Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Hello up There

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Hello up There Empty
PostSubject: Hello up There   Hello up There EmptySat 27 Jan 2024 - 19:56

Rapidkit was in general, a very happy kit and while she did not care too much what others thought of her she did love her family to death. She did a little hop out of the nursery tripping over her own front paws from time to time as she scampered about. Her wide eyes looked eagerly about for her next adventure to undertake. Born in the midst of a snowstorm certainly made her long for more things to have happen and explore.

She was running about not really watching closely where she was going when all at once she ran right into something with a soft little thud that sent her sprawling over onto her belly. Tail, paws and legs went every which way all scattered about as she shook her head looking at a very long set of legs she had just run into. She looked upwards... it felt like she was looking straight up into the clouds to see the warriors face.

Once she had her bearings again she rubbed her head with her tail... She teared up a little bit and wiped at her eyes with a front paw even more upset that she was crying than upset about the incident in general. It had not even hurt really it was more so the underlying fact that she had not expected that at all!

Who was this big tall cat and what in the world were they doing standing right in the middle of HER running path!??

The usually oh so happy kit was still learning her emotions but this all felt very new and odd, she didn't like this feeling. It was a mixture of upsetness and a little bit of anger at this cat for being so tall right in her way where she wanted to run and go zoomie!

Her face that was usually all smiles bunched up into a cry/angry look as she looked straight up at him.

"h-hey!!" she meowed shakily

Why dont you watch where you are going mr. warrior!!! she thought to herself but was still to shaken up to say that many words aloud yet. Part of it too was... deep down she knew that this whole thing was on her too which upset her even more

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Characters : Tallshadow, Daisyfang, Cricketpaw
Clan/Rank : (T)WindClan Warrior[T3] (D)WindClan MC[T1] (C)SkyClan Apprentice
Number of posts : 310
Gender : Female

Hello up There Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello up There   Hello up There EmptySun 28 Jan 2024 - 5:12

The lanky golden tom had returned from a partially successful hunt. The pitiful mouse that hung from his jaws seemed a poor reward for his aching pads and the snow clumped in his fur. He gently shook off what he could, but he was wind-ruffled, damp, and absolutely freezing. Tallshadow had a narrow-minded focus on his warm nest. He would offer up his pitiful catch to the freshkill pile and then he would find somewhere slightly dry to curl up and catch up on what little sleep he could manage.

And then a tiny bundle of fur knocked into his leg. A sudden overwhelming wave of affection nearly bowled him over. It was Rapidkit, in all her pouting glory. She was growing fast. The tall warrior gently set his mouse in the snow, and sat down in an attempt to make himself just a little smaller. “I didn’t see you there, little sister.” He purred in a deep rasp. He gently brushed his long golden tail over her curled ear. The kit’s tears made his heart squeeze. He hated that look on her face. “I was taking this mouse to the freshkill pile, but maybe you’d like to try some?” Tallshadow gently nudged the mouse towards her. A peace offering, and hopefully a distraction from her building tears.

Hello up There Copper11
WindClan Medicine Cat------SkyClan Apprentice-------WindClan Warrior
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Hello up There Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello up There   Hello up There EmptySun 28 Jan 2024 - 7:01

Rapidkit wiped a front paw over her face and allowed her self to sulk for a little bit longer... if she was really being honest with herself this was really upset over her own fault of not looking where she was going when running around camp... something fennelbreeze already had warned her about and now she had goofed it up.

"you were right in the middle of my path run zone!" she meowed looking at him with wide eyes. She flicked her tail pointing to the little path in the snow she had cleared out to have room for plenty of zoomies. "it's not my fault you got in my way!" she insisted but at this point it was more trying to convince herself that she couldn't possibly be at fault here.  Even if the fault was not even a big deal at all. AND deep down knowing it was absolutely herself at fault.  She hid behind her two front paws a moment longer.  Only the scent of fresh prey that he had and his little offering of gifts made her peek out from behind her paws.

Luckily for both... Rapidkits pouty fit mood was easily distracted especially realizing this was the Tallshadow from the stories!!
"ahh you are my brother!!" she squealed sitting up all at once.  Well... she couldnt go blaming her brother for something that was her own fault now could she?? And she already felt bad about it... yeah yikes she did not like this feeling of emotions whatever they were, she swallowed her pride and sighed a little.  She pawed at the ground finding it difficult to look at him directly "Maybe I should be more careful when I'm running on my run way zone" she meowed quietly, it was a step in the right direction, not a full apology but at least an admission that it was not his fault and owning up to some of the fault that she had.  After all these things take time don't they?

