Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 menace to the wild [c]

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menace to the wild [c] Empty
PostSubject: menace to the wild [c]   menace to the wild [c] EmptyTue 6 Feb 2024 - 4:39

It'd been an interesting couple days, that was for sure. He had put off helping with the camp when they'd originally gotten back when Honeypaw noticed how exhausted he was, and the next day he was on an adventure patrol led by Beechfang. On that patrol he was with his friends, Honeypaw and Yewpaw and their siblings. It was something he was looking forward to, until Yewpaw's siblings in particular had made it very clear how they felt about him. Maybe not explicitly, but he could feel the tension.

Mallowpaw didn't understand what he'd done to them. Yewpaw seemed all right enough - that was his best friend after all - and they'd never had any issues. Cricketpaw and Myrtlepaw, though? He was bewildered by their behavior. What did he do wrong, and what could he do to fix it? He didn't like knowing some cat disliked him. Mallowpaw knew not every cat would like him, but he at least hoped to have a reason for why!

But there was none.

He was trying to distract himself from this fact now. Earlier, Honeypaw had asked if he had the energy to help out today, and he'd taken the offer eagerly, hoping to get his mind off of yesterday's events. It wasn't working though; after he'd gathered some malleable sticks and elderberry branches to weave into the apprentices' den, he found that his paws were fumbling once he'd gotten into work. Sure, any passerby could chalk it up to Mallowpaw being tired as per usual, but for once it wasn't the case.

Mallowpaw just wanted to be liked by his fellow denmates. Or, at minimum accepted! He was glad he had Honeypaw and Yewpaw as friends, but he always wished he had more. He should be happy with what he had, he felt guilty that he wasn't, but he was a sociable tom. It was in his blood to want to make friends with any cat he could. He was just coded that way... And it seemed to some cats so far, that it just wasn't welcome behavior. But... Why? Honeypaw was kind and so was he. Why were they treated so differently?

He frowned at his mangled weaving. "Mousedung..." He sighed, reaching to unravel the monstrosity.

tags; uwubers

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Scorpio Buffalo
Number of posts : 703
Age : 26

menace to the wild [c] Empty
PostSubject: Re: menace to the wild [c]   menace to the wild [c] EmptyTue 6 Feb 2024 - 5:07


Honeypaw was diligently working on the nursery, and welcomed Mallowpaw's help. He was always happy to assist her with whatever she asked, and she was always thankful for him, but today, Mallowpaw seemed... different. He was working slower, droppping his materials, and seemed distracted somehow. He wasn't his usual bubbly self, and Honeypaw thought it must have something to do with Myrtlekit hissing at him on yesterday's expedition. Now would be a good time to talk to him, she decided. She finished weaving her branch and padded over to the tom, sitting just behind him.

"Mallowpaw," she mewed softly as not to startle him. "Would you like to take a break?" she asked, her eyes glistening with concern as she tilted her head to the side. "I found this really nice spot just outside camp. You'll like it, it's peaceful and beautiful. We could rest there and talk, if you want to." She gave Mallowpaw a knowing blink, and touched his flank with the tip of her tail.

"I hope that we can meet again one day, you and I," she mewed, "under peaceful skies."

Love Letter to WCC
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menace to the wild [c] Empty
PostSubject: Re: menace to the wild [c]   menace to the wild [c] EmptyTue 6 Feb 2024 - 14:13

Mallowpaw paused his rebuilding, staring at his unmoving paws against the apprentices' den. Honeypaw was here, and from how she sounded, she knew something was up. He'd be a fool not to take the opportunity to talk to her, it wouldn't be good to just stew on it all day. He dropped his paws back to the ground and rose to all fours to face the pretty young she-cat. Being curled up beside her fluffy pelt would be a great comfort right now, a physical reminder that she would always be here for him.

