Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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Activity checks take place on the 1st of the month. PM a staff member with the completed form if you missed it.
Greenleaf is finally here, and the clans all feel the effect of rising temperatures.
Gatherings take place on the 1st of the month; keep your eyes out for a staff member's post!
Please feel free to hit up any staff member if you have any questions!


 New Leaves, New Life [Ridgekit]

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2 posters
Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : [W]olfstar [S]toneheart (plot) [Sw]wandive [B]riarpaw [H]oneypaw [C]loudjumper // Smokefeather, Beechface | Beechfang, Mistyfalcon, Nighthawk (npc), Eosphoros (plot), Birdsong, Eleos | Swiftspirit, Atalante | Featherfrost, Brackenwing, Harechaser, Whitesnake (plot), Flamegaze (plot), Moondancer, Graywind
Clan/Rank : [W] SkC/T5 Leader [S] SkC/T5 Warrior [Sw] RC/T4 Warrior [B] SC/App [H] SkC/App [C] WC/T2 Warrior
Cancer Tiger
Number of posts : 5910
Age : 26

New Leaves, New Life [Ridgekit] Empty
PostSubject: New Leaves, New Life [Ridgekit]   New Leaves, New Life [Ridgekit] EmptyThu 28 Mar 2024 - 13:17

Morning sent shafts of warm light through the nursery's entrance as Stoneheart laid in her nest. With newleaf in full swing, the days had grown noticeably warmer, a pleasant relief from the bitter chill that had infested the forest for moons on end. With newleaf also came several kits in the nursery, one of which was slowly starting to stir at her side. "Morning," She mewed softly, gently licking the long-furred tom between the ears before stretching and then standing.

"Come, Ridgekit. Let's head outside." She mewed, gently nudging her son from his nest. If she spent too long in the somewhat cramped den, Stoneheart thought she might scream... And it did seem rather nice outside.


SkC Leader | Profiles | Plotting

T5 Leader
T4 Warrior
Not Pictured
Cloudjumper [Bonus]WC
T2 Warrior
Not Pictured
Stoneheart [Perma NPC]SkC
T5 Warrior
Not Pictured
Starclan: Beechfang, Mistyfalcon, Birdsong, Swiftspirit, Brackenwing, Harechaser, Moondancer, Graywind
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Characters : [S]agekit, [R]idgepaw, [E]mberkit
Clan/Rank : [S]RiverClan Kit [R]SkyClan Apprentice [E]ShadowClan Kit
Taurus Monkey
Number of posts : 38
Gender : she/her
Age : 20

New Leaves, New Life [Ridgekit] Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Leaves, New Life [Ridgekit]   New Leaves, New Life [Ridgekit] EmptyThu 28 Mar 2024 - 17:08

The Newleaf sun shone down bright on SkyClan's camp, illuminating the usually dark and shady nursery in a delightfully warm glow. Ridgekit stirred in his and his mother's nest fitfully, blinking the sleep from his eyes-- this kind of comfortable weather was taking some getting used to, and it took a lot of self control for him not to beg his mother to let him sleep the day away.

"Morning, Ma." Ridgekit mumbled tersely, shaking his coat free of his mother's affection; he hated when she doted on him, yet she continued to do it anyway despite all of his complaining. He let her nudge him out of the nursery with only minor griping, stretching out his little limbs in the sunlight. It was still early in the morning, all of the warriors preparing for their duties-- Ridgekit watches on as a patrol gathers at the camp entrance, small fluffy tail catching his mother's feet as it waves in the air. "Ma, you went on patrols a lot, right? What were they like?"

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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : [W]olfstar [S]toneheart (plot) [Sw]wandive [B]riarpaw [H]oneypaw [C]loudjumper // Smokefeather, Beechface | Beechfang, Mistyfalcon, Nighthawk (npc), Eosphoros (plot), Birdsong, Eleos | Swiftspirit, Atalante | Featherfrost, Brackenwing, Harechaser, Whitesnake (plot), Flamegaze (plot), Moondancer, Graywind
Clan/Rank : [W] SkC/T5 Leader [S] SkC/T5 Warrior [Sw] RC/T4 Warrior [B] SC/App [H] SkC/App [C] WC/T2 Warrior
Cancer Tiger
Number of posts : 5910
Age : 26

New Leaves, New Life [Ridgekit] Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Leaves, New Life [Ridgekit]   New Leaves, New Life [Ridgekit] EmptyFri 29 Mar 2024 - 16:58

Stoneheart smiled ruefully to herself as her son pulled away from her affection. He had an independent streak, that was clear... And she selfishly wished that he would stay the small kit at her side for just a little while longer. But time wouldn't wait for her to process each stage as he grew, she knew that.

