Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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Greenleaf is finally here, and the clans all feel the effect of rising temperatures.
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 Stats bars!

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Clan/Rank : N/A
Sagittarius Tiger
Number of posts : 4295
Age : 25

Stats bars! Empty
PostStats bars!

Okay broskiis, some more news.
We have decided to end the rule of the stat bars! We're going to be deleting them, so don't worry about why your health just poofed. This is just cause they're too hard to update, because when Mistpelt made this site there were only like, 10 of us, so it was easier back then. Now there's HUNDREDS of you and we can't keep up.

Alright, go back to your own lives.

~Bloo <3


Stats bars! Red12
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Stats bars! :: Comments

Re: Stats bars!
Post Thu 6 Sep 2012 - 15:16 by Ebby
Re: Stats bars!
Post Thu 6 Sep 2012 - 15:17 by Sleepy
Oh, like you used them anyways.
Re: Stats bars!
Post Thu 6 Sep 2012 - 15:18 by Ebby
I did when I was actually MC. cx
Re: Stats bars!
Post Thu 6 Sep 2012 - 16:54 by Jay
Now people can look up the HP and not have to worry about a stat bar that no one looks at! 8D
Re: Stats bars!
Post Thu 6 Sep 2012 - 17:45 by Bloo
Yay! All of our lives just got that much easier. C:
Re: Stats bars!
Post Fri 7 Sep 2012 - 7:11 by Guest
Damn. That helped me when I was doing the battles, and like, training. Why couldn't you just have let us do it ourselves? *sob* and if it wasn't right, you'd go at us and scowl us. xD
Re: Stats bars!
Post Wed 12 Sep 2012 - 16:31 by Swifty
Here's an idea, we could put our stat bars in our signatures. We could update them ourselves, taking a huge load off of the mods/admins. If anything was reported to be obscenely unfair, an admin would manually take care of it. Minor deviations from the normal stats would likely just be a message to the person letting them know.
Re: Stats bars!
Post Sat 15 Sep 2012 - 19:48 by Guest
Yes! That is what we need! Exactly Swift! :)
Re: Stats bars!
Post Sat 15 Sep 2012 - 19:54 by Little
Re: Stats bars!
Post Sat 15 Sep 2012 - 20:58 by Splotch
...Well, Some of us. *cough* me *cough* are too lazy to actually change it. Soon we won't even do it.
Re: Stats bars!
Post Sun 16 Sep 2012 - 13:24 by dawn
I agree i'm too lazy to change it.
Re: Stats bars!
Post Sun 16 Sep 2012 - 14:46 by Sleepy
My only concern is that we'll get our HP wrong.

Alright, I propose that we all use the Clan/Rank thing in your profile to put your rank as replacements for stat bars. Battles aren't that frequent on here anyways, so if you're lazy you don't have to worry. ;w;
Re: Stats bars!
Post Thu 1 Nov 2012 - 19:02 by Guest
Re: Stats bars!
Post Thu 1 Nov 2012 - 19:10 by Splotch
Wow, -__-
Re: Stats bars!
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Stats bars!

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