the freah-kill pile. He picked up a juicy vole from the pile and padded off towards the nursery.

He paused as he saw Honeywhisker looking at him with anger-filled eyes. "W-what's wrong?" He said, stuttering. This is the first time in his life he was scared so much.

talking to Midnightsky 1929-97
talking to Midnightsky 3829080
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Number of posts : 1655

talking to Midnightsky Empty
PostSubject: Re: talking to Midnightsky   talking to Midnightsky EmptyThu 29 May 2014 - 19:18

For a couple moments, she sat there and stared at him. She had to calm down before she said anything to him. When she felt she could talk without yelling, she whispered "Where were you? I was alone." She looked down at her belly, which had lost it's bulge. It had been a couple of days since she had given birth, but she hadn't seen him once.

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Clan/Rank : [Midnightsky:RiverClan/Warrior]
Scorpio Buffalo
Number of posts : 586
Age : 26

talking to Midnightsky Empty
PostSubject: Re: talking to Midnightsky   talking to Midnightsky EmptyThu 29 May 2014 - 20:10

"W-what? I-I was... Uhh... " he bent down, feeling like a kit being scolded by his mother. "I was patrolling, they needed to increase the patrols ever since that murderer, Twopelt went loose. I volunteered for all the patrols... I wanted to keep the clan safe... I'm sorry." He purred submissively.

talking to Midnightsky 1929-97
talking to Midnightsky 3829080
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Number of posts : 1655

talking to Midnightsky Empty
PostSubject: Re: talking to Midnightsky   talking to Midnightsky EmptyThu 29 May 2014 - 21:01

"I get it Midnightsky, but it's not easy going through birth with no one but a medicine cat to help. It's not like you could ever know what it's like though." She knew he was going through a lot, he was doing patrols, training, and finally forgetting about Coldpelt. She still didn't want to forgive him though. She had it easier than him. She got pregnant for the second time as her adopted kits left, and it seemed like she would never get out of the nursery, which made her mad. This didn't really seem like something Honeywhisker would say, did it? Maybe there was something going on that was causing this, something that happened long ago wink wink .

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Clan/Rank : [Midnightsky:RiverClan/Warrior]
Scorpio Buffalo
Number of posts : 586
Age : 26

talking to Midnightsky Empty
PostSubject: Re: talking to Midnightsky   talking to Midnightsky EmptyThu 29 May 2014 - 21:11

Ooc: I dunno what you're talking about.

Ic: "C-Can I see them?" He asked timidly. "I wasn't there for you with Hazelkit and Raggedykit. I want to make it up to them and you. I know you've had it rough but all I wanted was for you to be happy." He mewed pathetically. He wasn't a well-built, strong warrior anymore. He was a tiny pathetic kit trying to make excuses.

talking to Midnightsky 1929-97
talking to Midnightsky 3829080
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Number of posts : 1655

talking to Midnightsky Empty
PostSubject: Re: talking to Midnightsky   talking to Midnightsky EmptyThu 29 May 2014 - 21:30

OOC: you'll soon see. Grey wants Honey to ignore Hazel, so something is going to happen soon

IC: She was actually starting to feel bad about this. She had hoped that he had asked to see them, maybe even help her with them, but she didn't think he would act like this. "They're sleeping." she whispered back as she moved aside. She honestly didn't want him to see the kits. She knew that he would be too busy to ever spend too much time with them, and she didn't know how that would make them feel. "Remember how Hazelkit feels about you, just because you never visited her." she added.

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Clan/Rank : [Midnightsky:RiverClan/Warrior]
Scorpio Buffalo
Number of posts : 586
Age : 26

talking to Midnightsky Empty
PostSubject: Re: talking to Midnightsky   talking to Midnightsky EmptyThu 29 May 2014 - 21:41

"I know... I want to be there for her... For you and Raggedykit and for the other kits too." He paused. "D-Did you name them already?"

talking to Midnightsky 1929-97
talking to Midnightsky 3829080
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Number of posts : 1655

talking to Midnightsky Empty
PostSubject: Re: talking to Midnightsky   talking to Midnightsky EmptyThu 29 May 2014 - 22:01

"Yeah, three days, how could I not name them? Icekit, Otterkit, Swirlkit, and Sparkkit." She replied as she started to calm down. "Midnightsky, I'm sorry... I know you've went through a lot, but it's been hard for me too. Obviously not as hard as you've had it though."

