Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Treasured (c)

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Characters : Tallshadow, Daisyfang, Cricketpaw
Clan/Rank : (T)WindClan Warrior[T3] (D)WindClan MC[T1] (C)SkyClan Apprentice
Number of posts : 310
Gender : Female

Treasured (c) Empty
PostSubject: Treasured (c)   Treasured (c) EmptyFri 17 Nov 2023 - 17:54

Daisykit’s small ears perked as Lavendercloud called her kits back. Normally Lavendercloud let her and her siblings go play while the queens set up the nests when the walking was finished for the day. The bi-colored kit grabbed the bundle of bright yellow flowers she had been rolling in. Oh! She needed the white ones too. Lavendercloud would think they were so neat! The yellow ones were soft and pretty and the white ones were puffy and fun like clouds! The hollow stems broke open under the pressure of her teeth, and the juice was bitter against her tongue. She soldiered through, white tipped tail help aloft as she bonded back with her mouth stuffed full of treasures.

With a purr vibrating in her chest, the she-kit shoulder-checked her unfortunate littermates out of the way so she could reach the gray molly first. Daisykit dropped her bundle of slightly squashed flowers at her mother’s feet, looking up at her with pride swimming in her eyes. “Look what I brought you, I found them all by myself!” Her white front paws were entirely unrecognizable as being white, stained the same deep rich brown of the earth. Her nose and part of her chest were also splotched with mud, making her look more tortoiseshell than her actual bi-colored pattern. The kit looked down at her flowers, only to realize the once fluffy white heads were gone. Astonished, Daisykit peered down at the empty stalks. The yellow ones were okay at least. “The white ones disappeared.” She said, tail dropping.

The kit had failed to notice that the dandelion seeds were stuck in her pelt, having blown off in her mad dash to show Lavendercloud. The she-kit pressed herself against the queen’s shoulder for comfort, offering up an apologetic purr. “They did look really cool before, I promise! What are they anyway? And why do the white ones disappear? Are they supposed to do that? Did I break them???”

Treasured (c) Copper11
WindClan Medicine Cat------SkyClan Apprentice-------WindClan Warrior
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Number of posts : 2912
Gender : Unspecified

Treasured (c) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Treasured (c)   Treasured (c) EmptySun 19 Nov 2023 - 22:38

Lavendercloud watched as her kits all came running back over.  At first, she had mistaken Daisykit for Molekit since she was so covered in mud.  Blinking as her daughter dropped the flowers or stems in some cases to her paws she felt so grateful to have an exploring little furball like Daisykit.

She let out a tired purr and gently picked up the Dandelions that were a little bit mud covered as well. She stuck one of the yellow intact ones behind her ear and dipped her head to show Daisykit.  "thank you very much" she purred with a grin.

Her kit hugged up against her and she couldnt help but notice all the mud that they both had now.  But nonetheless, she happily hugged back.

Her kit was already talking about something else now and it was fast enough to make the queens head spin a bit.  She blinked looking at the stems of the flowers Daisykit was referencing.  Broken? Dissapeared?

Lavendercloud blinked a couple times slowly catching what her kit had meant.

"aww... Daisykit no you didn't break them at all.  In fact you helped them. she explained pointing her tail to the soft puffy seeds that were in a trail of her kits muddy pawsteps and some clinging to both their pelts now.

"Those white puffy parts of the flower is what helps them spread and survive year after year" she meowed inspecting a white seed closer.

"No, you did not break them.  My kit, the seeds are supposed to do that, they are supposed to be spread and scattered it is how they survive."  She held her kit close and nodded "Just like the dandelions the clans also need to move for now for survival that is why we had to leave home for a little bit, but we are not broken because of this either.  Does that make sense?"

The whole time she had been explaining she had also been trying to wipe the copious amounts of mud off her kit, she was more than alright with them exploring but now that their temporary nest was set up it was not wanting to be mud stained 5 minutes in.

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Characters : Tallshadow, Daisyfang, Cricketpaw
Clan/Rank : (T)WindClan Warrior[T3] (D)WindClan MC[T1] (C)SkyClan Apprentice
Number of posts : 310
Gender : Female

Treasured (c) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Treasured (c)   Treasured (c) EmptyMon 20 Nov 2023 - 17:00

Daisykit’s amber eyes widened, pupils dilating to little black voids as Lavendercloud tucked the flower behind her ear. “I didn’t know you could do that with flowers!” She said, tail lashing excitedly. She made a mental note to go pick more tomorrow and put them in her fur. She thought her mother looked very pretty with the flower she had collected all by herself adorning her pale fur. The kit sat back on her haunches and listened intently to the queen’s explanation, visibly hanging off every word. Her small ears were pricked in complete interest and for a rare moment, the energetic kit was still. She nodded very seriously, staring down at the dandelions and their tiny wispy seeds being scattered by the breeze. “Not broken, just growing.” The bi-colored kit tracked the whirling of the seeds as the last of them were pulled from her pelt by the gentle rasp of Lavendercloud’s tongue. They almost looked like miniature warriors, running away with the wind. “Daisy is a flower too right? Like the dan-ee-lions.”The kit asked, starting to squirm a bit, clearly bored of her bath. “Is Lavender a flower too? What about Berry? Are we all named after flowers? Wait, Moles aren’t flowers. Why isn’t Molekit named after a flower? Did you not like him?”

Treasured (c) Copper11
WindClan Medicine Cat------SkyClan Apprentice-------WindClan Warrior
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Number of posts : 2912
Gender : Unspecified

Treasured (c) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Treasured (c)   Treasured (c) EmptyMon 27 Nov 2023 - 17:41

Lavendercloud had managed to mostly clean her kit when distracting her with the story and explanaion of things and that was a win enough for her. The last bit of mud and seeds stuck in Daisykit's fur might just have to wait for later she decided.

Soon, the energetic kit was back to asking more questions, all named after flowers??

"well berry isn't exactly a flowe... her voice trailed off and her ears laid back a bit as her daughter made some comment about her brother Molekit.

"hmm now now young miss you, be nice to your brother" she purred in a bit of amusement chuckle.

She playfully pawed at her daugher gently, "yea, lavender is a flower too... it helps you sleep better. I think thats why the leader gave me the suffix cloud to go with it.

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