Alright, so this afternoon I'm heading to the mystical land of Orlando (Orseao) for my spring break vacation. I will be gone five or six days. I will be busy for most of the days doing stuff, but hopefully I will have an internet connection at the hotel, so I will use the free time I get to come check up on here, so do not worry: I hopefully will have time to post in the places I am needed to post in. I am going to Florida though, and someone my friend knew at his college got lost and/or kidnapped down in Florida, so I may not come back due to being kidnapped by the cartel or Castro or something. I'll see what I can do about ceremonies if such occurs.
So, in conclusion, I will be on vacation, but I will get on here as much as I can. It could be a normal amount, or it could be not at all. I will get word out to you guys though. And, as always, glory to the glorious Aryan WindClan master race.
Fri 7 Mar 2014 - 5:48 by Kitty