Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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Gatherings take place on the 1st of the month; keep your eyes out for a staff member's post!
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 Oleanderkit of Riverclan

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Characters : [B]oartusk, [Spi]derdance, [O]leanderpaw, [Ser]pentkit
Clan/Rank : [B] Shadowclan T3 Warrior, [Spi] Windclan T3 Warrior, [O] Riverclan Apprentice, [Ser] Thunderclan Unborn Kit
Capricorn Tiger
Number of posts : 634
Gender : Male (He/Him)
Age : 25

Oleanderkit of Riverclan Empty
PostSubject: Oleanderkit of Riverclan   Oleanderkit of Riverclan EmptyThu 21 Mar 2024 - 10:04

Cat Name: Oleanderkit

Tom, She-Cat, or Nonbinary: Tom

Appearance: Oleanderkit takes after his paternal grandmother's ticked, pale brown coat, sleek long fur conforming to his graceful, long-legged figure. His tail plumes in an elegant display, often held high in confidence. He also takes his mother's face with a long muzzle and large ears. His teeth are slightly crooked and crowded, but they don't seem to be causing his issues just yet. Oleanderkit holds himself with importance and grandeur, as though he has graced the world with his presence.

Personality: In the effort to win his mother's approval, Oleanderkit has become her spitting image, copying her ideals and her opinions. He has lofty goals for himself and must meet them at any cost, passionate about everything he does. Externally, Oleanderkit portrays himself as the most important thing in the room and the best at everything he does, very prone to dramatics. However, internally he has taken his Weepingwillow's high expectations to heart and is quite insecure. He must do everything right on the first try and is always searching for praise, most importantly from Weepingwillow. Any criticism of his skills will likely lead to an outburst about how he meant to do it that way.

Clan: RiverClan

Origins: Weepingwillow (Kieer) x Creekskip (NPC)

Oleanderkit of Riverclan Spider-Oleander-Boar-Sig-1
Boartusk | Shadowclan T3 Warrior | #990000
Oleanderpaw | Riverclan Apprentice | #669933
Spiderdance | Windclan T3 Warrior | #0883D4
Serpentkit | Thunderclan Unborn Kit | #703642
Not Depicted
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Oleanderkit of Riverclan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Oleanderkit of Riverclan   Oleanderkit of Riverclan EmptyThu 21 Mar 2024 - 11:11

oleander is approved :3 welcome to riverclan!!
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Oleanderkit of Riverclan
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