Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Love’ll Get You Slaughtered (c)

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Characters : Tallshadow, Daisyfang, Cricketpaw
Clan/Rank : (T)WindClan Warrior[T3] (D)WindClan MC[T1] (C)SkyClan Apprentice
Number of posts : 310
Gender : Female

Love’ll Get You Slaughtered (c) Empty
PostSubject: Love’ll Get You Slaughtered (c)   Love’ll Get You Slaughtered (c) EmptySat 3 Feb 2024 - 15:57

Cricketpaw set her strange mismatched gaze on Mallowpaw across camp. The stillness of the dusk threw deep shadows from the trees, striping the clearing in bits of silvered moonlight and darkness. The fluffy apprentice came from them like a wraith, a flash of loathing in her eyes before her stance settled into something softer, demure. “Mallowpaw.” She called softly, her voice the same quiet music of leaves rustling in the darkness. She sat down beside him, flicking her fluffy tail against his shoulder in greeting.

“I’m sorry to bother you, but uh, there is something I need to talk to you about.” She looked away for a moment, as if embarrassed to be caught in the path of his bright blue gaze. The tabby and white she-cat looked back up at him, her strange mis-matched eyes soft and doe-like in the subtle shine of the moon. She felt repulsion curl, rancid and sharp in her gut. His pale throat was all on display, supple and vulnerable. This close it would only take a snap of her teeth to spill his vibrant blood against the pure white of the snow. But she wouldn’t let him dirty something beautiful again, he had tainted enough in his short life already.

Yewpaw didn’t deserve more tragedy either. But Mallowpaw didn’t deserve Yewpaw. Her brother’s affection was hers, and she could not bear it to be split with a stranger. “It’s important.” The molly said softly, a whisper breath of hesitation amplifying the worried set of her shoulders, and slight uneasy twitch of her ear.

Love’ll Get You Slaughtered (c) Copper11
WindClan Medicine Cat------SkyClan Apprentice-------WindClan Warrior
Rank up:
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Love’ll Get You Slaughtered (c) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Love’ll Get You Slaughtered (c)   Love’ll Get You Slaughtered (c) EmptySat 3 Feb 2024 - 17:08

Mallowpaw had been resting in the comfort of a small rocky outcrop, his newfound spot shielded from the snow. Though it was not completely, the snow was at least at a lower level here than other places. Normally he'd be in the apprentices den by this time, curled up near Honeypaw and Yewpaw but tonight was different. He was trying to hone his senses, straining to hear the sounds of the forest, of the birds or of an owl even.

Instead, he heard the sounds of Cricketpaw and felt her tail against his shoulder... Calling his name, of all things! As kind as she seemed on the surface, Mallowpaw was not blind to her dislike for him. He couldn't understand it no matter how hard he tried. He'd done nothing to the pretty molly and even kept his distance from her as best as she could. Still, she seemed so bitter and sour seemingly because he existed. He could hardly believe she was related to Yewpaw and Myrtlepaw.

He caught her mismatched gaze, letting his ice blue eyes burn into hers for a long moment. What could she possibly want with him that was so important? Was something wrong with Yewpaw? Was she in trouble and needed his help? Even if Cricketpaw detested him, he would still lend her a paw. She was his Clanmate and that would never change.

Rising to his paws, his lower half ducked low to the ground as he stretched, his bones shifting and his joints cracking, accented with an audible grunt. "It's okay, it's no bother..." He mewed gently. The words were genuine; she really was no bother to him at all. He searched her eyes for some sort of hint to what was to come, but found nothing. "What's wrong? Are you okay, Cricketpaw?" It was a genuine question, all things considered. He found himself lowering his voice shortly after, dropping to a soft whisper as she'd done before. "Do you want to talk somewhere else?"

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Characters : Tallshadow, Daisyfang, Cricketpaw
Clan/Rank : (T)WindClan Warrior[T3] (D)WindClan MC[T1] (C)SkyClan Apprentice
Number of posts : 310
Gender : Female

Love’ll Get You Slaughtered (c) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Love’ll Get You Slaughtered (c)   Love’ll Get You Slaughtered (c) EmptySat 3 Feb 2024 - 19:52

The tabby and white she-cat wrapped her fluffy tail over her paws, keeping out the evening chill. “I’m alright, you’re sweet to ask.” She said, her usual quiet cadence betraying nothing. She glanced around, her eyes sweeping the clearing. “Camp’s fairly empty, we’ll be fine to talk here. It’s about my brother.” She looked up at Mallowpaw, a soft self-conscious laugh falling into the space between them. Be gentle. Nothing fast, nothing sharp. “Well, it’s a little awkward to talk about, and I don't want to make you uncomfortable.” Her voice eased into the expectant silence.

