Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 A Winged Romance

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Characters : Ravenmist (R) | Crowspirit (C)
Clan/Rank : ShadowClan, WindClan
Taurus Rooster
Number of posts : 1217
Gender : She/her
Age : 19

A Winged Romance Empty
PostSubject: A Winged Romance   A Winged Romance EmptyThu 25 Oct 2018 - 18:53

Falconpaw needs somebody to love and somebody to help her heal.
Beepaw, her best friend/crush died, and now she's pretty much got no friends except for kits.
She would probably need someone she could talk to/someone who could sympathize with her, and patient.
Friends at first, then maybe when they are warriors it could develop into something more.

ThunderClan toms only, I will accept NAWs and older apprentices, as Falconpaw is about 12 moons but unable to become a warrior due to the moonstone ban.

Please, help this bab get over her unhealthy grief and back to bubbly, chatty Falconpaw

A Winged Romance FCWEm7
~ ShadowClan Deputy ~
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A Winged Romance Crowsp10
Ravenmist | Blind | She-cat | T2 ShadowClan Deputy (Disabled) | 95/250 | 0000ff
Crowspirit | Tom | WindClan Tier 2 Warrior | 45/160 | 003300
Ospreypaw | She-cat | ThunderClan Apprentice | 20/80 | cc9900
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A Winged Romance Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Winged Romance   A Winged Romance EmptyFri 26 Oct 2018 - 10:19

Hmmm, I could offer Flintpaw again lol. He's getting over his sister's death, so they can grieve together!

He is a bit of a commitment-phobe though, BUT in the future, I was going to give him a "soulmate" if you will, someone that he actually cares about and feels he belongs with.

Maybe Falcon and Flint could be friends, maybe have some romance later on, and then he leaves her, then comes back in the far future? Idk

I won't be sad if you say no though lol. Flinty is a hard cat to love LOL
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Characters : Ravenmist (R) | Crowspirit (C)
Clan/Rank : ShadowClan, WindClan
Taurus Rooster
Number of posts : 1217
Gender : She/her
Age : 19

A Winged Romance Empty
PostSubject: Re: A Winged Romance   A Winged Romance EmptyFri 26 Oct 2018 - 11:08

That could work. If you don't mind, I'd like to wait a bit, and keep this open to see if anyone else would like to. If nobody else wants to, the spot is yours!

Also it might be a bit hard to get her back after he leaves her because by then Puddlepaw will have left her too and she won't trust toms to be committed anymore so it will take a lot of effort on his part to convince her.

A Winged Romance FCWEm7
~ ShadowClan Deputy ~
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A Winged Romance Crowsp10
Ravenmist | Blind | She-cat | T2 ShadowClan Deputy (Disabled) | 95/250 | 0000ff
Crowspirit | Tom | WindClan Tier 2 Warrior | 45/160 | 003300
Ospreypaw | She-cat | ThunderClan Apprentice | 20/80 | cc9900
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