He moved to press his nose against her shoulder in appreciation, pulling back with a melancholy smile. He certainly didn't look like himself. What was once a boundless vessel of bubbly energy and unwavering kindness was now replaced with a disheartened young cat, who seemed a little bit too lost. In essence, he was a fraction of himself. "Yes, please, Honeypaw." Mallowpaw mewed simply, absently nudging his materials out of the way with a back paw. "I'd like that very much."

tags; uwubers

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Scorpio Buffalo
Number of posts : 703
Age : 26

menace to the wild [c] Empty
PostSubject: Re: menace to the wild [c]   menace to the wild [c] EmptyFri 9 Feb 2024 - 4:26


Honeypaw's tail draped over Mallowpaw's back as she led him, side by side, through the camp entrance. Stepping out into the forest was like a breath of fresh air away from all the hustle and bustle of camp repairs.

"It'll be nice to be away for just a moment," she sighed, suddenly feeling the tiredness deep in her bones. She had barely stopped to rest since they had returned, but she was determined to make a safe place for SkyClan's queens to kit, and comfortable nests for the elders to rest their weary bones after their journey. Honeypaw suppressed a yawn of her own as she lead Mallowkit through the undergrowth. "You'll like this place I found," she whiskered, her eyes gleaming sideways with mischief, "It's a secret, so don't tell another cat, alright?"

The two apprentices had to twist through dense undergrowth, hop fallen branches, and duck beneath the roots of trees before approaching a thick bramble thicket with a small, thin hole just barely large enough for a cat of their size to fit through. Honeypaw smiled at Mallowpaw and pushed her way gently through, parting the thorns so that they brushed satisfyingly along her spine and she disappeared through the thicket.

As they came out on the other side, Honeypaw waved her tail and gestured around her at the clearing before them. It was lush, covered with thick moss, sheltered from the worst of the snow by the thick tangle of branches that weaved together above. Tiny purple flowers popped their heads above the thin layer of snow, petals unfurling in the dappled sunlight as though in greeting.

"What do you think?" she mewed excitedly, "It's pretty good, right?" She padded out into the center of the clearing, where the most sun shone down through the bare branches of the massive trees overhead, bathing her golden pelt in its warmth. There she gestured for Mallowpaw to join her. "It's comfy here, lots of soft moss. Come sit down and tell me what's on your mind."

"I hope that we can meet again one day, you and I," she mewed, "under peaceful skies."

Love Letter to WCC
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menace to the wild [c] Empty
PostSubject: Re: menace to the wild [c]   menace to the wild [c] EmptyFri 9 Feb 2024 - 12:58

The spotted tom's eyes softened at the sight before him. This place was so special. He could feel it! And Honeypaw shared it with him. It was untouched by Leafbare's cruel frosts, the last remaining space in the forest that harbored beautiful life. For all Mallowpaw knew, it was the last safe space in the forest too.

"Oh, Honeypaw..." He purred so hard that he feared his chest would burst. He bounded towards his friend and circled her tightly once, his tail curled in delight. "It's amazing! Blessed by StarClan just for you, I bet. I promise I won't tell another soul." Mallowpaw pressed his muzzle to her cheek, closing his eyes for for a couple heartbeats to relish the moment.

How could he have ever thought that Honeypaw hated him? A cat like that wouldn't share secrets or make sure he was all right. Honeypaw was a proper friend.

He drew away from the golden apprenticed and flopped down into the soft moss with an audible thud - hard enough to rip a soft "oof" from him. He smiled sheepishly at himself. "It's... About Yewpaw, sort of. Really it's about his sisters... Cricketpaw and Myrtlepaw."

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Scorpio Buffalo
Number of posts : 703
Age : 26

menace to the wild [c] Empty
PostSubject: Re: menace to the wild [c]   menace to the wild [c] EmptySun 18 Feb 2024 - 2:33


Honeypaw's eyes rounded at Mallowpaw's words.
Blessed by StarClan just for you, I bet.
For me? She couldn't stop her mouth from curling into a smile as a purr escaped her throat as she leaned into the young tom's gesture. His fur is so soft, and his breath is warm and sweet. She closed her eyes until he pulled away, flopping onto the ground. Her whiskers twitched and she gently laid herself beside him, looking into his eyes so intently that she could see her own reflection in their blue depths. She almost missed what he said.

