Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Let's Play Ball [c]

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Characters : [B]oartusk, [Spi]derdance, [O]leanderpaw, [Ser]pentkit
Clan/Rank : [B] Shadowclan T3 Warrior, [Spi] Windclan T3 Warrior, [O] Riverclan Apprentice, [Ser] Thunderclan Unborn Kit
Capricorn Tiger
Number of posts : 634
Gender : Male (He/Him)
Age : 25

Let's Play Ball [c] Empty
PostSubject: Let's Play Ball [c]   Let's Play Ball [c] EmptySun 31 Mar 2024 - 23:13

"Ghost in your house, Ghost in your arms"
Apprentice | ShadowClan | He/Him

Boarpaw didn't think he had a favorite task to do. Collecting moss, hunting, and border patrols were just something he did. It was part of being an apprentice, and soon, it would be part of being a warrior. However, he did find himself enjoying the more domestic duties. Checking on the elders and queens was sort of nice. Sometimes he got a nice conversation or story out of the elders when he was changing their bedding, sometimes it was just chill, mindless work that allowed him to retreat into his mind and relax. Hunting was nice too, he liked to search and find things, but he couldn't fully unwind until he walked back through the entrance of the hollow and into the comfort of camp.

The large tom finished refreshing the last nest in the nursery, his gaze flicking around the den to ensure he had not forgotten anything. He was done for the night and had a little bit of leftover moss he had not used, though Boarpaw had a plan for how to give it a purpose. He was sure a few kits in camp might appreciate engagement.

A small black kitten was closest. Frecklekit? He had yet to really get to know these kits yet, but he was about to fix that. "Hey, are you up for a game?" He began to roll the loose moss into a much more functional ball.

discord: MediocreCrisis  | timezone: EST | code (c) kieer

Let's Play Ball [c] Spider-Oleander-Boar-Sig-1
Boartusk | Shadowclan T3 Warrior | #990000
Oleanderpaw | Riverclan Apprentice | #669933
Spiderdance | Windclan T3 Warrior | #0883D4
Serpentkit | Thunderclan Unborn Kit | #703642
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