Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Wigglepaw's Moonstone Journey

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3 posters


Characters : [F]awnshine, [Fe]nnelbreeze, [T]hrushnose, [H]arrierpaw
Cancer Buffalo
Number of posts : 1477
Gender : Gender fluid, She/They
Age : 14

Wigglepaw's Moonstone Journey Empty
PostSubject: Wigglepaw's Moonstone Journey   Wigglepaw's Moonstone Journey EmptyTue 12 Sep 2023 - 6:27

And did the twin flame bruise paint you blue?
"So you were never a saint and I've loved in shades of wrong. We learn to live with the pain, mosaic broken hearts."
The weather felt abnormally hot that early dawn. Perhaps the lack of sleep caught up to Fawnshine, worsened by bugs occasionally bothering the medic in her sleep made her somewhat more irritable than usual. Still, reason tugged in her to ignore them and calm her attitude for the sake of her responsibilities. Simply flicking her tail sharply to shoo the flies away, the she-cat reached for the herb bundle by a crack of the stone cave and slipped away from her den, instead approaching the apprentices'.

"Wigglepaw? Are you awake?" Fawnshine called for the young tom, setting the herb bundle down at the foot of the entrance before stepping back to allow the tom to emerge. "It's time for your Moonstone journey. Eat these herbs, and you'll be ready to go." She nodded, gesturing to the bundle at his paws.
ft. Taylor Swift in
— State of Grace
wigglepaw's moonstone journey

Wigglepaw's Moonstone Journey Copper_drew_siggy3_20240107084231
Thrushnose │ ThunderClan │ Tier V Warrior │ 70HP / 160SP │ #7b675d
Fennelbreeze │ WindClan │ Tier IV Warrior│ 60HP / 140SP │ #88ab84
Fawnshine │ ThunderClan │ T4 Classic MC │ 25HP / 60SP │ #d1bea8
Harrierpaw (not pictured)│ SkyClan │ Apprentice │ 20HP / 60SP │ #944c3e

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Characters : [N]ectarflower ; [H]emlockfox ; [W]iggleworm ; [F]irepaw ; [M]oonkit
Clan/Rank : [N] T5 WC Permaqueen ; [H] T2 WC MC ; [W] T2 TC Warrior ; [F] SkC Apprentice ; [M] WC Kit
Number of posts : 767
Gender : He/Him

Wigglepaw's Moonstone Journey Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wigglepaw's Moonstone Journey   Wigglepaw's Moonstone Journey EmptyTue 3 Oct 2023 - 7:41


Gender: Male
Rank: Apprentice

("Feral Language")
("Forest Language")

Wigglepaw was nestled comfortably in a slightly too-small nest, his long limbs bent at seemingly awkward angles in order to fit himself into the snug bed of moss and bracken. He'd grown considerably since making this particular nest and, with Cloudychase missing, all of his attention and time had been diverted to searching for the white warrior. It had only been a few days since his and Copperlark's disappearances, but the apprentice was still hopeful for at least his mentor's safe return. Maybe, if he tried harder, Cloudychase would come back?

He'd never gotten a chance to get his ear looked at and now, crusted in blood, it was beginning to ache. However, Wigglepaw didn't want to get it cleaned up by a medicine cat, they would ask questions and Cloudychase might get into trouble! Well...if he was still around anyway. Wigglepaw thought back to the day he received the nicks in his ear and sighed. If he hadn't missed that rabbit and gotten on Cloudychase's nerves by speaking in his feral tongue, it wouldn't have happened in the first place.

Then, a gentle voice called his name and, eagerly, Wigglepaw thrust his way out of the apprentice's den, ears angled forward curiously. Was it time for another search party? He had attended one just the night before, but there was little time to rest when two cats were missing! At the sight of Fawnshine, however, Wigglepaw shrank back uncertainly. His moonstone journey? But there was so much to be done still! He had to find Cloudychase and Copperlark...but mostly Cloudychase!

"U-Uh...is a good idea? Still need to look for Cloudychase." Wigglepaw cast a long look toward the warrior's den, almost as if expecting the white tom to emerge and order him to make himself useful. Unsurprisingly, nothing of the sort happened and Wigglepaw turned his dark eyes back toward Fawnshine, then to the herbs at his paws. He was supposed to eat those? But what about Cloudychase? He was supposed to be here to see him off of something...right?

Sniffing the herbs cautiously, the brown apprentice sneezed before scuffing his paws awkwardly. Maybe it wasn't such a bad idea? He could, at the very least, search for Cloudychase on the way to the moonstone... "C-Can look on the way? Maybe?" Wigglepaw blinked hopefully at the medicine cat, his fur prickling uncomfortably. Cloudychase would scold him if he was here, but that was precisely the problem! He wasn't here! How was Wigglepaw supposed to act?

