Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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3 posters


Clan/Rank : [Sp]TC Leader [St]RC Elder [N] TC Medicine Cat [O] TC Apprentice [E] TC Apprentice
Taurus Cat
Number of posts : 1838
Age : 25

Dem birthing topics Empty
PostSubject: Dem birthing topics   Dem birthing topics EmptyThu 13 Feb 2014 - 15:44

Hawkflight waddled into the nursery, her stomach aching and twisting with pain. This had been going on for a bit, but it had grown too much for her. She quickly guessed it was the kits, so she went to the nursery. Calling out for the medicine cat as another wave of pain hit her. "Ravenpaw!" she called to her sister.

Dem birthing topics Gingerpride_zps951a1933
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Gemini Dragon
Number of posts : 2606
Age : 24

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PostSubject: Re: Dem birthing topics   Dem birthing topics EmptyThu 13 Feb 2014 - 15:57

It's been awhile honestly, since she last worked within her job. All these new kits were obviously... Not from the clan. Not that she didn't mind, since it meant less work for her and more time to sneak out and find Ashpaw, but, now? Her eldest sister, Hawkflight, was giving birth - to Owlpelt's kits. Wouldn't that make her almost like a second mother to these kits? She knew nothing about kits, had no intentions on having any, and yet, she was going to have to deal with this. Sure, her sister had been mooning with Owlpelt for so long it was bound to come soon, but, with Shadeheart continuously disappearing and Badgerpaw and Twistedfoot's sudden disappearance, she didn't feel up to the task. At all. Shaking her head at the thought of losing her closest brother and father all too soon, Ravenpaw was worried about making a mistake - a mistake that would risk her sister's life as well.

Hearing Hawkflight's agonizing cries a little too much. She couldn't bear it. It might be her pain, but it certainly felt like it. The medicine cat apprentice hesitantly gathered herbs and all the necessary things such as a stick, wet moss, etc. and slowly headed over to the nursery. This was a the best she could do to help, but the least she could do. As soon as she entered, she came in to see another wave of pain hurt the to-be queen. Wincing slightly without actually showing so, Ravenpaw gave a nod of acknowledgement before pushing the stick close to her, and the water a little off, but close enough for Hawkflight to lap. She did bring cobwebs and the like, but, most of the time, those weren't necessary.

‣ year 06: 5/4/2012
Dem birthing topics LgWiAeI
⌈ la-veritta ♡ ⌉
❝ Until the day his wings heal and he's able to fly... I will protect him. ❞
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Clan/Rank : [Sp]TC Leader [St]RC Elder [N] TC Medicine Cat [O] TC Apprentice [E] TC Apprentice
Taurus Cat
Number of posts : 1838
Age : 25

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PostSubject: Re: Dem birthing topics   Dem birthing topics EmptyThu 13 Feb 2014 - 16:14

Hawkflight let out a gasp of relief as her sister came into the den. She took note of the stick and moss. She lapped at the water, her throat slightly parched. Though, as soon as another wave of pain took her, she grabbed the stick, squeezing onto it.

Dem birthing topics Gingerpride_zps951a1933
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Leo Cat
Number of posts : 632
Age : 24

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PostSubject: Re: Dem birthing topics   Dem birthing topics EmptyThu 13 Feb 2014 - 18:59

Owlpelt raced into the nursery as soon as he heard his mate call out for Ravenpaw. He looked around frantically, wishing there was something he could do to help.

Dem birthing topics Riycd4
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Gemini Dragon
Number of posts : 2606
Age : 24

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PostSubject: Re: Dem birthing topics   Dem birthing topics EmptyFri 21 Feb 2014 - 0:10

Looking at Owlpelt, the black she-cat gave a cold, harsh glare, signaling that he should leave so that she could work within peace. If he was anxious or panicking, what would Hawkflight be thinking? There wasn't any need to make her sister any more nervous than she already was. Not taking her glance off of the tom until he was clear and outside of the nursery, waiting at the entrance, if he didn't leave, then... Ravenpaw just wouldn't work. Simple, supposedly. Really, there wasn't much that she could actually do for queens - most of it was on their own. As soon as the tom left, she turned back towards her sister, her whiskers twitching and her tail swaying around curiously. Well, when was it going to happen? Placing a paw on the soft tissue of the brown tabby's underbelly, feeling around for a moment, before, with a jolt, it was starting. Giving one signal, whenever she gave a nod, it signified to push, and most likely, the estimate of perhaps two kits? Or one. Where was her mentor when she needed her to figure things like this out?

‣ year 06: 5/4/2012
Dem birthing topics LgWiAeI
⌈ la-veritta ♡ ⌉
❝ Until the day his wings heal and he's able to fly... I will protect him. ❞
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Leo Cat
Number of posts : 632
Age : 24

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PostSubject: Re: Dem birthing topics   Dem birthing topics EmptyFri 21 Feb 2014 - 0:37

Owlpelt nodded at Ravenpaw, before padding out of the Nursery and waiting outside somewhat patiently.

Dem birthing topics Riycd4
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Clan/Rank : [Sp]TC Leader [St]RC Elder [N] TC Medicine Cat [O] TC Apprentice [E] TC Apprentice
Taurus Cat
Number of posts : 1838
Age : 25

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PostSubject: Re: Dem birthing topics   Dem birthing topics EmptyFri 21 Feb 2014 - 14:06

Hawkflight watched her mate leave the den, focusing her attention on her sister. A sharp jolt and pain happened and then was given a nod. So she took it as time to push. She pushed before stopping and breathing, then as another contraction came, she gave another push, feeling a wet bundle slide beside her. She quickly sat up, no matter how exhausted she was, and cleaned her kit. Nudging it to her side, she huffed and layed down, hoping her mate would come on in.


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