The smoke-colored queen followed Ridgekit out into the camp, slowly stretching as the sunlight warmed her fur. The patrol gathering at the camp entrance had caught her eye just as it had her son, it seemed, and she nodded at the question.

"Lots of patrols... Mostly uneventful hunting and sky patrols, keeping watch over the territory from above. Not always uneventful, owls and foxes seem to think this territory is theirs, sometimes. But never anything Skyclan cats can't handle."


SkC Leader | Profiles | Plotting

T5 Leader
T4 Warrior
Not Pictured
Cloudjumper [Bonus]WC
T2 Warrior
Not Pictured
Stoneheart [Perma NPC]SkC
T5 Warrior
Not Pictured
Starclan: Beechfang, Mistyfalcon, Birdsong, Swiftspirit, Brackenwing, Harechaser, Moondancer, Graywind
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Characters : [S]agekit, [R]idgepaw, [E]mberkit
Clan/Rank : [S]RiverClan Kit [R]SkyClan Apprentice [E]ShadowClan Kit
Taurus Monkey
Number of posts : 38
Gender : she/her
Age : 20

New Leaves, New Life [Ridgekit] Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Leaves, New Life [Ridgekit]   New Leaves, New Life [Ridgekit] EmptyMon 1 Apr 2024 - 19:02

“Foxes?” Ridgekit echos, turning to look up at his mother with wide eyes. “You make patrols sound boring, Ma– foxes are the opposite of boring!”

Picking up his pace, Ridgekit padded his way to the middle of camp, the clearing losing its shade from the rising sun. He was antsy, suddenly full of an energy he wasn’t used to having; Ridgekit was usually reserved and low energy, lazy even… but the thought of chasing predators and leading patrols left an itch in his paws he’d never felt before. “Did you ever fight off a fox, Ma? Or a badger? Or a dog? Or a bear? I bet you could take a bear, Ma, you’re the best warrior SkyClan’s got! I bet Wolfstar’s ready for me to become an apprentice now… I’m keeping you stuck in the nursery.”

New Leaves, New Life [Ridgekit] 200w10

Sagekit ⭑ #00cc66 ⭑ 5/0* ⭑ RiverClan Kit
Ridgepaw ⭑ #3366ff ⭑ 20/60⭑ SkyClan Apprentice
Emberkit ⭑ #ff9933 ⭑ 10/30 ⭑ ShadowClan Kit (unborn)
* disabled stats
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : [W]olfstar [S]toneheart (plot) [Sw]wandive [B]riarpaw [H]oneypaw [C]loudjumper // Smokefeather, Beechface | Beechfang, Mistyfalcon, Nighthawk (npc), Eosphoros (plot), Birdsong, Eleos | Swiftspirit, Atalante | Featherfrost, Brackenwing, Harechaser, Whitesnake (plot), Flamegaze (plot), Moondancer, Graywind
Clan/Rank : [W] SkC/T5 Leader [S] SkC/T5 Warrior [Sw] RC/T4 Warrior [B] SC/App [H] SkC/App [C] WC/T2 Warrior
Cancer Tiger
Number of posts : 5910
Age : 26

New Leaves, New Life [Ridgekit] Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Leaves, New Life [Ridgekit]   New Leaves, New Life [Ridgekit] EmptyTue 2 Apr 2024 - 15:43

"Oh, foxes aren't boring..." Stoneheart allowed herself a small smile, "There will be days where you wish for the boring patrols, trust me." She'd been in her fair share of fights against predators, and there had once been a time where they seemingly couldn't walk more than a few tail lengths without finding some cleverly-hidden twoleg contraption... She prayed to Starclan that her kit would never have to experience nearly stepping in one of those or seeing their clanmates and friends caught up in one.

"Bears, no. But foxes, eagles and owls... Geese too, they're birds... But really big and really loud." She mewed, "You're still too young to explore the territory, but you'll be able to become an apprentice soon, Ridgekit." It was gratifying to see that her own kit was excited to become an apprentice. He had grown safe and sheltered, away from the instability and chaotic upbringing she'd had in fourtrees... That enthusiasm had been stamped out of Stoneheart from a younger age, but she hoped it wouldn't be like that for Ridgekit. Not if she could help it.