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Clan/Rank : [Midnightsky:RiverClan/Warrior]
Scorpio Buffalo
Number of posts : 586
Age : 26

talking to Midnightsky Empty
PostSubject: Re: talking to Midnightsky   talking to Midnightsky EmptyThu 29 May 2014 - 22:10

"You've had it worse... I'll ask Reedstar if maybe I can take a break for a little while... But there aren't many warriors left..." He said to himself. He looked away towards the apprentice den. "Maybe...the apprentices can handle it for now..."

talking to Midnightsky 1929-97
talking to Midnightsky 3829080
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Number of posts : 1655

talking to Midnightsky Empty
PostSubject: Re: talking to Midnightsky   talking to Midnightsky EmptyThu 29 May 2014 - 22:20

She didn't want to say she had it worst than him. Sure, she had lost her friend, and Midnightsky was the only person left in her life, but that had changed. She had Ryepaw, and the new additions to the clan. Midnightsky had to deal with the death of his friend, and he had to continue his duties. "No, the clan needs you right now... I was just selfish, asking you to spend more time with them when there are barely any warriors left."

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Clan/Rank : [Midnightsky:RiverClan/Warrior]
Scorpio Buffalo
Number of posts : 586
Age : 26

talking to Midnightsky Empty
PostSubject: Re: talking to Midnightsky   talking to Midnightsky EmptyThu 29 May 2014 - 23:05

"There's plenty of food right now, and I doubt that Twopelt would come into Riverclan territory and even if he did I've trained Ryepaw and the other apprentices fairly well. They'll put up a good fight if he comes here." He said, sounding more like he's trying to convince himself rather than Honeywhisker.

talking to Midnightsky 1929-97
talking to Midnightsky 3829080
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Number of posts : 1655

talking to Midnightsky Empty
PostSubject: Re: talking to Midnightsky   talking to Midnightsky EmptySun 1 Jun 2014 - 2:15

She thought about this for a moment. Well, there's Ryepaw, Sandpaw, Cloverpaw, Amberheart, and Reedstar... No, they still need him. Cloverpaw can't really fight, so she's out of the list. Sandpaw would probably run away when she saw blood. So, it's pretty much just Amberheart, Ryepaw, and Reedstar. "Three cats can take on one and win," she said. This didn't really make make any sense because she left out her reasoning, but she didn't feel like it. "but i'm worried about Ryepaw. Reedstar won't always be around, and I don't trust Amberheart. I know I should, but I just can't. I'd rather have you protecting him. We've lost someone close to us, and i don't want him to die, or anyone else. I can't do anything right now, i'm stuck in the nursery with those beautiful kits." She let out a sigh. "Just, promise that you'll protect Ryepaw."

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Clan/Rank : [Midnightsky:RiverClan/Warrior]
Scorpio Buffalo
Number of posts : 586
Age : 26

talking to Midnightsky Empty
PostSubject: Re: talking to Midnightsky   talking to Midnightsky EmptySun 1 Jun 2014 - 3:56

"I promise. He's a strong and smart cat, he'll make a fine warrior." He said, slowly regaining his usual demeanor. "But I doubt Twopelt would come here but he did... How many lives does Reedstar have?"

talking to Midnightsky 1929-97
talking to Midnightsky 3829080
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Number of posts : 1655

talking to Midnightsky Empty
PostSubject: Re: talking to Midnightsky   talking to Midnightsky EmptySun 1 Jun 2014 - 17:56

"I know he is, he's just like you. I just worry, I know he can take care of himself, but it makes me feel better if I know you can help him if he needs it. I can't really help him, I have more kits to watch." She shook her head. "I don't know... Ask Amberheart, she older than us, she has to know how much lives he has."

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