Her mood slowly shifted back to the much happier kit that she usually was and she looked intrigued at his mouse he had caught. "woah... you caught this?? That's so cool" she whispered. She grinned widely up at him and almost immedietly afterwards like it or not one of his legs was getting a big ol' hug from her as she nuzzled friendly and lovingly at him. "you are so cool Tallshadow!!!" she declared. Her mood had flicked direction like a cloud leaving the sun to shine through once more.

this is all for me??" she asked suprised but gladly accepting. She knelt down next to him and munched on the mouse he had caught for her. "you are a pretty good older brother, looking out for us" she meowed leaning agaisnt him snuggling into his warm fur as she munched happily on her meal.

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Characters : Tallshadow, Daisyfang, Cricketpaw
Clan/Rank : (T)WindClan Warrior[T3] (D)WindClan MC[T1] (C)SkyClan Apprentice
Number of posts : 310
Gender : Female

Hello up There Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello up There   Hello up There EmptySun 28 Jan 2024 - 19:54

Tallshadow cast his amber gaze over the small zig-zagging trails through the snow. Rapidkit had been practicing. He thought he might actually melt at the commitment the kit had, her speed would certainly be an asset to WindClan when she was older.  “You’ll have to forgive me. I didn’t mean to interrupt your training.” He rumbled very seriously, though one large ear twitched in silent amusement. Tallshadow felt a small burst of relief when his sister’s mood lifted. But instead of immediately showing interest in the mouse like he’d expected, the kit seemed more excited about his presence.

She was so small and bright and still vibrant with youth. The lanky warrior felt the foreign, slow-crawl of something close to joy coat his ribs. He loved her so much, so deeply, already the affection surged through his grief-heavy veins. His stubborn heart just kept on welcoming his family, no matter how many times over he lost them.  “Yes, I’m your brother.” He said, softer, like it was something fragile he had to ease out from between his teeth, like admitting it out-loud would only bring ill-luck. But he was, and he loved her with every inch of tall lean frame. He would splash his blood into the dirt for his little sister. He would go to war for her.

Tallshadow nodded, chest still feeling tight with emotion.  “Most WindClan warriors are swift, but the fastest of us can plan and navigate around hazards without breaking stride.” He flicked his long golden tail across her nose.  “It’s all practice, I bet next time no one will be able to slow you down, even if they cross your running zone.” He purred encouragingly. Just when he thought he couldn’t possibly take any more of Rapidkit’s adorable antics her tiny voice spoke up in praise. It was just a mouse, a skinny, snow-dusted mouse, but the tiny she-kit looked at it like it was the finest prize he could have brought her.  

“Yeah, it’s all for you.” He said gently, taken aback at how easily she snuggled right into his fur. Like he didn’t have the ghosts of den kin following him. He wrapped his feathery tail around her. She was so small. Tallshadow stretched his ridiculously long legs out in front of him, settling down to watch over Rapidkit as she crunched away on the mouse. She would be warm and safe and full-fed, snuggled into his short golden pelt. His amber eyes were misted with emotion as he looked out over the snowy landscape. He would get to show her the moors, and the best sunning spot in camp, and the Tallrock, and the closest rabbit warrens. Tallshadow set his jaw in determination. All of his family would make it back to WindClan’s ancestral home, he would pay that price in blood and flesh and even his soul if it meant his sisters and brothers could taste heather on the breeze and feel the moor grass beneath their paws.

Hello up There Copper11
WindClan Medicine Cat------SkyClan Apprentice-------WindClan Warrior
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Number of posts : 3100
Gender : Unspecified

Hello up There Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello up There   Hello up There EmptyTue 30 Jan 2024 - 5:49

She glanced up at him as he apologized about her training she did manage to catch his amused ear flick.  Although just a kit, she was very good at picking up on emotions and could often tell when adult-cats were giggling or teasing a little.  She pawed gently at him smiling slyly at him.

