Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Herb Hunting System

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Herb Hunting System Empty
PostSubject: Herb Hunting System   Herb Hunting System EmptySun 26 Mar 2023 - 13:36

On Warrior Clan Cats, we provide users with a herb hunting system they can utilize for in-character requirements or to spice up role-playing by adding an element of chance. This herb hunting system implements the use of the Effect Dice and the Medical Herb list found below.

The herb hunting system is not required for every herb hunt; however, it must be used in formal assessments, as it is part of the rank system requirements.

Under the herb hunting system, the role-player starting the thread chooses a number of herbs they wish to gather from the list of available medical herbs based on the list attached below. The list includes the successful ranges for the herbs chosen for each tier, assigned by the role-player starting the thread. These numbers are static across the clans, but please take note of the usual locations of herbs during role-playing, as always. These collected herbs will not need to be tracked, this is just a uniform system for filling the requirements while adding a bit of spice in terms of the element of chance.

Dice Roll Results

6 rolled will be the very useful, or more rare, herbs. Up to three different herbs can be chosen for this.
4-5 rolled will be the relatively useful or uncommon herbs. Up to four different herbs can be chosen for this.
2-3 rolled will be the common, everyday herbs. Up to six different herbs can be chosen for this.
1 rolled will be either a failure to find anything, or the one who rolls can find a poison. These are listed at the bottom of the herb list.

The herbs chosen by the role-player who starts the topic will be announced in the first post, where it is placed is up to the individual. It can be in a Spoiler, or in bold, whatever works best for them so long as it stands out. From there, each participating member of the patrol can roll the dice, and depending on their roll pick from the listed herbs provided. 

See this topic for an example of how it would look in practice.

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Herb Hunting System Empty
PostSubject: Re: Herb Hunting System   Herb Hunting System EmptySun 26 Mar 2023 - 13:41

