Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 That Old Familiar Face [C]

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2 posters
Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : [P]oppyshine; [Pi]neblossom; [W]hisperear; [C]rookedlight; [L]arkspring; [Wi]llowwisp; [R]ashoumon
Clan/Rank : RC T5 Deputy; SC T5; WC T5; SkC T5; RC T4; RC T4; Rogue T1
Virgo Tiger
Number of posts : 3059
Gender : Any Pronouns
Age : 25

That Old Familiar Face [C] Empty
PostSubject: That Old Familiar Face [C]   That Old Familiar Face [C] EmptyThu 12 Jan 2023 - 10:44


It took some time for Iceheart to develop the courage to approach Locustcall again. She knew that his absence, and what came of it, was not his fault. It was no more his fault than it was Murkystar’s fault for dying during the Dark Forest reign. Still…though it was not Locustcall’s fault, and she tried to hold no ill will towards him, looking to him only reminded her of the time in her life that was objectively the worst. Thoughts of Locustcall always turned to thoughts of Stagshade, the Dark Forest cat that tried to step in as her mentor when Locustcall disappeared. Iceheart was no longer the distant cat that she turned into during the Dark Forest’s occupation, but sometimes when she was around him…she could feel that old version of her creeping to the surface.

Iceheart shook her head clear of those thoughts. Regardless of the turmoil that rolls in her mind, Locustcall was not the cause of any of it. He was back in ShadowClan and Iceheart wanted to welcome him back more formally. His first appearance had caught her off guard and she felt her welcome had not been good enough for someone that was once her mentor. Now, she approached the warrior in question and drew to a stop before him.

“Hello, Locustcall,” she greeted. It had taken some time to get used to his new name as well. It was so similar to Cicadashriek, and yet different. Much like how he looked now: so similar to the Cicadashriek of old, but so different also. “I wanted to ask if you wanted to join me on a patrol through the territory.”

PineblossomT5 ShadowClan
WillowwispT5 RiverClan
RashoumonT1 Rogue
LarkspringT5 RiverClan
PoppystarT5 RiverClan Leader
BlazekitWindClan Kit
(not pictured)
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Characters : [B]oartusk, [Spi]derdance, [O]leanderpaw, [Ser]pentkit
Clan/Rank : [B] Shadowclan T3 Warrior, [Spi] Windclan T3 Warrior, [O] Riverclan Apprentice, [Ser] Thunderclan Unborn Kit
Capricorn Tiger
Number of posts : 634
Gender : Male (He/Him)
Age : 25

That Old Familiar Face [C] Empty
PostSubject: Re: That Old Familiar Face [C]   That Old Familiar Face [C] EmptyThu 12 Jan 2023 - 19:21

Locustcall had let Iceheart have her space. Purely for her sake, of course, not because he felt awkward. A part of him wanted to patch together the mentor-apprentice relationship they never really got to have, but he knew they were both far too old for that. Iceheart was a better warrior than he was now. If anything, the roles would be flipped, if they didn't get too uncomfortable entirely. Was it best to start from scratch? Did she still consider him a mentor? It's been so long that the two were strangers now. Cats were never Locustcall's strong suit, all of this was far beyond his range, so he kept to focusing on his warrior duties. His shoulder had healed alright after their altercation with Windclan, he was itching to continue patrolling and hunting as dutifully as he was before.

His ear twitched when he noticed the brown she-cat approach, shifting his gaze up from where he lay. It was hard not to portray his enthusiasm when he asked for his company. "Sure, I need to stretch my legs anyway." And catch up with her, even if that goal went unsaid. He hefted himself to his paws, the stocky warrior stretching a stiff back leg before gesturing toward the camp entrance. The camp was as he remembered it, even if it needed some love and care to return to how it was before. He could almost pretend he was never gone in the first place... almost.

The calico tom let the younger she-cat take the lead out into the familiar marshes, the soft wet ground preferable to the harsh rocky territory of their temporary home. "It feels good to be back, right? I don't think I could have gotten used to Highstones," he mused, trying to break into conversation with some small talk.

