Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 A game of mossball [Open]

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Leo Cat
Number of posts : 632
Age : 24

A game of mossball [Open] Empty
PostSubject: A game of mossball [Open]   A game of mossball [Open] EmptyFri 31 Jan 2014 - 0:50

Bubblekit leapt out of the nursery and landed on a large ball of moss. She looked around for any other kits to play with her.

A game of mossball [Open] Riycd4
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Characters : Sleepycloud, Hopepaw, Lakepaw, Bear
Clan/Rank : Ye Old Member-- ALL THUNDERCLAN OOPS Sleepycloud (MCA), Hopepaw [App], Lake [App], Bear [Loner[
Taurus Dragon
Number of posts : 3583
Gender : She/her
Age : 24

A game of mossball [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A game of mossball [Open]   A game of mossball [Open] EmptyFri 31 Jan 2014 - 8:39

A smaller mud colored pelt with white splotches lay mouth length to the side of the entrance to the nursery. His dark blue eyes narrowed as he watched the happenings of camp. He wanted to go out into the forest to go find his mother and sister. However, he was too small for such a thing, and could easily be picked up by a hawk or another bird of prey. So Mudkit had resigned himself to growing here, and perhaps learning a few tricks to use.  The kit only gave Bubblekit a glance, before returning to stare ahead of him. The kit's fluffy tail twitched every now and again, showing his annoyance.

A game of mossball [Open] ECeeb3r

Sleepycloud || Hopepaw || Lakekit
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~Shadow Jinx

~Shadow Jinx

Clan/Rank : (M) Thunderclan warrior (F) Riverclan apprentice (M) Shadowclan apprentice (F) Shadowclan warrior (F) Windclan warrior
Aquarius Cat
Number of posts : 465
Age : 24

A game of mossball [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A game of mossball [Open]   A game of mossball [Open] EmptyFri 31 Jan 2014 - 8:55

Firepaw bounded out,
"Can I play!" she asked.

/Stormpaw/Stormblaze: (Male)

Nightkit/Nightglow: (Female)

WhitepawWhiteshadow: (Male)

Shadowclan (Spiritkit's older brother)
Firepaw/Firetear (Female)

Spiritkit/Tigerspirit (Female)

Shadowclan (Whitekit's younger sister)
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Leo Cat
Number of posts : 632
Age : 24

A game of mossball [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A game of mossball [Open]   A game of mossball [Open] EmptyFri 31 Jan 2014 - 21:37

"Of course you can play, Firepaw! Catch this one," Bubblekit replied rather loudly, before getting off the mossball and throwing it in the general direction of the golden coloured she-cat. The mossball missed Firepaw entirely, hitting Mudkit "I'm so so so sorry, Mudkit! Are you ok? I didn't mean to hit you. Oh! Would you like to join in? That would be awesome! If you aren't injured, that is," Bubblekit exclaimed.

A game of mossball [Open] Riycd4
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Characters : Sleepycloud, Hopepaw, Lakepaw, Bear
Clan/Rank : Ye Old Member-- ALL THUNDERCLAN OOPS Sleepycloud (MCA), Hopepaw [App], Lake [App], Bear [Loner[
Taurus Dragon
Number of posts : 3583
Gender : She/her
Age : 24

A game of mossball [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A game of mossball [Open]   A game of mossball [Open] EmptyFri 31 Jan 2014 - 23:53

Mudkit didn't move when the mossball hit his side. His brown and white ears folded back in pure annoyance, and his dark blue eyes turned to stare at Bubblekit. 'Go away, I don't want to play your stupid game.' Mudkit thought with frustration. He shifted his paws inwards to they were tucked under his chest. He hoped that his stance showed that he did not want to play a game that involved throwing bedding around like it was worth nothing.

He remembered when he was with his mother and sister, that soft bedding like that was a blessing. They usually had to sleep under trees, in cardboard boxes and other various substances. They didn't have the ability to settle down and make a camp. The forest territory had been taken by the clans, leaving the rouges no place to rest.

'Ma, I miss you.'

A game of mossball [Open] ECeeb3r

Sleepycloud || Hopepaw || Lakekit
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~Shadow Jinx

~Shadow Jinx

Clan/Rank : (M) Thunderclan warrior (F) Riverclan apprentice (M) Shadowclan apprentice (F) Shadowclan warrior (F) Windclan warrior
Aquarius Cat
Number of posts : 465
Age : 24

A game of mossball [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A game of mossball [Open]   A game of mossball [Open] EmptySat 1 Feb 2014 - 0:21

Firepaw tossed Mudkit a mossball.
"Catch!" the young apprentice mewed.

/Stormpaw/Stormblaze: (Male)

Nightkit/Nightglow: (Female)

WhitepawWhiteshadow: (Male)

Shadowclan (Spiritkit's older brother)
Firepaw/Firetear (Female)

Spiritkit/Tigerspirit (Female)

Shadowclan (Whitekit's younger sister)
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Leo Cat
Number of posts : 632
Age : 24

A game of mossball [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: A game of mossball [Open]   A game of mossball [Open] EmptySat 1 Feb 2014 - 3:04

As the second mossball bounced off of Mudkit, Bubblekit decided to see what was bugging the other kit. "Hey Mudkit, are you alright? You look pretty bummed out. Do you not want to play mossball? Who doesn't like playing mossball though? Maybe you're sick. Are you sick? Would you like me to take you to the medicine cat? I'm sure they can fix you right up! Come on, let's go!" she said, not knowing anything about the brown kit's past, or where the medicine cat's den was for that matter.

A game of mossball [Open] Riycd4
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PostSubject: Re: A game of mossball [Open]   A game of mossball [Open] Empty

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