SkC Leader | Profiles | Plotting

T5 Leader
T4 Warrior
Not Pictured
Cloudjumper [Bonus]WC
T2 Warrior
Not Pictured
Stoneheart [Perma NPC]SkC
T5 Warrior
Not Pictured
Starclan: Beechfang, Mistyfalcon, Birdsong, Swiftspirit, Brackenwing, Harechaser, Moondancer, Graywind
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Characters : [S]agekit, [R]idgepaw, [E]mberkit
Clan/Rank : [S]RiverClan Kit [R]SkyClan Apprentice [E]ShadowClan Kit
Taurus Monkey
Number of posts : 38
Gender : she/her
Age : 20

New Leaves, New Life [Ridgekit] Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Leaves, New Life [Ridgekit]   New Leaves, New Life [Ridgekit] EmptyFri 12 Apr 2024 - 11:15

"The most dangerous thing is to love."
Kit | SkyClan | he/him

Ridgekit had not an inkling of an idea about his mother's past, what hardships she and the rest of their clan had gone through all those moons ago-- her words struck him as odd, a little pained. Nostalgic, but in a way that made Ridgekit uneasy. As far as he was concerned, in his little, sheltered mind, his mother had never experienced difficulties in her entire life. Always strong and steady, never toppling. Like a stone, he supposed... much like her name.

"I don't know, Ma. Boring patrols wouldn't be any fun." Ridgekit giggled, attempting to ease the tension, "Being bored is the worst thing in... in ever! I'm so tired of being bored, I can't wait to go outside of camp. I promise you I'll see a bear one day, when I'm a big bad warrior! I'll kill it and bring it to you, Ma."

At Stoneheart's words about his looming apprenticeship, Ridgekit can't help but feel torn. Sure, he'd finally taste some of the freedom he had been craving since he opened his big blue eyes, but then again... that freedom came with a price. Ridgekit would spend the rest of his life working hard and sacrificing for his clan, never having the free time he's become so accustomed to in the cushy nursery; is that all he has to look forward to? "Did you have any fun as an apprentice? Or is it all just training?" he asked his mother softly, trying to hide his apprehension with a wobbly smile.
discord: zerohadvantage  | timezone: est | code (c) kieer

New Leaves, New Life [Ridgekit] 200w10

Sagekit ⭑ #00cc66 ⭑ 5/0* ⭑ RiverClan Kit
Ridgepaw ⭑ #3366ff ⭑ 20/60⭑ SkyClan Apprentice
Emberkit ⭑ #ff9933 ⭑ 10/30 ⭑ ShadowClan Kit (unborn)
* disabled stats
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : [W]olfstar [S]toneheart (plot) [Sw]wandive [B]riarpaw [H]oneypaw [C]loudjumper // Smokefeather, Beechface | Beechfang, Mistyfalcon, Nighthawk (npc), Eosphoros (plot), Birdsong, Eleos | Swiftspirit, Atalante | Featherfrost, Brackenwing, Harechaser, Whitesnake (plot), Flamegaze (plot), Moondancer, Graywind
Clan/Rank : [W] SkC/T5 Leader [S] SkC/T5 Warrior [Sw] RC/T4 Warrior [B] SC/App [H] SkC/App [C] WC/T2 Warrior
Cancer Tiger
Number of posts : 5910
Age : 26

New Leaves, New Life [Ridgekit] Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Leaves, New Life [Ridgekit]   New Leaves, New Life [Ridgekit] EmptyFri 12 Apr 2024 - 19:09

"Ha, you say that now..." Stoneheart's whiskers twitched in amusement, "Ask Wolfstar or Honeydew and I bet they'd tell you they would trade places in a heartbeat, if only to have a boring, uneventful patrol." She mewed. Her words probably weren't a lie, the new leader certainly looked like she wished to live in less interesting times. Particularly during that terrible trip to the lake and back. Or the recent battle. Stoneheart would have been glad to never see any of those things again.

"The training itself was fun,." She offered, "Your aunt Mistflower had one of the best climbers in the clan as a mentor and she taught us everything about climbing trees. And sparring... Well, I think I enjoyed it more than your aunt or Smokepetal did - did you know she trained as a warrior before becoming medicine cat? We trained together, believe it or not!"