That Old Familiar Face [C] Spider-Oleander-Boar-Sig-1
Boartusk | Shadowclan T3 Warrior | #990000
Oleanderpaw | Riverclan Apprentice | #669933
Spiderdance | Windclan T3 Warrior | #0883D4
Serpentkit | Thunderclan Unborn Kit | #703642
Not Depicted
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : [P]oppyshine; [Pi]neblossom; [W]hisperear; [C]rookedlight; [L]arkspring; [Wi]llowwisp; [R]ashoumon
Clan/Rank : RC T5 Deputy; SC T5; WC T5; SkC T5; RC T4; RC T4; Rogue T1
Virgo Tiger
Number of posts : 3059
Gender : Any Pronouns
Age : 25

That Old Familiar Face [C] Empty
PostSubject: Re: That Old Familiar Face [C]   That Old Familiar Face [C] EmptyWed 18 Jan 2023 - 14:30


As expected, it was awkward as the pair of them set forth out into the territory. Iceheart did not expect riveting conversation, but she did at least hope that the tension would not feel like it was strangling her simply for standing to close to the older warrior. And yet…

Her ears perked when Locustcall began speaking again. She was grateful for a subject to focus on. “It is good indeed…The Highstones are nice to visit, I suppose. I did not get a moonstone in the same way as most do, so it was actually my first time visiting the place. I suppose medicine cats would have a reason to like the area….but yes, I am glad that we have returned home. I missed the marsh terribly.”

PineblossomT5 ShadowClan
WillowwispT5 RiverClan
RashoumonT1 Rogue
LarkspringT5 RiverClan
PoppystarT5 RiverClan Leader
BlazekitWindClan Kit
(not pictured)
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Characters : [B]oartusk, [Spi]derdance, [O]leanderpaw, [Ser]pentkit
Clan/Rank : [B] Shadowclan T3 Warrior, [Spi] Windclan T3 Warrior, [O] Riverclan Apprentice, [Ser] Thunderclan Unborn Kit
Capricorn Tiger
Number of posts : 634
Gender : Male (He/Him)
Age : 25

That Old Familiar Face [C] Empty
PostSubject: Re: That Old Familiar Face [C]   That Old Familiar Face [C] EmptyThu 19 Jan 2023 - 14:26

There was a momentary pause before Locustcall realized that, with the Dark Forest's rule and Starclan missing, there was no ability for an apprentice to get their journey to the moonstone. There was likely a whole generation that did not get to speak with their stary ancestors or visit Highstones under normal circumstances, and while his own had been... tense... it didn't mean others deserved to miss out on the experience.

"Heh, certainly an interesting first experience, huh?" Was he allowed to make jest of this? He didn't know how Iceheart felt about... anything yet. He didn't want to prod anywhere still tender for the younger she-cat. Locustcall deliberated on keeping the conversation on recent events, but the words hanging on the tip of his tongue eventually fell out.

"I didn't get to see much of when the Dark Forest was around. Were you alright? I mean, as alright as someone could be under that..." He wasn't sure if this was appropriate either. Maybe she didn't want to talk about it, maybe she didn't want to talk about it with him specifically. Locustcall wouldn't blame her either, but he was still curious about how the forest was and if Iceheart had made it to warriorhood ok.

That Old Familiar Face [C] Spider-Oleander-Boar-Sig-1
Boartusk | Shadowclan T3 Warrior | #990000
Oleanderpaw | Riverclan Apprentice | #669933
Spiderdance | Windclan T3 Warrior | #0883D4
Serpentkit | Thunderclan Unborn Kit | #703642
Not Depicted
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : [P]oppyshine; [Pi]neblossom; [W]hisperear; [C]rookedlight; [L]arkspring; [Wi]llowwisp; [R]ashoumon
Clan/Rank : RC T5 Deputy; SC T5; WC T5; SkC T5; RC T4; RC T4; Rogue T1
Virgo Tiger
Number of posts : 3059
Gender : Any Pronouns
Age : 25

