Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Grey kit of Riverclan

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2 posters


Characters : Tarot | Greypaw- | Plague | Sootpaw*
Clan/Rank : Tarot: Tier 3/Loner | Plague: Tier 1/Loner
Pisces Goat
Number of posts : 224
Gender : He/Him They/Them
Age : 21

Grey kit of Riverclan Empty
PostSubject: Grey kit of Riverclan   Grey kit of Riverclan EmptyMon 10 May 2021 - 18:12

Cat Name: Greykit

Gender: Tomcat

Appearance: Greykit is an American longhair mix. His main pelt is made up of a soft, dull brown with flecks of slightly lighter and slightly darker variations of the shade. His details include ivory white socks on his legs, ivory-coloured ears and an ivory blaze on his nose. His tail tip is also, predictably, the
same white.

Other details include occasional darker brown-grey strips that border the ivory details. These stripes also frame his face in the impression of a tabby. The eyes bordered by this darker colour are a silvery grey
with stormy grey variations and, currently, faint traces of murky yellow.
His skin is grey in colour, with his nose dappled with a lighter grey.

His build is that of an average long hair, the soft colour of his pelt not putting to shame his soft, silky fur
that is rather a hassle to clean.

Personality: Grey is still a kit, and his personality is developing. The loss of his parents altered him in a rather permanent way, the once-energetic kit now lazy, and apathetic, with a lacking enthusiasm for life. Where he once used to play with his kin, Fawnkit and Pollenkit now lie unused by any kits.

He matured rather quickly in light of this, well, other than his tendency for sardonic, humour in retaliation to any attempt to discipline him. He spends most of his time lazing around, the inactive kit occasionally gets a few bursts of playfulness, but they don’t last long, and he swiftly returns to his few favourite spots in the camp. Recently he’s grown interested in what the medicine cats do but doesn’t intend to become
one, because, as he says, ‘It’s too troublesome.

Despite his physical inactivity, his mental activity is rather high. He daydreams about things, outlandish
ideas that would never really work in the real world, and battle moves that would also never really work in

He doesn’t have enough knowledge to make his ideas more realistic yet, but that doesn’t stop him from sharing his ideas with the elders he enjoys hanging out with (Because they don’t require energy).

Occasionally, if pushed enough, the kit’s tongue becomes harsh, his words lacking care for the impact they may have. His self-control, while high for his age, is not enough to keep him from these outbursts
if he’s in a foul mood.

All in all, he has a lot of room to grow, and the time to do so… if nothing bad happens, that is.

Clan: Riverclan.


Grey’s parents were named Claytail, the father, and Softcurrent, the mother. They were both decent warriors, who had participated in a few scuffles before. Not too notable, they often slipped into the background of the clan, and mostly stuck together as friends and mates, not interacting with many others in the clan. During birth, Softcurrent had a few complications, and two of her five kits died at birth. Grey, Pollen(F), and Fawn(m) were the last three.

After she recovered Softcurrent cared for
them until they were able o eat solid food, after that she and Clay tried to never both be busy at a time
so one could look after the kits.

The three kits were energetic, and close to each other, playing and pretending they were mighty warriors defending the clan, as kits often do. Fawn though soon grew interested in being a medicine cat,
commenting often about how cool they were and how they got to talk to the magical ghosts of the clans’ ancestors. Pollen and Grey often teased him about it, but never maliciously, and they always all ended up falling into fits of laughter whenever it happened.

Then, both their parents got called out to help with a border patrol, some sort of scuffle with outsiders.
They never returned; both having fallen into the gorge during the fight, their mother had done so in an attempt to save their father. After that the kits were rather listless, it took a while for them to get back to some semblance of normal. They were more subdued, but Fawn became even more determined to become a medicine cat, so no one else would have to deal with what they did.

His dream never came true, Pollen, always the most daring, told Grey and Fawn to follow her. It was storming out, and everyone in the nursery was asleep. Apparently, Pollen had been secretly creating a path through the back of the nursery’s wall, leading to the nearby river.

Foolishly, the two brothers listened. Upon growing near the roaring river and pouring rain, Pollen told them to look up. They did, the sight of the storm above taking the daring kits’ breath away in awe. For a while they just sat together, marvelling at the sight. Grey, finally growing nervous, told them they should head back, beginning to walk back toward camp, the other two wanted to stay a bit longer though.

At that moment a rogue wave crashed onto shore from a fallen tree limb. It struck the two that remained close to the riverbank, dragging them into its watery depths, abruptly cutting off their cries of terror. Grey watched, paralyzed, and tried to race after them along the river. It couldn’t be helped though, the two were washed away further and further from sight.

A queen at the time had woken with the sound of the breaking branch. Upon not finding the siblings
there, she searched for them, but only found Grey, sitting by the riverbank in shock, the other two nowhere in

He was brought back, dried, and only got a mild chill from the event, but for the next weeks he was
barely responsive.

After a moon, he became aware again, but any energy he used to have was gone. He lazed around listlessly, trying to distract himself from his now completely absent family, slowly he recovered, but he’d never be the same kit as before. He was going to grow and become an apprentice alone, his sister not at his side, and unable to see his brother become the medicine cat he wished to be.

He was alone and decided to no longer care. After all, apathy was better than heartache, right?

(Claytail, Softcurrent, Fawnkit, and Pollenkit are all NPCs, only to be used in reference to Grey’s
background. Nothing more nothing less.)
Grey kit of Riverclan 20210510
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : ×Mossbloom ; ×Dappleshine ; ×Goldengale ; ×Blossomstep ; ×Murkystar ; ×Dewlight ; ×Sunnyskip ; ×Anastasia ; (S)tormypaw ; (C)inderpaw ; (Q)uickpaw
Clan/Rank : (S) ThunderClan Apprentice ; (C) ShadowClan Apprentice ; (Q) SkyClan Apprentice
Cancer Rat
Number of posts : 3564
Gender : She/Her
Age : 27

Grey kit of Riverclan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Grey kit of Riverclan   Grey kit of Riverclan EmptyMon 10 May 2021 - 20:50


Grey kit of Riverclan 25403010 Grey kit of Riverclan 25403011 Grey kit of Riverclan 25403012

Stormypaw (♀) ||| Cinderpaw (♀) ||| Quickkit (♀)
ThunderClan Apprentice ~ 20 HP / 60 SP ||| ShadowClan Apprentice ~ 20 HP / 60 SP ||| SkyClan Kit ~ 10 HP / 30 SP

StarClan: Mossbloom, Dappleshine, Goldengale, Blossomstep, Sunnyskip
Other: Murkystar, Dewlight, Anastasia
Dark Forest: None

Grey kit of Riverclan Giphy
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