Medicinal Herbs and Uses

Image Herb Appearance Location Application Uses
Alder Bark Gray bark stripped from an alder tree. Wet or marshy areas. Chewed; sometimes applied to wounds. Eases toothache, or can help prevent infection when applied to wounds.
Basil A small plant with medium-green leaves. They're round with a soft point, and give off a strong scent. Damp or mashy areas. Applied to the site of bite Draws poison from the bites of snakes and similar venomous creatures. Not to be ingested.
Bindweed Blue flower with yellow and white center, and bright green leaves. Dry and sandy soil. Wrapped around broken limbs, or the splints already applied. Aids in holding splints in place.
Borage Small blue or pink star-shaped flower with fuzzy leaves. Damp soil. Chewed and eaten. Increases milk production; soothes fevers; soothes bellyaches; eases breathing.
Burdock root Roots pulled from burdock, a tall, thin plant with dark leaves. Dry and rocky areas. Chewed into a pulp. Eases pain and wards off infection; especially effective against rat bites.
Burnet Rounded medium green leafed plant. Dry and sunny areas. Chewed and eaten. Gives strength; commonly used in traveling herbs, or for queens.
Catchweed Dark green plant bearing fuzzy white bells. Dry soil. Applied directly to poultices. Used to hold poultices to the pelt, keeping them from rubbing off.
Catmint A tall plant with dark leaves and a sweet smell, occassionally found with purple flowers. Twolegplace. Chewed and eaten. Soothes greencough and whitecough, and similar illnesses.
Celandine Tall stemmed flower with four broad, yellow petals. Both dry and damp areas. Chewed or crushed; juice is trickled into the eyes. Soothes damaged eyes.
Chamomile Small white flowers with yellow center. Sandy soil; Twolegplace. Chewed and eaten. Eases the heart and mind. Sometimes used in traveling herbs.
Chervil Sweet-smelling plant with large, fern-like leaves. Roots are brown and knobby. Dry and rocky soil. Chewed or crushed to get juice from leaves or roots. Leaves are used to fight infections; roots work well against bellyaches. Occassionally used to provide strength during kitting.
Chickweed Tall stemmed plant with broad, rounded leaves. Damp or rocky areas. Chewed and eaten. Treats greencough and similar illnesses.
Cob nuts Small brown nut. Anywhere. Crushed (with rocks, etc.) Used as compound in poultices and ointments.
Cobwebs The thin, fragile strings of a spider's web. Anywhere. Applied directly to wounds. Slows or stops bleeding.
Coltsfoot Plant with yellow or white flowers resembling dandelions. Wet or marshy areas. Leaves are chewed into a pulp. Eases breathing and soothes minor cough; can also treat sore and cracked pads.
Comfrey root Large leaves with bell shaped flowers ranging from pink, purple, to white. Damp and grassy areas. Roots are stripped from the plant and chewed into a poultice. Eases sore and stiff joints; helps repair broken bones; helps soothe wrenched claws.
Coneflower Flowering plant with tall, thin stems and pink petals; a nearly cone-shaped bulb sits in the center. Anywhere; especially common in dry, grassy areas. Seeds and sap can be ingested; leaves/roots can be chewed and used as a poultice. Seeds and sap soothe whitecough and similar illnesses; roots and leaves help ease injuries and prevent infection.
Daisy leaf Dark green oval shaped leaves bearing white flowers. Near water. Chewed into a paste. Eases stiff joints. Also used as a traveling herb.
Dandelion Thin-stemmed plant with with yellow flowerheads that turn feathery and white with the season. Anywhere. Leaves can be chewed and eaten; stem is broken to get juice inside. Soothes and heals beestings. Leaves act as a mild painkiller.
Dock Large, dark green leaves. Wet areas. Chewed and applied to wounds. Eases pain and prevents infection. Also soothes cracked pads.
Elder leaves Oval shaped, serrated leaves. Almost anywhere. Chewed into poultice. Soothes sprains.
Fennel Thin, spiky-leafed plant. Almost anywhere; especially common near water, on dry soil. Stalk is broken and juice is trickled into the mouth. Soothes joint pain, particularly in the hips.
Feverfew Bush with daisy-like flowers, though slightly smaller. Near water. Chewed and eaten. Eases fevers. Also works for mild pain relief.
Goldenrod Tall plant with bright yellow flowers. Dry, open areas. Chewed into poultices. Aids in wound recovery and eases infection.
Honey Thick golden liquid. Anywhere. Ingested. Soothes sore throats, makes swallowing easier.
Horsetail Tall plant with bristling leaves. Marshy areas. Chewed into poultice. Treats infection and stops bleeding.
Juniper berries Purple-blue berries from a dark, spiky-leafed plant. Dry areas. Chewed and eaten. Soothes bellyaches and gives strength. Occassionally used to ease breathing. Also soothes the mind.
Lamb's ear Small plant with fuzzy green leaves. Rocky areas. Chewed and eaten. Gives strength.
Lavender Purple-flowering plant. Twolegplace; sandy soil. Rubbed into the pelt, or inhaled directly. Slows breathing and soothes the mind; masks scent.
Mallow leaves Plant with large, fuzzy, purplish flowers. Near water. Chewed and eaten. Soothes bellyaches.
Marigold A low growing, yellow-orange flower. Near water. Chewed and eaten. Juice can be extracted and ingested as well. Soothes infection; slows or stops bleeding. Also used against stiff joints.
Moss Spongy, low-growing shrub. Anywhere. Used to soak up liquids. Can be used to hold water, honey, mouse-bile, or similar to give to patients. Sometimes used as bedding.
Oak leaf Large, ruffled leaves of an oak tree. Forested areas. Chewed into a poultice. Slows infection.
Parsley Long-stemmed plant with ragged-looking leaves. Dry soil near water. Chewed and eaten. Stops the production of milk in queens; also soothes bellyaches.
Poppy seeds Tiny, round seeds of a poppy plant. Anywhere. Chewed. Soothes pain, slows infection, helps a cat to sleep, eases breathing and soothes the mind. Not recommended for queens.
Ragweed Ragged-leafed plant similar to a fern. Rocky areas. Chewed and eaten. Gives stamina and strength.
Ragwort leaves Tall shrub with yellow flowers and a poor taste. Damp soil. Chewed and eaten. Treats sore joints and provides strength.
Rush Long, narrow stalks. Near water. Applied to broken bones. Helps set broken bones and bind splints.
Sage Root Roots of the sage plant, a low-growing light green plant with rounded, fuzzy leaves. Dry areas. Chewed into a pulp. Applied to sore or cracked pads. Pairs well with poppy seeds.
Sorrel Small plant with broad leaves. Rocky areas; Twolegplace. Used in traveling herbs. Gives strength and helps with appetite.
Sticks The small branches of trees. Anywhere there are trees. Bitten. Distracts cats from pain. Often used for kitting queens, but commonly used when bones are being set as well.
Stinging nettle Plant with small, yellow-ish flowers and little seeds. Anywhere. Seeds are eaten by cats who have ingested poison; leaves and stem are chewed for poultices. Seeds induce vomiting. Leaves and stem ease wounds, bring down swelling, and soothe broken bones.
Tansy Plant with round, yellow flowers. Twolegplace Chewed and eaten Eases greencough and similar illnesses. Acts as a painkiller against mild wounds. Soothes the throat.
Tormentil Thin stem with small yellow flowers. Dry and rocky areas. Chewed and applied to wounds. Extracts poisons.
Thyme Narrow plant with small, fragile leaves. Hot, dry areas. Leaves are chewed. Calms nerves and eases shock.
Traveling herbs A mixture of various plants. Anywhere. Chewed and eaten. Common mixture of sorrel, daisy, burnet, or similar plants; gives strength and eases appetite for long journeys.
Watermint Light green plant with purple leaves and spiked stems. Damp soil. Chewed and eaten. Soothes bellyache.
Wild garlic A white bulb with tall green leaves. Forested areas or on damp soil. Rolled in or applied to the pelt. Draws out rat bites and prevents ensuing infection.
Willow leaves Long, soft, oval-shaped leaves of a willow tree. Near water. Eaten. Stops vomiting.
Yarrow Tall flowering plant with jagged leaves and a white head. Dry and rocky areas. Chewed into a poultice. Induces vomiting. Can be turned into an ointment for cracked and sore pads as well.

Deadly Herbs and Uses

Image Herb Appearance Location Application Uses
Deathberries Round red berries from the dark-leafed yew bush. Damp or rocky areas. Chewed and eaten. Kills a cat within moments when ingested. If removed carefully, the skin can be used to treat infection, though very rarely. Incredibly lethal even to adult cats!
Foxglove seeds Tiny black seeds from the foxglove plants. Forested areas. Chewed and eaten. Induces vomiting and causes paralysis within moments. No medicinal value.
Holly berries Red berries from the spiny-leafed holly plant. Damp areas. Chewed and eaten. Causes vomiting, bellyache, and loss of appetite. Only lethal in large doses, or against kits and elders. No medicinal value.
Deadly nightshade Small shrub with purple, bell-shaped flowers. Damp areas. Chewed and eaten. Will kill a cat within moments after ingested. Rarely used as a merciful way of easing one's suffering. No other medicinal value.
Water hemlock Green or white flowers similar to parsley. Marshy areas. Chewed and eaten. Causes writhing, spasms, and foaming at the mouth. Can be treated if one acts fast enough. Incredibly lethal even to adult cats!

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