That Old Familiar Face [C] Empty
PostSubject: Re: That Old Familiar Face [C]   That Old Familiar Face [C] EmptySun 22 Jan 2023 - 16:43


Iceheart’s ears flicked to the side. Was she alright? Iceheart could have laughed in his face if she were not who she was. Her stomach twisted and memories that she thought she had let go—memories that she had realized recently, with the return of Locustcall, that she had not—began to bleed into the edges of her mind. She was not sure what to say for a moment. Was she to be truthful, or lenient for her former mentor? What happened to her upon his leave was hardly his fault…and yet, Iceheart could not help the bitterness in her stomach anyway.

“I was not assigned another mentor for two moons after your disappearance. In that time, there were two Dark Forest cats that thought I would be a good student to them,” Iceheart replied. There it was, plain as she could have put it; she was as much a student of the Dark Forest as she had been one of ShadowClan. “After, Thalia did well to teach me. She is not originally ShadowClan either.”

It was not something Iceheart had considered until just then. Thalia was originally from another clan, raised by the rogue organization of Asylum, and then took refuge here under Flintstar. Her story had been a sad one when she told Iceheart, but Iceheart had never thought of her as any less of a ShadowClan cat. Yet, the truth remained: perhaps she was not much of a student of ShadowClan at all.

“I did wonder, often, what would have happened if you had not disappeared,” Iceheart added. “We had scarcely had any training together. I wondered if I would have been the same warrior, or better or worse.” A beat of silence lay between them before Iceheart finally turned her head to acknowledge the tom more directly. “Did you have another apprentice before me or was I your ‘first’?”

PineblossomT5 ShadowClan
WillowwispT5 RiverClan
RashoumonT1 Rogue
LarkspringT5 RiverClan
PoppystarT5 RiverClan Leader
BlazekitWindClan Kit
(not pictured)
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Characters : [B]oartusk, [Spi]derdance, [O]leanderpaw, [Ser]pentkit
Clan/Rank : [B] Shadowclan T3 Warrior, [Spi] Windclan T3 Warrior, [O] Riverclan Apprentice, [Ser] Thunderclan Unborn Kit
Capricorn Tiger
Number of posts : 634
Gender : Male (He/Him)
Age : 25

That Old Familiar Face [C] Empty
PostSubject: Re: That Old Familiar Face [C]   That Old Familiar Face [C] EmptyMon 23 Jan 2023 - 17:04

Locustcall listened quietly, guilt forming an ugly stone in his stomach. It shouldn't have been a surprise that her training ended up disrupted, but he didn't think they would wait so long to replace him, nor that dark forest cats would have tried to swoop in and fill the gap he left. How did that affect her? He didn't remember much of her youth, but Iceheart looked so... tired now. Was that the dark forest's toll? Or was there even more weighing on her shoulders?

The acknowledgment that things could have been different, could have been better, if he had stayed stung like a thorn in the pad. Or maybe he could have made things worse, he didn't know, but if he had been there, there would have been no need for a Dark Forest cat to have swooped in on his absence. If he was there, at the very least that wouldn't have happened.

"You were my first apprentice, though I suppose that's still debatable considering..." He left so early during it. How early would one have to drop an apprentice before that relationship would be nullified? He managed to teach her the very basics, but that was it, any cat could have done that mentor or not. He cleared his throat.

"I've been meaning to apologize to you about that, actually." He took a deep breath. Locustcall was never good at this stuff, but this was undeniably his fault and he needed... wanted... to acknowledge that. "I wish I could give you a good explanation, but I can't. I was given an important role in your life and I squandered it, and I'm really sorry for that." His gaze flicked from the marshes and back to the brown she-cat. He despised this vulnerability and how awkward he felt, but he owed this to her, right?

