Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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Activity checks take place on the 1st of the month. PM a staff member with the completed form if you missed it.
Greenleaf is finally here, and the clans all feel the effect of rising temperatures.
Gatherings take place on the 1st of the month; keep your eyes out for a staff member's post!
Please feel free to hit up any staff member if you have any questions!


 Moonkit of WindClan [BONUS SLOT]

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2 posters
Site Administrator
Site Administrator

Characters : [N]ectarflower ; [H]emlockfox ; [W]iggleworm ; [F]irepaw ; [M]oonpaw
Clan/Rank : [N] T5 WC Permaqueen ; [H] 3 WC MC ; [W] T3 TC Warrior ; [F] SkC Apprentice ; [M] WC Apprentice
Number of posts : 846
Gender : He/Him

Moonkit of WindClan [BONUS SLOT] Empty
PostSubject: Moonkit of WindClan [BONUS SLOT]   Moonkit of WindClan [BONUS SLOT] EmptySun 12 May 2024 - 22:19

Cat Name: Moonkit/paw/???

Tom, She-Cat, or Nonbinary: She-cat

Appearance: A thin, long-legged she-cat with a soft gray and white spotted pelt, wispy, sleek fur and large ears. She has a narrow, angular face and green eyes. 

Personality: A very calm, go-with-the-flow gal, Moonkit prefers to sit back and wait to see all sides of potential conflict before voicing her opinions. And, if she doesn't deem 
the issue important enough, won't say anything at all. She doesn't worry about much by any means which can sometimes come off as laziness or carelessness, but when it comes
 down to it, that couldn't be further from the truth. Moonkit simply suffers from severe insomnia and doesn't often have the energy to dedicate to complex issues. And, because of her 
insomnia, often comes off as irritable or moody which, to be fair, she usually is.

Clan: WindClan

Origins: Nectarflower x Kestrelchirp
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Site Moderator
Site Moderator

Characters : Falconmoon, Auburnrain, Sagefeather, Asmodeus, Snowpaw
Cancer Goat
Number of posts : 3090
Gender : Female; She/Her
Age : 33

Moonkit of WindClan [BONUS SLOT] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Moonkit of WindClan [BONUS SLOT]   Moonkit of WindClan [BONUS SLOT] EmptySun 12 May 2024 - 23:24



Falconmoon | Skyclan | Tier 5 Warrior #66ccff X
Auburnrain | Windclan | Tier 3 Warrior #CC9900 X
Sagefeather | Shadowclan | Tier 3 Warrior #99cc99 X
Asmodeus | Rogue | Tier 3 Rogue #960502 X
Snowpaw | Skyclan | Apprentice #9999ff X
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* = Disabled Stats

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Moonkit of WindClan [BONUS SLOT]
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