“I know you and Yewpaw are good friends. I’m glad you get along so well, it’s been hard for all of us since Paledove died.” Good friends she wanted to spit the words like blood from her mouth, but she let them slip out like the gentle brush of a creek against its bank instead. “It’s just, you’re really affectionate, and that's good!” She hurried to fill the space, like she was worried he may take it the wrong way. There was her perfect mask, timid, anxious, a well-meaning if clumsy delivery. It softened every hard, suspicious line of her body, she was just a young molly in the moonlight, pelt fluffed up against the chill, trying to do right by her brother. And the last part was the truth at least. Mallowpaw would only bring a rift into her carefully guarded family. It had always been them and Mother against the world. There was no room for anyone else. Kin were safe. Mallowpaw was not kin, he would never be kin, and eventually he would mess up, or leave, or die, or say the wrong thing or make the wrong choice, and Yewpaw would suffer for it. It was better to cut off the infection now, before it spread.

“But, it makes Yewpaw a little uncomfortable. You’re…clingy.” She offered up a small apologetic smile. “I don’t mean to sound harsh, but it’s the truth. Yewpaw doesn’t want to bring it up, and it’ll just embarrass him if he knows you had to learn it from me. So maybe give him a little space? I don’t want something like a miscommunication to ruin your friendship.”

Love’ll Get You Slaughtered (c) Copper11
WindClan Medicine Cat------SkyClan Apprentice-------WindClan Warrior
Rank up:
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Love’ll Get You Slaughtered (c) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Love’ll Get You Slaughtered (c)   Love’ll Get You Slaughtered (c) EmptySun 4 Feb 2024 - 6:12

The spotted tom was silent as she spoke. He hadn't interrupted her a single time, preferring to let her speak upon what was burdening her mind so terribly that it couldn't wait until morning. And she did. Her voice was soft and gentle but her words were more like the claws of a RiverClan warrior, tearing into his pelt and shredding his flesh. Why did that hurt so badly?

His left hindleg trembled once, twice, then stopped: a threat to give out at such terrible news. He squeezed his eyes shut and let the night's frigid air fill his lungs, bringing some sort of feeling to his senses that wasn't shocked grief. Mallowpaw had to gather his thoughts. He has to think about this... rationally. He was making Yewpaw uncomfortable? And his sister came to tell him in his stead. That didn't sound right to him.

"Uh huh."

That couldn't have come from Yewpaw.

Mallowpaw did not have a mean bone in his body, but for once he had to fight down a snarl that would make a warrior make dirt. The only indication he gave of his fury was a wrinkled nose. In disconcerting contrast was his calm blue eyes and his usual, gentle tone. "If Yewpaw is uncomfortable, he can tell me himself. He's never given me any indication that I'm a bother to him or too clingy, Cricketpaw."

A brief moment of silence, though not long enough for the molly to get a word in. Mallowpaw's eyes hardened and the wrinkles in his nose smoothed out. He leaned closer to her and echoed her final words, doing his best to hide whatever venom roused within him. "I don't want a miscommunication to ruin our friendship, either. What will embarrass him is if he finds out his sister went behind his back to tell me. Yewpaw... Yewpaw isn't a coward."

Mallowpaw, however was. Even if he was angry, even if he wanted to lash out, there was a tightness in his throat and a threat to cry. What if Cricketpaw was right? He didn't want to hear Yewpaw tell him to buzz off - StarClan, he barely even wanted to talk about this! What he really wanted to do is nod at her words and turn tail from camp and run. If he was making Yewpaw uncomfortable, there was no telling how Honeypaw was feeling...

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Characters : Tallshadow, Daisyfang, Cricketpaw
Clan/Rank : (T)WindClan Warrior[T3] (D)WindClan MC[T1] (C)SkyClan Apprentice
Number of posts : 310
Gender : Female

Love’ll Get You Slaughtered (c) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Love’ll Get You Slaughtered (c)   Love’ll Get You Slaughtered (c) EmptyThu 8 Feb 2024 - 15:25

She kept everything hidden behind the soft planes of her face, soft features shadowed and silver in the moonlight. Satisfaction was dripping over her ribs, even as her ears flicked back in timid concern. Mallowpaw was shaking and the clear rage on his face made her feel powerful. She wanted him to hurt after all. He deserved every ounce of grief he got, the world hadn’t spared her or her littermates, why should it spare the tom in front of her?The useless, selfish creature that was ripping into her brother with his greedy teeth, taking bite after bite out of her family. They were perfect before he showed up, making Myrtlepaw feel bad for snapping at him after he offended her, trying to wiggle into Honeypaw and Yewpaw’s good graces despite the fact that he made everyone around him miserable.