That Old Familiar Face [C] Spider-Oleander-Boar-Sig-1
Boartusk | Shadowclan T3 Warrior | #990000
Oleanderpaw | Riverclan Apprentice | #669933
Spiderdance | Windclan T3 Warrior | #0883D4
Serpentkit | Thunderclan Unborn Kit | #703642
Not Depicted
Plotting Page | Art Emporium | Character Profiles
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : [P]oppyshine; [Pi]neblossom; [W]hisperear; [C]rookedlight; [L]arkspring; [Wi]llowwisp; [R]ashoumon
Clan/Rank : RC T5 Deputy; SC T5; WC T5; SkC T5; RC T4; RC T4; Rogue T1
Virgo Tiger
Number of posts : 3059
Gender : Any Pronouns
Age : 25

That Old Familiar Face [C] Empty
PostSubject: Re: That Old Familiar Face [C]   That Old Familiar Face [C] EmptyTue 14 Feb 2023 - 15:53


Iceheart looked at Locustcall and drew to a stop. She had not known him for very long, of course, but she knew that he was a proud cat before his disappearance. This vulnerability…it was uncomfortable for them both, even if she was grateful for the attempt.

“Do not believe that I blame you,” she noted. “I know that the circumstances of your disappearance were not exactly your fault. It is not as though you chose to cast me aside.” Her nose twitched. She probably could have worded that better. She felt like a kit again in Locustcall’s presence. “You know, you were the cat that I wanted as my mentor most of all. Ratrunner told me about several of the warriors of the clan when I was just a kit, and you were the one that I felt I could learn the most from…While I am disappointed that that did not turn out to be the case, that does not mean that you cannot be a good mentor for another cat in the future.”

Iceheart lifted her chin to look at him more directly. “Ratrunner described you as serious and dedicated, but meek was never a word that crossed his maw. I hope you haven’t let these moons away from ShadowClan change you for the worst.”

PineblossomT5 ShadowClan
WillowwispT5 RiverClan
RashoumonT1 Rogue
LarkspringT5 RiverClan
PoppystarT5 RiverClan Leader
BlazekitWindClan Kit
(not pictured)
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Characters : [B]oartusk, [Spi]derdance, [O]leanderpaw, [Ser]pentkit
Clan/Rank : [B] Shadowclan T3 Warrior, [Spi] Windclan T3 Warrior, [O] Riverclan Apprentice, [Ser] Thunderclan Unborn Kit
Capricorn Tiger
Number of posts : 634
Gender : Male (He/Him)
Age : 25

That Old Familiar Face [C] Empty
PostSubject: Re: That Old Familiar Face [C]   That Old Familiar Face [C] EmptyThu 2 Mar 2023 - 23:45

As Iceheart spoke, it only twisted the guilt in his chest further. He had wasted such an honor already, but knowing she had wanted him made it so much worse. The awkwardness in the air was palpable, he swore he could bite into it if he tried. Then her last sentence.

"I hope you haven’t let these moons away from ShadowClan change you for the worst.”

Worst? Apologizing made him worse? He didn't know apologizing for leaving her stranded when the world was getting flipped upside down made him meek! The vulnerability he had offered quickly closed off, the guilt melting off his face to leave it with its usual gruff expression. The tom raised his head and met her gaze directly. Fine, he wouldn't try that again.

"I haven't. I'm still Shadowclan and the same cat I was before I left. If I wasn't, I wouldn't have returned. Shadowclan needs its best and I wouldn't be here if I didn't think that's what I was." Locustcall knew that wasn't true, at least not in its entirety. Cicadashriek would have never apologized here. Cicadashriek would have never felt awkward in gatherings or in the presence of his clanmates. He had lost bits and pieces of his younger self, unsure if it was simply with age or if being away from the clans... ruined him somehow... He didn't like thinking about it.

That Old Familiar Face [C] Spider-Oleander-Boar-Sig-1
Boartusk | Shadowclan T3 Warrior | #990000
Oleanderpaw | Riverclan Apprentice | #669933
Spiderdance | Windclan T3 Warrior | #0883D4
Serpentkit | Thunderclan Unborn Kit | #703642
Not Depicted
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That Old Familiar Face [C] Empty
PostSubject: Re: That Old Familiar Face [C]   That Old Familiar Face [C] Empty

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