Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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Activity checks take place on the 1st of the month. PM a staff member with the completed form if you missed it.
Greenleaf is finally here, and the clans all feel the effect of rising temperatures.
Gatherings take place on the 1st of the month; keep your eyes out for a staff member's post!
Please feel free to hit up any staff member if you have any questions!


 Snakekit of WindClan [Bonus Slot]

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2 posters


Characters : [H]Harebounce, [R]Redsun, [S]Snaildance, [M]Ramone, [K]Snakekit
Clan/Rank : RC Tier 4 Warrior; TC Tier 3 Warrior, SC Tier 2 Warrior, Tier 1 Rogue, WC Kit
Leo Dragon
Number of posts : 2535
Gender : anything, baby - kitty was here ♥
Age : 23

Snakekit of WindClan [Bonus Slot] Empty
PostSubject: Snakekit of WindClan [Bonus Slot]   Snakekit of WindClan [Bonus Slot] EmptyThu 16 May 2024 - 16:12

Cat Name: Snakekit/ Snakepaw/ Snakewhisper

Tom, She-Cat, or Nonbinary: Male

Appearance: Pure white cat with sulfurous yellow eyes. Wispy fur that calls to mind cobwebs. Tall and thin with angular features. He’s got RBF, Resting Beech Face, real bad. Light on his feet, but typically has a strong presence.

let's not forget i'm talking about a cat here:

Personality: Snakekit is someone cold, highly observant, calculating, and detached yet passionate. He somehow manages to act suspicious with everything he does. He never does anything wrong, at least, no one can really see him doing it, but he’s just so suspicious all the time. He’s very much the Obvious Villainous Royal Advisor archetype. Like things going wrong must be his fault, right? But there’s no evidence. (Really, he doesn’t do evil things, he just acts like this for some reason??) He’s exceptionally loyal to a select few, almost to the point of worship, and will do whatever he can to support his chosen people in their goals no matter how grand, even so far as to throw others and himself under the bus. That is to say, he would never become a leader himself, as it would be contrary to his methods, unless doing so would further aid the one he has devoted himself to. He isn’t afraid to get his paws dirty or stain his name red.

Clan: WindClan

Origins: Nectarflower x Kestrelchirp

{help me update the wcc family tree!}
Harebounce    |    Redsun    |    Snaildance    |    Ramone    |    Snakekit
Snakekit of WindClan [Bonus Slot] Jan20210Snakekit of WindClan [Bonus Slot] Wccpun10
"Close your eyes, I'll be here in the mornin'."
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Site Administrator
Site Administrator

Characters : [N]ectarflower ; [H]emlockfox ; [W]iggleworm ; [F]irepaw ; [M]oonkit
Clan/Rank : [N] T5 WC Permaqueen ; [H] T2 WC MC ; [W] T2 TC Warrior ; [F] SkC Apprentice ; [M] WC Kit
Number of posts : 843
Gender : He/Him

Snakekit of WindClan [Bonus Slot] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Snakekit of WindClan [Bonus Slot]   Snakekit of WindClan [Bonus Slot] EmptyThu 16 May 2024 - 16:27


[Nectarflower] T5 WC Permaqueen
[Hemlockfox] T3 WC Medicine Cat
[Wiggleworm] T3 TC Warrior
[Firepaw] SkC Apprentice
[Moonpaw] WC Apprentice
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Snakekit of WindClan [Bonus Slot]
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