"Huh..?" She blinked. "Oh, Cricketpaw and Myrtlepaw? What's going on?" She tilted her head to one side, remembering her little hunting trip with Myrtlepaw where they had become quite close. Cricketpaw on the other paw, was a different story. Much to Honeypaw's dismay, Cricketpaw felt much more distant than ever these days.

"I hope that we can meet again one day, you and I," she mewed, "under peaceful skies."

Love Letter to WCC
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menace to the wild [c] Empty
PostSubject: Re: menace to the wild [c]   menace to the wild [c] EmptySun 18 Feb 2024 - 23:43

Mallowpaw nodded a reluctant confirmation, his sheepish smile quickly melting away into something more melancholic. "Yes." His eyes fell away from the pretty golden apprentice. He felt reluctant to say anything at all about how he was feeling - how those two cats were making him feel. Honeypaw was close to Paledove's kits, especially after the queen passed away on the journey and he didn't want to do anything that would alter their relationships. He also didn't want to lie to his friend, who was genuinely concerned about his state and had taken note of how sad he'd been in recent days.

It was best to be honest and hope that Honeypaw would keep the words they shared a secret and continue business as usual. He closed his eyes. "I... I don't know what I did to them. I just try to be nice to Myrtlepaw and Cricketpaw, and they just... They hate me so much. Yewpaw takes their side every time and it doesn't make me feel good. I... I know they're his sisters and I feel selfish, but he's my best friend and I never did anything to those two." Mallowpaw's ears drooped.

"I just want to be friends with them, Honeypaw. I feel like I'm walking on eggshells around Cricketpaw especially. Every time I see her it feels like she's sinking her claws into my pelt. And now I'm scared I'm going to lose Yewpaw, too. I'm scared he's going to hate me as much as they do."

His nose twitched once to suppress what seemed to be a sniffle. He couldn't wrap his head around why they felt the way that they did. Was it a fault of his own? Mallowpaw didn't hate any cat, he wasn't sure if he had the capacity to. Hate was a strong, foreign emotion to him. "Sometimes I think they hate me just for being alive. Paledove didn't like me too much, either..."

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Scorpio Buffalo
Number of posts : 703
Age : 26

menace to the wild [c] Empty
PostSubject: Re: menace to the wild [c]   menace to the wild [c] EmptyWed 21 Feb 2024 - 0:49


Honeypaw listened fretfully as Mallowpaw spoke, trying to search for reasons why Paledove's kits might dislike the tom. Ever since he was a kit, Mallowpaw had been nothing but kind to everyone. She remembered her time in the woods with Myrtlepaw, and how the she-cat had admitting having ill feelings for her taking over their care after their mother passed away in the mountains. She thought of how distant and cold Cricketpaw regarded her these days, and imagined that perhaps she had a similar reason.

"Mallowpaw, I'm sorry," she mewed softly, "Those two she-cats are definitely a handful. And, not that it'd make you feel better, but it's not just you - they were cold towards me, too, both of them, until Myrtlepaw and I had a talk." She found an acorn and scratched at it between her front paws idly as she spoke. "As for Yewpaw, though..." She knew her friends had a strange, back-and-forth friendship since they were kits, ever since Yewpaw had scratched Mallowpaw's nose. Yewpaw's emotions felt unpredictable to Honeypaw, though he was always kind to her.

"It isn't selfish of you to be Yewpaw's best friend," she assured him. "Perhaps they are just afraid of the same thing you are. Maybe they are protective of Yewpaw, and are afraid to lose him." She was just thinking out loud now, but her thoughts seemed to make sense as they hit the air between them. "They have all been through a lot, with losing Paledove in the mountains. It's been very hard on them. That's what Myrtlepaw talked to me about." She leaned closer to Mallowpaw, hoping that he could find her meaning. Her icy blue eyes gazed into his. "They're all dealing with their own individual storms, Mallowpaw," she sighed. "They are a complicated, moody lot, aren't they? And you are the most kind-hearted cat I've ever met." Honeypaw purred, and flicked his ear with her tail. "I don't believe any cat could ever hate you."