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Characters : [F]awnshine, [Fe]nnelbreeze, [T]hrushnose, [H]arrierpaw
Cancer Buffalo
Number of posts : 1477
Gender : Gender fluid, She/They
Age : 14

Wigglepaw's Moonstone Journey Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wigglepaw's Moonstone Journey   Wigglepaw's Moonstone Journey EmptySat 7 Oct 2023 - 4:45

And did the twin flame bruise paint you blue?
"So you were never a saint and I've loved in shades of wrong. We learn to live with the pain, mosaic broken hearts."
Fawnshine softened her eyes, sharing a sense of empathy with the young tom. She knew what it was like—to have your mentor suddenly go missing and become an absence in your normally-included life. For a very brief moment, her gaze hardened, remembering back to his murder; though justice has been served...To an extent. It wasn't as if his murderer would ever be in Starclan, anyway. He could rot for all she cared for.

Her gaze fell upon Wigglepaw's ear, frowning subtly. "We should probably get that checked out for you. Do remind me when we come back from the Moonstone. It could worsen, or get infected if not checked out," She nodded. Shaking her head, she brought herself back to prepare him for his journey to Highstones—but not without answering the questions prior first.

"We could ask to head out on a patrol and attempt to find him later. But getting distracted while traveling to the Moonstone to find him is much riskier," She shook her head. Then, her eyes brightened. "Perhaps you can ask Starclan for his location when we're there?"
ft. Taylor Swift in
— State of Grace
Wigglepaw's moonstone journey

Wigglepaw's Moonstone Journey Copper_drew_siggy3_20240107084231
Thrushnose │ ThunderClan │ Tier V Warrior │ 70HP / 160SP │ #7b675d
Fennelbreeze │ WindClan │ Tier IV Warrior│ 60HP / 140SP │ #88ab84
Fawnshine │ ThunderClan │ T4 Classic MC │ 25HP / 60SP │ #d1bea8
Harrierpaw (not pictured)│ SkyClan │ Apprentice │ 20HP / 60SP │ #944c3e

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Characters : [N]ectarflower ; [H]emlockfox ; [W]iggleworm ; [F]irepaw ; [M]oonkit
Clan/Rank : [N] T5 WC Permaqueen ; [H] T2 WC MC ; [W] T2 TC Warrior ; [F] SkC Apprentice ; [M] WC Kit
Number of posts : 767
Gender : He/Him

Wigglepaw's Moonstone Journey Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wigglepaw's Moonstone Journey   Wigglepaw's Moonstone Journey EmptyMon 23 Oct 2023 - 8:55


Gender: Male
Rank: Apprentice

("Feral Language")
("Forest Language")

Wigglepaw peered up at Fawnshine curiously, wondering what she was thinking. Whatever it was, it had to be something serious if that expression had anything to do with. After a moment, she seemed to shake the thoughts away, her attention now fixed a little over his face. He frowned, then suddenly remembered the two slivers of flesh missing from his ear - perfectly claw shaped. Oh, she was a medicine cat, of course she would notice it. Almost sheepishly, Wigglepaw ducked his head.

Would she ask how he got it? Surely not. The life of a warrior and the life of a medicine cat were vastly different. With any luck, she would chalk it up to some skirmish with an animal or something. Hopefully, anyway. As much as he respected Cloudychase, Wigglepaw didn't think he would be able to lie to Fawnshine, a medicine cat. They had special powers or something...cool Starclan abilities...maybe. To be totally honest, he didn't understand the Starclan portion of their duties.

Flicking his tail uncomfortably, the brown apprentice nodded slightly. "Yes Fawnshine..." Infected? He didn't think it was that bad, right? It stung still...a lot...but that was normal. Though, the skin around the injury was getting a little warm. Was that something to be concerned about? Huffing, Wigglepaw dismissed the thought. There were far more pressing things to be worried about - like finding Cloudychase. Would Fawnshine let him look on the journey?

Apparently not. Tail drooping, Wigglepaw averted his gaze awkwardly, his chest tight. She was probably right, but he couldn't help but want to argue. Wasn't Cloudychase more important than some silly journey to the Moonstone? Wasn't the life of one of Thunderclan's strongest warriors more important than trudging all the way to Highstones? Was he the only cat who cared about Cloudychase? Regardless of his feelings on the matter, Wigglepaw clenched his jaw and nodded stiffly.