SkC Leader | Profiles | Plotting

T5 Leader
T4 Warrior
Not Pictured
Cloudjumper [Bonus]WC
T2 Warrior
Not Pictured
Stoneheart [Perma NPC]SkC
T5 Warrior
Not Pictured
Starclan: Beechfang, Mistyfalcon, Birdsong, Swiftspirit, Brackenwing, Harechaser, Moondancer, Graywind
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Characters : [S]agekit, [R]idgepaw, [E]mberkit
Clan/Rank : [S]RiverClan Kit [R]SkyClan Apprentice [E]ShadowClan Kit
Taurus Monkey
Number of posts : 38
Gender : she/her
Age : 20

New Leaves, New Life [Ridgekit] Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Leaves, New Life [Ridgekit]   New Leaves, New Life [Ridgekit] EmptyTue 16 Apr 2024 - 8:56

"The most dangerous thing is to love."
Kit | SkyClan | he/him

“I guess you’re right,” Ridgekit mumbled, “if I was a leader or deputy or somethin’. But I’m not! Less duties means more fun, right? You should teach me how to climb trees sometime, Ma, if you’re so good at it! When I become an apprentice… you can do that, right? Teach me things even if you aren’t my mentor?”

Hearing that Smokepetal was once a regular apprentice was news to Ridgekit; he had always assumed she was always a medicine cat, and had been one since she was small. “Really?” he asked in disbelief; he hadn’t known that one could simply switch duties like that. “What made her want to be a medicine cat, then? To go through all of that training just to throw it away?”
discord: zerohadvantage  | timezone: est | code (c) kieer

New Leaves, New Life [Ridgekit] 200w10

Sagekit ⭑ #00cc66 ⭑ 5/0* ⭑ RiverClan Kit
Ridgepaw ⭑ #3366ff ⭑ 20/60⭑ SkyClan Apprentice
Emberkit ⭑ #ff9933 ⭑ 10/30 ⭑ ShadowClan Kit (unborn)
* disabled stats
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : [W]olfstar [S]toneheart (plot) [Sw]wandive [B]riarpaw [H]oneypaw [C]loudjumper // Smokefeather, Beechface | Beechfang, Mistyfalcon, Nighthawk (npc), Eosphoros (plot), Birdsong, Eleos | Swiftspirit, Atalante | Featherfrost, Brackenwing, Harechaser, Whitesnake (plot), Flamegaze (plot), Moondancer, Graywind
Clan/Rank : [W] SkC/T5 Leader [S] SkC/T5 Warrior [Sw] RC/T4 Warrior [B] SC/App [H] SkC/App [C] WC/T2 Warrior
Cancer Tiger
Number of posts : 5910
Age : 26

New Leaves, New Life [Ridgekit] Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Leaves, New Life [Ridgekit]   New Leaves, New Life [Ridgekit] EmptyTue 16 Apr 2024 - 10:17

"Duties don't have to be boring, you know. And sometimes you might be grateful to have something to keep you busy." Stoneheart shook her head at the kit, "And of course, I'll teach you to climb trees. I don't know who your mentor will be, but I will teach you what I can outside of that, too. And I'm sure you'll learn from the other warriors over time too, mentor or not."

She couldn't help a smile at the kit's surprise to learn of the older medicine cat. "She was! She didn't enjoy it, I think. Healing was simply the path she preferred and was happiest with. She didn't throw away her skills though, and Skyclan has had several other warrior-trained cats become medicine cats. Mostly it's by their choice." She had heard tales of Beechfang's time as a medicine cat, though had been intimidated enough by the late she-cat that she had not attempted to pry. "It's a very different set of skills, but just as important as hunting and fighting, I think. Which Smokepetal is still capable of, if she ever has to."


SkC Leader | Profiles | Plotting

T5 Leader
T4 Warrior
Not Pictured
Cloudjumper [Bonus]WC
T2 Warrior
Not Pictured
Stoneheart [Perma NPC]SkC
T5 Warrior
Not Pictured
Starclan: Beechfang, Mistyfalcon, Birdsong, Swiftspirit, Brackenwing, Harechaser, Moondancer, Graywind
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New Leaves, New Life [Ridgekit] Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Leaves, New Life [Ridgekit]   New Leaves, New Life [Ridgekit] Empty

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New Leaves, New Life [Ridgekit]
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