Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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Welcome to WCC! Here are our latest announcements:
Activity checks take place on the 1st of the month. PM a staff member with the completed form if you missed it.
Greenleaf is finally here, and the clans all feel the effect of rising temperatures.
Gatherings take place on the 1st of the month; keep your eyes out for a staff member's post!
Please feel free to hit up any staff member if you have any questions!


 Such a Santa pawed night

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2 posters
~Rose blue~

~Rose blue~

Clan/Rank : Windclan person
Taurus Buffalo
Number of posts : 3084
Age : 27

Such a Santa pawed night Empty
PostSubject: Such a Santa pawed night   Such a Santa pawed night EmptyTue 18 Dec 2012 - 21:50

There screeching in the nursery was fluffbug the she-cat, her mate ad died in a recent battle (which ever one that was) and her kit was being born currently. Before a Medicen cat could arrive she felt a jolt of pain in her lower body again and then something wet landed on the ground beside her, she noticed she was bleeding but didnt know it was abnormal to bleed so much. With her last energy she opened up the sac so the kit could breathe and saw the black paws, she emidately said blacklist and passed out

You never forget a true friend no matter how much you want to
My Internet family sleepy and fire

7 Lives
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Clan/Rank : RiverClan
Capricorn Tiger
Number of posts : 9740
Age : 25

Such a Santa pawed night Empty
PostSubject: Re: Such a Santa pawed night   Such a Santa pawed night EmptyTue 18 Dec 2012 - 21:58

Such a Santa pawed night Wat

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pm me

Such a Santa pawed night I42GrfL
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Such a Santa pawed night
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