Fawnshine's suggestion a few moments later, though, took away some of his anger, and his tensed muscles relaxed. Could he really do that? Ask Starclan about what had happened to his mentor? Even if it didn't work, he appreciated Fawnshine trying...somewhat. "Uhm. Okay. Will try to ask." A little spark of hope lit in the young tom's heart. Starclan was supposed to know everything. Surely, they could help him find Cloudychase. They would have to - it was the best lead he had.

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Characters : [F]awnshine, [Fe]nnelbreeze, [T]hrushnose, [H]arrierpaw
Cancer Buffalo
Number of posts : 1477
Gender : Gender fluid, She/They
Age : 14

Wigglepaw's Moonstone Journey Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wigglepaw's Moonstone Journey   Wigglepaw's Moonstone Journey EmptySat 11 Nov 2023 - 16:14

And did the twin flame bruise paint you blue?
"So you were never a saint and I've loved in shades of wrong. We learn to live with the pain, mosaic broken hearts."
Fawnshine felt sympathy for his awkward, lowered gaze; knowing all too well how it was to be dismissed when looking for someone who you held close dearly. Still, it wasn't her business to interfere in a cat's fate, whether she liked it or not—if she could, she would've done so much sooner already to save the lives of the cats she loved. Almost bitterly, she tried to dismiss the thought. Always the messenger, never the decider.

ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-

The two eventually made their way in front of the Mothermouth, to which Fawnshine paused to instruct the young tom. "The tunnel will be extremely dark once you head in. Stay close and follow the tip of my tail, if not my scent in case you can't see it well." She spoke softly, making sure to receive a confirmation from him before leading him through. At the end of the cave reached a bright, illuminating stone, which she gestured to Wigglepaw to come close. "Press your nose to the Moonstone, and Starclan will do the rest. I'll be here when you wake up."
ft. Taylor Swift in
— State of Grace
wigglepaw's moonstone journey

Wigglepaw's Moonstone Journey Copper_drew_siggy3_20240107084231
Thrushnose │ ThunderClan │ Tier V Warrior │ 70HP / 160SP │ #7b675d
Fennelbreeze │ WindClan │ Tier IV Warrior│ 60HP / 140SP │ #88ab84
Fawnshine │ ThunderClan │ T4 Classic MC │ 25HP / 60SP │ #d1bea8
Harrierpaw (not pictured)│ SkyClan │ Apprentice │ 20HP / 60SP │ #944c3e

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Characters : [N]ectarflower ; [H]emlockfox ; [W]iggleworm ; [F]irepaw ; [M]oonkit
Clan/Rank : [N] T5 WC Permaqueen ; [H] T2 WC MC ; [W] T2 TC Warrior ; [F] SkC Apprentice ; [M] WC Kit
Number of posts : 767
Gender : He/Him

Wigglepaw's Moonstone Journey Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wigglepaw's Moonstone Journey   Wigglepaw's Moonstone Journey EmptySun 3 Dec 2023 - 16:56


Gender: Male
Rank: Apprentice

("Feral Language")
("Forest Language")

After a long, long while of walking, they finally reached Highstones and Wigglepaw couldn’t help but gawk at the gray mountain face. It was absolutely massive; he’d never seen such a large pile of rocks before! The sight alone was almost enough to draw Wigglepaw from his moping…almost. Though, as they climbed up to what the clans called Mothermouth, Wigglepaw felt his curiosity slowly begin to outweigh the disappointment still heavy in his chest.  

Were they really expected to go in there? It was so dark and…small. The young tom’s nose crinkled slightly as Fawnshine spoke, his hackles lifting at the idea of padding willingly into such a dangerous looking cavern. Why did the clans insist on such strange traditions? Better yet, why couldn’t the Moonstone be somewhere pretty and definitely not scary? What kind of sacred place was in the center of a horrifying, musty tunnel? And to name it Mothermouth of all things!

Regardless, the brown tom inched closer to Fawnshine, sticking close to her as she led the way into the dim tunnel. The stony decline was a bit of a tight fit at first, and the walls only seemed to draw closer and closer the further they went. Eventually, when the light was gone and all Wigglepaw could hear was their paw steps and breathing, his chest tightened, almost as if aware of the endless amounts of rock between him and the starry sky.

Finally, though, as he felt his discomfort begin to morph into panic, the tunnel began to take on a strange, bluish hue. Taking deep breaths, Wigglepaw forced his fur to lie flat and tried to put his trust into the smaller she-cat. Despite nothing bad having happened, he couldn't shake the feeling that that was about to change. Wigglepaw shuddered. One thing was for certain, though. He would never allow himself to be convinced to come back here again - not if he could help it.