"are you teasing me just a little bit!?" she purred softly resting her head against his chest and purred deeply as she shook her head with a little eye roll pretending to be so offended but gave him the play fullest of winks.  "better be careful mister I'll get Crake and Heather to tackle you" she giggled jokingly and squealed in delight at the thought of all of them getting time together.

The young kitten was pretty certain that things could not get much better than this.  A warm and soft older brother to snuggle into to hide from all the cold and snow, a meal to snack on when she peaked out from his fluffy whisky feather tail. She quietly yawned stretching after she had just finished the big meal he had just given her.  A small mouse to a warrior was a feast and a half to the young and small kitten that lay drooped over his paws proving that cats were part liquid.

She listened to how he talked about windclan and how with practice she could run over the landscape on the fastest of paws after her namesake. The imagery he was able to paint with his words in her mind combined with her creativity made her think about being able to glide above the hills of back home and, for a moment, she could almost feel the description of this soft grass and flower fields she had heard about from others of back home.  Her paws had only known the hard ice and cold unforgiving snow that were very tough on paw pads.

"Everyone makes back home sound so much better." she looked up to her brother with wide eyes,

"you promise it is?" she whispered her question.

"And if its so much nicer why are we here instead?" she had only been born on the journey back and they had not even seen the lake.  She had been told some things but never understood why everyone seemed to romanticize their old home as if they were talking about a lost treasure... it must be very beautiful place indeed.

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Characters : Tallshadow, Daisyfang, Cricketpaw
Clan/Rank : (T)WindClan Warrior[T3] (D)WindClan MC[T1] (C)SkyClan Apprentice
Number of posts : 310
Gender : Female

Hello up There Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello up There   Hello up There EmptyFri 2 Feb 2024 - 2:00

Tallshadow glanced down at his sister, eyes softening. “Yes.” He said softly. “So much better than here.” He sighed, rasping his tongue over Rapidkit’s head as he thought about how to answer that. “WindClan has lived on the moor for generations. But the forest was sick, and the two-legs were appearing in our territory. All the prey left, and it was hard to hunt. StarClan gave a message to the medicine cats, about how we needed to leave our camps and let the territories recover, so all the clans journeyed to the southern lake together. We stayed there for a while.”

He didn’t mention just how bad the starvation got, the lives it took before they finally abandoned their homes, or the plague, the horrible suffocating press of death that lingered just out of sight. Close enough to smell, but not quite close enough to pounce. “And right before you were born wolves chased us out again, so now we’re here, going back home.” Tallshadow wouldn’t scare her with those stories, not when they were so fresh and raw. It was better to think of the golden sway of the moorgrass and the sweet scent of heather on the breeze. The way the wind felt when it brought storms, singing a siren-song that begged his paws to chase the gathering clouds.

Her eyes were still so bright, wide and shining with youth. She didn’t need to have shadows cast over them yet. “You’ll like the moors. Lots of room to run. When we get home I’ll take you out to look for wool to line your nest with. Once you’ve had wool in your nest you’ll never want to go without it.”

Hello up There Copper11
WindClan Medicine Cat------SkyClan Apprentice-------WindClan Warrior
Rank up:
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Number of posts : 3100
Gender : Unspecified

Hello up There Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello up There   Hello up There EmptyFri 2 Feb 2024 - 2:07

Rapidkit purred gently nuzzling deeper into his warm pelt. "It all sounds like a dream land" she whispered quietly with a little yawn.

One nagging question jumped to her mind and she frowned a little bit unsure about it but also did not want to dampen the mood either.

'how will we know the twolegs are gone? what if the forest is still sick?' she thought to herself fearfully.

She considered asking it but before she could even phrase the question he was talking more about how amazing the running places would be, how soft the nests would become. She closed her mouth right away...

This was a hope her older brother seemed to be holding onto. At times he seemed somewhat sad, over what she did not know.

Perhaps it was not a good idea to go asking the question of if twolegs were still there and the forest still sick. The last thing the sweet kitten wanted to do was to zap any amount of hope and happiness her brother had.

She gave a slow nod trying to convince herself that it would indeed be better than here. She gave a tired yawn. Between the big meal, all the walking on this trip and the very warm and snuggle spot that she now had cuddled into him she was getting very sleepy. She felt her eyes drifting shut as she dozed off into a quiet nap.

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Hello up There Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hello up There   Hello up There Empty

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