Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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Activity checks take place on the 1st of the month. If you miss one activity check, make sure you do the next one!
Leaf-fall is finally here, and with it, the promise of colder, crueler, days ahead.
Gatherings take place on the 1st of the month; keep your eyes out for a staff member's post!
Please feel free to hit up any staff member if you have any questions!


 Temporary Battle System

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Staff Team

Staff Team

Number of posts : 55
Gender : Unspecified

Temporary Battle System Empty
PostSubject: Temporary Battle System   Temporary Battle System EmptyThu 30 May 2024 - 21:56

Welcome to the beginnings of our new battle system!


Kit: 10HP / 20EP
Apprentice: 20HP / 60EP
Tier 1 Warrior: 30HP / 80EP
Tier 2 Warrior: 40HP / 110EP
Tier 3 Warrior: 50HP / 140EP
Tier 4 Warrior: 60HP / 170EP
Tier 5 Warrior: 70HP / 200EP

Tier 1 Rogue: 35HP / 80EP
Tier 2 Rogue: 45HP / 110EP
Tier 3 Rogue: 55HP / 140EP
Tier 4 Rogue: 65HP / 170EP

Medicine Cat (Non-Hybrid):40HP / 100EP (restricted to apprentice damage and moves)
Hybrid Medicine Cats: Same stats as their previous Warrior tier
Medicine Cat Apprentice: 20HP / 50EP (restricted to apprentice damage and moves)
Elder: 45HP 100EP (Restricted to tier 1 warrior damage and moves)
Queen: Same stats as previous tier; 45HP / 100EP for Permaqueen NPC (restricted to tier 1 warrior damage and moves)

Rogues will use corresponding warrior tier damages. Example: A tier 3 rogue will use tier 3 warrior damage.

Note: EP stands for Endurance Points and is taking the place of the old system's stamina points, or SP.

Basic Attacks
Status Effect Attacks
Situational Moves
Combat Ending Moves

All basic Attacks cost 5EP

Basic Attacks


Uses: -
Effect: None
Save: -
Restriction: -

A solid smack with a sheathed paw.
Kit: 2
App: 4
T1: 6
T2: 8
T3: 9
T4: 10
T5: 11


Uses: -
Effect: None
Save: -
Restriction: -

Swipe at an opponent with unsheathed claws, drawing blood.
Kit: 4
App: 6
T1: 8
T2: 10
T3: 11
T4: 12
T5: 13


Uses: -
Effect: None
Save: -
Restriction: -

A quick bite and release, puncturing your opponent's flesh.
Kit: 4
App: 6
T1: 8
T2: 10
T3: 11
T4: 12
T5: 13

All Status Effect Attacks cost 15EP

Status Effect Attacks


Uses: Agility
Effect: Stun/1 turn
Save: Agility
Restriction: 1x successful use per opponent, may not be used when double-teaming

Throw your opponent off-balance and stun them for one turn. Opponent may attempt a saving throw to avoid the status effect.
App: 5
T1: 6
T2: 7
T3: 8
T4: 9
T5: 10

Leap and Hold

Uses: Strength
Effect: Pin/x turns
Save: -
Restriction: 1x successful use per opponent, may not be used when double-teaming

Knock your opponent to the ground and hold them down with your paws, dealing damage for each turn your opponent is pinned. Opponent may only use Duck and Twist to attempt to break the pin, and cannot otherwise attack for the duration of the pin
Roll an effect dice:
1,3,5: Opponent pinned 1 turn
2,4,6: Opponent pinned 2 turns
App: 5
T1: 6
T2: 7
T3: 8
T4: 9
T5: 10

Bite and Hold

Uses: Strength
Effect: Hold/x turns
Save: -
Restriction: 1x successful use per opponent, may not be used when double-teaming

Sink your teeth into an opponent and hold on tight. Does not count as a pin or stun and cannot be broken out of. Opponent may only use Smack or Claw to attack for the duration of the hold.
Roll an effect dice:
1,3,5: Opponent held 1 turn
2,4,6: Opponent held 2 turns
App: 6
T1: 7
T2: 8
T3: 9
T4: 10
T5: 11

All Situational Moves cost 10EP

Situational Moves


Uses: Agility or specified Save
Effect: Negate the damage of one attack, or remove a non-pin status effect
Restriction: 2x successful use per opponent, may not be used while double-teaming

Attempt to dodge an incoming attack. [Dodge chance = ability save - (number of engaged opponents - 1)]
Roll an Effect dice:
1,3,5: Fail
2,4,6: Success
No Damage

Duck and Twist

Uses: -
Effect: Break out of a Pin status effect
Restriction: -

While under the effect of Pin, attempt to break out of it.
Roll an effect dice:
1,3,5: Fail
2,4,6: Successfully break pin
Fail: 3
Success: 7

Surprise Attack

Uses: Stealth
Effect: None
Save: Perception
Restriction: May only be used in conjunction with (on the same turn as) a Basic Attack