Though, as the light ahead began to get brighter, Wigglepaw’s concerns melted away and vanished completely as Fawnshine led them into a cavern with a bright, glowing stone jutting out of the center of the floor. It was...ethereal. Jaw agape, it took several moments for the brown tom to register Fawnshine's words but when he finally did, he nodded and crossed the cool, stone floor before coming to a halt just inches from the glittering stone. Okay - maybe this wasn't so bad.

Paws tingling, Wigglepaw crouched down in front of the stone, shaking slightly, and pressed his nose to the icy rock. Instantly, his eyes drifted shut and he waited for a moment, uncertain. He didn't feel any different. "Uhm...Fawnshine?" Tail twitching, the apprentice opened his eyes to locate the medicine cat - but she was gone. Actually, everything was gone - replaced by a bright, star-speckled forest. It looked like....home? How was that possible? He was at highstones...right?

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Characters : Living: Goldenfern | Flysnap | Finchspeckle | Berrypaw | Larkpaw | Iakona, Dead: Sagestone | Cloudychase | Valley
Clan/Rank : Thunderclan T5 Warrior | Thunderclan T2 Warrior | Windclan T2 Warrior | WindClan Apprentice | ThunderClan Apprentice | T1 Rouge | Shadowclan T2 Warrior| Thunderclan T2 Warrior | T4 Loner
Number of posts : 495
Gender : Female

Wigglepaw's Moonstone Journey Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wigglepaw's Moonstone Journey   Wigglepaw's Moonstone Journey EmptyTue 5 Dec 2023 - 18:36

Cloudychase still didn't know what to think of his position in StarClan. The other cats gave him looks as if he did not belong. Well, he didnt want to be here either! The white tom's tail lashed furiously as he thought about his death. At the very least, his fox-hearted sister was not welcome in StarClan. The starry tom looked up as a familiar figure appeared before him, lips curling slightly as he recognised his feral apprentice. He hadnt thought of him in a whioe, and the reminder was not welcomed. The white tom had regained his other eye upon death, and now two scornful blue eyes sized up wigglepaw. "Hello, Wigglepaw," he mewed curtly, not even trying to keep the annoyance out of his voice.

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Site Moderator

Characters : [N]ectarflower ; [H]emlockfox ; [W]iggleworm ; [F]irepaw ; [M]oonkit
Clan/Rank : [N] T5 WC Permaqueen ; [H] T2 WC MC ; [W] T2 TC Warrior ; [F] SkC Apprentice ; [M] WC Kit
Number of posts : 767
Gender : He/Him

Wigglepaw's Moonstone Journey Empty
PostSubject: Re: Wigglepaw's Moonstone Journey   Wigglepaw's Moonstone Journey EmptyThu 7 Dec 2023 - 21:52


Gender: Male
Rank: Apprentice

("Feral Language")
("Forest Language")

Wigglepaw staggered to his paws, his dark eyes scanning the starlit territory with a mixture of shock and fear. Was this...Starclan? He hadn't thought that the clan cats really spoke with their dead ancestors but it was...comforting, in a way, to know that they weren't completely insane whenever they spoke of the fabled clan in the sky. Breath coming a little sharper than before, the young tom spun in a circle, taking in the blue-tinged forest with wide eyes.

So, it was real. What did that mean for him and his littermates? Surely, the existence of Starclan didn't disprove their gods and beliefs, right? Wigglepaw snorted, amused. No, of course not! This just meant that there was more than one way of life. He'd always known that, of course, but to have such irrefutable evidence was...odd, to say the least. A shiver ran down Wigglepaw's back and he blinked hard, dismissing the overwhelming thoughts in his head. Now wasn't the time for an existential crisis! He could ponder the implications of this at another time.

As he shelved his questions for later, though, a painfully familiar scent rolled across the forest floor. Cloudychase was here. The realization sent a pang of sadness through Wigglepaw's chest. He was dead, then. Tears sprang to the feral tom's eyes, but he blinked them away as his gaze landed on the white warrior. He looked different than he had in life - all scars and even his missing eye were replaced, almost as if they'd never been there to begin with. Sniffling, Wigglepaw launched himself at Cloudychase, burying his nose in the now smaller tom's shoulder. "Cloudychase!"

It had been horrible not even getting to say goodbye! Not knowing what even happened though, was worse. Had Cloudychase been watching all this time, then, as he'd searched high and low, never giving up? Was he proud? Wigglepaw nuzzled closer to Cloudychase, his chest warm. In the time following his mentor's disappearance, Wigglepaw had forgotten his craving for the older tom's approval, but it returned now, stronger than before.  

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