Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Sandpaw's Moonstone Journey

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Characters : Living: Sunleap [t1], Bearpaw. Dead: so many
Clan/Rank : TC Apprentice
Sagittarius Monkey
Number of posts : 3860
Gender : She/her
Age : 19

Sandpaw's Moonstone Journey - Page 2 Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sandpaw's Moonstone Journey   Sandpaw's Moonstone Journey - Page 2 EmptySat 3 Feb 2018 - 21:22

OOC: Sorry!
Flowerpetal's ears twitched, and she nodded slowly as Sandpaw spoke. There was a slight pause after the apprentice finished speaking, and Flowerpetal shifted slightly, trying to think of a way to go about this delicately. "That's a difficult question to answer, Sandpaw." She mewed finally, her voice as soft as ever. "You're many things, but you're definitely not a disloyal cat just because you speak your mind." Flowerpetal turned towards Sandpaw, catching and holding the apprentices' gaze. "There's a time in every cat's life when they must make an important decision- one that may very well change the entire forest." She spoke carefully, each word slow and deliberate. "I'm not going to make this choice for you, Sandpaw. However, I will tell you this: Many cats would say that it is more important to be true to one's self than worry about one's reputation, while others might suggest that a reputation is the only way to get cats to respect one's worldview. In the end, it doesn't matter what Ivystar will say- the choice you make, to speak or to be silent, is what will change you."
As Flowerpetal spoke, she began to fade. When she had finished, she was all but gone. She opened her mouth, but no sound came out, so she merely smiled.
And then she was gone.

Sandpaw stirred in the cave. A faint flowery scent clung to her fur.

Sunleap – T1 TC Warrior – #009966 | Bearpaw – TC Apprentice – #0066ff Feral/#006666 Forest
Bear's 1/2 Feral Buffs
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