Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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Activity checks take place on the 1st of the month. PM a staff member with the completed form if you missed it.
Greenleaf is finally here, and the clans all feel the effect of rising temperatures.
Gatherings take place on the 1st of the month; keep your eyes out for a staff member's post!
Please feel free to hit up any staff member if you have any questions!


 Playing with the kits

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Leo Cat
Number of posts : 632
Age : 24

Playing with the kits Empty
PostSubject: Playing with the kits   Playing with the kits EmptyFri 1 Mar 2013 - 22:11

Shadepaw sat nearby the nursery grooming all the snow out of her fur. This snow just keeps on falling! she thought to herself, will newleaf ever come?

Playing with the kits Riycd4
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Honey Badger
Former Staff
Former Staff
Honey Badger

Characters : Current: Acornstar, Badgermask, Creamsky, Duckfeather, Eveningmoon, Flurrykit - Old: Badgerfang, Silentherb, Stormstar, Stormeye, Twistedfoot, Badgerpaw, Nightcloud, Maplestar, Honeypaw, Bearmask, Ryefur, Owlheart, Morningpaw, Creamstorm, Smokeheart, Badgerpaw, Cinderpaw, Elmpaw, Stormpaw, Larksong, Amberpelt, Lionspark, Smokestripe, Mottleheart, Storm that Lights the Clouds, Leopardpaw, Honeytongue, Foxfire, Flintshard, Hayglow, Muddyleap, Theron
Clan/Rank : [A]ThunderClan T5 Leader [B] ShadowClan T5 Warrior [C] SkyClan T5 Warrior [D] RiverClan T1 Warrior [E] WindClan T2 Warrior [F] ThunderClan Kit
Gemini Buffalo
Number of posts : 7419
Gender : She/Them/He
Age : 27

Playing with the kits Empty
PostSubject: Re: Playing with the kits   Playing with the kits EmptySat 2 Mar 2013 - 6:08

A grey and white bundle softly rose and fell as Twistedkit snoozed away in the nursery. He finally stirred, and raised his eyes against the harsh sunlight that was trying to burst it way into the nursery. With a soft growl he attempted to paw it away, to tired to care that he knew he wouldn't be able. After giving up, he forced himself to his paws and followed the stream of sunlight to it's source, outside. He limped outside with a sigh, his tail flickering as he lazily dragged his gaze across the camp. His eyes paused on Shadepaw, smiling softly as he saw his old friend. He hadn't seen much of the she-cat since she had left the nursery. He couldn't wait until he was an apprentice, then he could spend time with Shadepaw and most of all, Blossompaw, more! He flickered his tail in greeting as he limped his way over. "Hey Shadepaw."


Playing with the kits ABC-Gang-Acornstar-2
Acornstar ~ Badgermask ~ Creamsky ~ Duckfeather ~ Eveningmoon ~ Flurrykit (Not pictured)
TC T5 Leader (70/190) ~ SC T5 Warrior (70/190) ~ SkC T5 Warrior (70/190) ~ RC T1 Warrior (30/70) ~ WC T2 Warrior (40/100) ~ TC Kit (10/20)
Rosybrown (Forest)/Sandybrown (Feral) ~ Indigo ~ Tan ~ Olive ~ Icyblue ~ Slategray
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Leo Cat
Number of posts : 632
Age : 24

Playing with the kits Empty
PostSubject: Re: Playing with the kits   Playing with the kits EmptySat 2 Mar 2013 - 14:06

"Oh hello there Twistedkit. How are you today?" Shadepaw asked her old friend. It seemed ages since she had last seen him.

Playing with the kits Riycd4
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Honey Badger
Former Staff
Former Staff
Honey Badger

Characters : Current: Acornstar, Badgermask, Creamsky, Duckfeather, Eveningmoon, Flurrykit - Old: Badgerfang, Silentherb, Stormstar, Stormeye, Twistedfoot, Badgerpaw, Nightcloud, Maplestar, Honeypaw, Bearmask, Ryefur, Owlheart, Morningpaw, Creamstorm, Smokeheart, Badgerpaw, Cinderpaw, Elmpaw, Stormpaw, Larksong, Amberpelt, Lionspark, Smokestripe, Mottleheart, Storm that Lights the Clouds, Leopardpaw, Honeytongue, Foxfire, Flintshard, Hayglow, Muddyleap, Theron
Clan/Rank : [A]ThunderClan T5 Leader [B] ShadowClan T5 Warrior [C] SkyClan T5 Warrior [D] RiverClan T1 Warrior [E] WindClan T2 Warrior [F] ThunderClan Kit
Gemini Buffalo
Number of posts : 7419
Gender : She/Them/He
Age : 27

Playing with the kits Empty
PostSubject: Re: Playing with the kits   Playing with the kits EmptySat 2 Mar 2013 - 15:05

"I'm good," Twistedkit said as he looked at the older cat. Soon, he would be a paw, just like Shadepaw. "How about you?"


Playing with the kits ABC-Gang-Acornstar-2
Acornstar ~ Badgermask ~ Creamsky ~ Duckfeather ~ Eveningmoon ~ Flurrykit (Not pictured)
TC T5 Leader (70/190) ~ SC T5 Warrior (70/190) ~ SkC T5 Warrior (70/190) ~ RC T1 Warrior (30/70) ~ WC T2 Warrior (40/100) ~ TC Kit (10/20)
Rosybrown (Forest)/Sandybrown (Feral) ~ Indigo ~ Tan ~ Olive ~ Icyblue ~ Slategray
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Leo Cat
Number of posts : 632
Age : 24

Playing with the kits Empty
PostSubject: Re: Playing with the kits   Playing with the kits EmptySat 2 Mar 2013 - 15:48

"I'm fine," Shadepaw said. She wondered how long it was before Twistedkit became an apprentice. Pretty soon, I should hope, she thought to herself.

Playing with the kits Riycd4
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