Honeypaw looked thoughtful. "I can talk to Myrtlepaw, if you want. She will understand." She blinked slowly. "And I will keep my eye out for Cricketpaw too. In the meantime, try not to take anything she says too seriously. Her mother had a spiky personality, and it seems as though Cricketpaw inherited that from her. And don't be afraid to stand up for yourself, Mallowpaw." She brushed her tail down his flank in a soothing gesture. "And I'll stand up for you, too. We're in this together! Always have been."

Honeypaw leaned closer still, touching her nose to Mallowpaw's for a moment, before drawing away again, her pelt feeling especially warm for some reason.

"I hope that we can meet again one day, you and I," she mewed, "under peaceful skies."

Love Letter to WCC
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menace to the wild [c] Empty
PostSubject: Re: menace to the wild [c]   menace to the wild [c] EmptyThu 22 Feb 2024 - 14:53

The spotted gray tom listened to his friend speak without interruption. She was as smart as she was pretty, that was for sure. It was no wonder why he felt comfortable enough to air his worries to her like this; she could speak some sense into him and cool his worries without little effort. She could always give him insight that he didn't have, like with Myrtlepaw...

That gave him hope that things could be fixed between himself and her. Myrtlepaw had seemed like a nice cat beneath that prickly exterior. He wanted to be friends with her, but he had to admit it was a little hard when the moment they interacted she snapped at him. Honeypaw had a heart-to-heart with her though, so maybe it... Maybe it wasn't impossible for them to at least be on neutral grounds! He would speak with her himself later.

Cricketpaw, however. Cricketpaw was not a cat he'd like to associate with any further than he needed to. That was asking for trouble. Like she'd said, that molly had a temper like her mother's which was something he liked to avoid...

He lost his train of thought within seconds, as Honeypaw touched her nose to his. His pelt warmed with affection for the pretty golden molly and a fierce purring erupted from him just like earlier. Mallowpaw brightened and found himself gazing into her eyes, blue as his own, and words spilled out helplessly. "I'm so glad I met you, Honeypaw." He might just explode with emotion. He pushed himself closer to her, pressing his muzzle hard against her cheeks, and nuzzled her fiercely. "You're such an amazing cat and I couldn't ask for a better friend. You don't have to talk to Myrtlepaw. I think everything... Everything will be okay as long as I have you by my side."

He drew away from her, a sheepish smile plastered across his features. "Thank you. Thank you for letting me talk about it, and thank you for just..." He paused to laugh. "Thank you for being you!"

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Scorpio Buffalo
Number of posts : 703
Age : 26

menace to the wild [c] Empty
PostSubject: Re: menace to the wild [c]   menace to the wild [c] EmptyTue 27 Feb 2024 - 2:44


I'm so glad I met you, Honeypaw... Everything will be okay as long as I have you by my side.
Honeypaw purred in unison as Mallowpaw nuzzled her cheeks. Her fur fluffed up and her tail swished happily from side to side.

"You can always tell me anything, Mallowpaw," she purred. "And I promise I will tell you anything in return." Her eyes gleamed when he pulled away from her with such an adorable smile on his face. "Y-You don't have to thank me for that, silly," she purred, giving him a light-hearted headbutt on his shoulder. "You'd have done the same for me, after all."

She got to her paws and shook out her fur, tail high.
"Perhaps it's time we get back, yeah? They might be wondering where we went by now." She nosed him in the direction from which they came. "Remember, don't tell anyone about this place, it's our little secret." With a wink, she led the way out of the glade, and the two would go on to finish up camp repairs.

"I hope that we can meet again one day, you and I," she mewed, "under peaceful skies."

Love Letter to WCC
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