Deal +3 bonus damage if you can take your opponent by surprise and attack while they are unaware of your presence. Otherwise, deal the listed attack damage. Automatically apply the bonus damage if your Stealth is x higher than opponent's Perception.
All Ranks: +3

Belly Rake

Uses: Agility
Effect: Recoil damage on failure
Save: Agility
Restriction: 2x successful use per topic

Attempt to slide underneath your opponent and rake at their soft belly with unsheathed claws.
Roll an Effect dice:
1,3,5: Fail, damage to you
2,4,6: Success, damage opponent
All Ranks, Fail: 5
App: 10
T1: 12
T2: 14
T3: 16
T4: 18
T5: 20


Effect: Take damage intended for an ally
Restriction: -

Leap in front of an ally, taking the damage from the last thing to attack them.
No Damage

Combat Ending Moves

Hit and Run

Uses: Agility
Effect: Ends battle
Save: -
Restriction: Cannot be dodged

Lash out wildly in an attempt to hit the last cat who attacked you and flee combat.
Roll an effect dice:
1,3,5: Fail to attack
2,4,6: Successful attack
Kit: 2
App: 3
T1: 4
T2: 5
T3: 6
T4: 7
T5: 8

Duck and Run

Uses: Agility
Effect: Ends battle
Save: -
Restriction: -

Attempt to dodge the last attack made against you and flee combat.
Roll an effect dice:
1,3,5: Fail to dodge
2,4,6: Successful dodge
No Damage

Lethal Strike

Uses: -
Effect: Kill opponent
Save: -
Restriction: Cannot be dodged, must be used with permission of opponent

Make one final strike, killing your opponent.
All Remaining HP

If you need to get ahold of a staff member please check here for those you need to reach out to!

Last edited by Staff Team on Wed 26 Jun 2024 - 13:14; edited 3 times in total
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Staff Team

Staff Team

Number of posts : 55
Gender : Unspecified

Temporary Battle System Empty
PostSubject: Re: Temporary Battle System   Temporary Battle System EmptyFri 31 May 2024 - 17:52

(The Healing System was developed by several members over time, including but not limited to Maple, Aspen, kjSage, Holly, Stormy and Mamenchisaurus.)

Healing System Rules

1. Medicine cats can only heal cats not actively engaged in combat.
2. The time limits in fights do not apply to medicine cats in official battles.
3. Medicine cats cannot engage in combat nor can they be attacked at this time in official battles.
4. Against predators or in unofficial battles, medicine cats can attack and be attacked. They will all use only basic moves and the apprentice damage unless they are hybrid medicine cats, in which case they follow the limitations of their previous Warrior Tier.

Medicine Cat Moves

Moves that can only be used by medicine cats and medicine cat apprentices. Available moves differ by class of medicine cat and rank.
Medicine Cat Move




Prepare for Battle

MCA: 2
Tier 1: 4
Tier 2: 4
Tier 3: 5
Tier 4: 5


Prepare one of your loved ones for combat through strengthening herbs. Gives additional starting HP to one cat of your choice. Usable only prior to the start of battle in a topic.

Minor Heal

All: 3


Heals a cat a small amount by patching them up with cobwebs. Can only be used once per cat.

Minor Endurance Boost

All: 10


Help a cat recover a mild amount of endurance by feeding them burnet. Can only be used once per cat.

Standard Heal

Tier 1: 5
Tier 2: 5
Tier 3: 5
Tier 4: 5


Heals a cat a decent amount by offering poppy seeds for pain and cobwebs to patch wounds. Can only be used once per cat.

Major Heal

Tier 2: 10
Tier 3: 10
Tier 4: 10


Press a herb mixture into a cat’s wounds and feed them poppy seeds for pain. Can only be used once per cat.

Major Endurance Boost

Tier 2: 20
Tier 3: 20
Tier 4: 20


Feed burnet, poppy seeds, and a lamb’s ear mixture to boost endurance. Can only be used once per cat.

Attacking Buff

From T2: -1 EP to all moves


Having your medicine cat by your side gives you the confidence to attack freely. Activates for all friendly cats on the medicine cat’s side. Ability is used throughout the battle until the medicine cat is Knocked-Out, times out, or attacks in any other means than defensively. Triggered when your Medicine Cat is with you in enemy territory.

Defending Buff

From T2: +3 to max HP


Having your medicine cat by your side gives you additional strength to face your foes. Activates for all friendly cats on the medicine cat’s side. Ability is used throughout the battle until the medicine cat is Knocked-Out, times out, or attacks in any other means than defensively. Triggered when your medicine cat is with you in friendly territory.


Tier 3: 20
Tier 4: 20

All Remaining

Use all of your skill and experience in healing to revive one character to a decent amount of health. Does not restore endurance. Can only be used once per topic; cannot be used on characters who KO’d due to a timeout or Combat Ending Moves.

Max Revive

Tier 4: Full HP

All Remaining

Use all of your expertise to fully bring back a cat’s health points. Does not restore stamina. Can only be used once per topic; cannot be used on characters who KO’d due to a timeout or Combat Ending Moves.

If you need to get ahold of a staff member please check here for those you need to reach out to!
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