There was only rage rolling in her gut. She wanted to growl, to shove his face into the dirt and scream at him to get her name out of his mouth. It sounded wrong, caught up between his teeth. When he leaned closer she slicked her ears back and leaned away, like she was afraid of a strike. Let him think he has the upper hand, and make him hate it. Mallowpaw, despite his posturing, was soft-bellied and weak. He wouldn’t dare to lay a claw against her. She almost hoped she was wrong. Give her a scar to prove that she was right about everything, let it remind him how close he was to ruining everything for everyone. So she flinched back, looking up at the tom shakily. She huffed a quiet sigh into the night, like she was grounding herself, gathering up her tentative courage.  

“I-i didn’t mean to upset you.” She said so quietly it would be lost if the camp wasn’t stilled and silent with the heavy curtain sleep. She sounded afraid.   “I know my brother isn’t a coward, and you know it too. But you also know how kind he is. He has dealt with a lot of grief in his life, we all have, and that makes even the bravest of us terrified of losing who we care about most. He isn’t ready to be close again like that. He won’t tell you that, because admitting it is like admitting he isn’t over Mother, that he isn’t as strong as he wants to be.” She turned away from the tom, letting all his quiet anger roll off her, she blinked away summoned tears, shutting her eyes tight against a wave of grief she didn’t really feel anymore. Mother was dead. Nothing would bring her back. All she could do now was protect what she had left.  

“And I didn’t want to tell you that either, but it’s important. More important than anything. I don’t want to go behind Yewpaw’s back like this, but I couldn’t stand there and watch him hurt either.”  Her voice dropped to a tearful whisper.  “He cares about you, against all odds, and I don’t want you to keep hurting him more than he already is. So just consider taking a step back at least, give him some time.” Her gaze met his, unshed tears shining like stars in the depths of her eyes.  “Before everything falls apart.”

Love’ll Get You Slaughtered (c) Copper11
WindClan Medicine Cat------SkyClan Apprentice-------WindClan Warrior
Rank up:
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Love’ll Get You Slaughtered (c) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Love’ll Get You Slaughtered (c)   Love’ll Get You Slaughtered (c) EmptyFri 9 Feb 2024 - 6:58

Cricketpaw was an expert at making Mallowpaw feel new emotions. In fact, that whole family was! He looked at her and saw something he didn't really want to see; some memory he had locked away in the depths of his mind. He found something else bubbled up inside of him in place of his anger. Disgust! Mallowpaw took a step back from her, the skin of his nose wrinkling to form an expression of pure abhorrence.

What is she?

Bile rose in his throat and the fur along his back spiked up. None of this felt right - all of it was wrong. If any cat came out now and saw them, they'd think Mallowpaw was tormenting this poor cat who was trying to do nothing but protect her dear brother. Protect his best friend. In reality, she was just trying to tear them apart and Mallowpaw knew. Mallowpaw wasn't violent. Mallowpaw wasn't an angry cat. This wasn't him.

He turned his head away in a single sharp movement, breaking their met gaze and squeezed his eyes shut. Whatever she was saying, he didn't want to hear it. He didn't want to hear that Yewpaw wasn't ready, he didn't want to hear that Yewpaw needed space, and he didn't want to hear that he was hurting Yewpaw. Not from this cat, of all cats. Keeping his eyes shut, he sucked in a deep breath and steadied his voice.

"No, Cricketpaw." He managed through gritted teeth. He paused again, another breath. This time was better, this time was more level. This time his jaws weren't clamped together. "I don't want to hear it. I don't know what I did to you to make you dislike me, but... But you can't mask it under your brother. I'm sorry, Cricketpaw." He forced his shoulders to relax. Each time he finished a sentence he took a deep breath. "Yewpaw is my friend, whether you like it or not. You don't get to control that. That's not your place. You aren't Paledove, and-"

Mallowpaw opened his eyes and met hers again, unbothered by her bitter crocodile tears. There was his signature smile. His anger forgotten. "-And you know what? It's almost like you're trying to be." He laughed, shaking his head. Calm again. "You should be glad he has a friend after everything you've all been through. I can't believe you hate me so much that you'd try to make him more miserable, Cricketpaw. Paledove would probably do the same thing." There's something wrong with them.

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