Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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Activity checks take place on the 1st of the month. PM a staff member with the completed form if you missed it.
Newleaf is finally here, and the Clans hope to find reprieve from the tough Leaf-bare.
Gatherings take place on the 1st of the month; keep your eyes out for a staff member's post!
Please feel free to hit up any staff member if you have any questions!


 sharks [C]

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2 posters
Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : [R]owansong [Ro]okflight [S]ilverhawk [P]igeonpouce [F]ish [T]wilightpaw [F]alconkit [Fo]xkit
Clan/Rank : [R] RiverClan T5 Elder [Ro] RiverClan T4 Warrior [S] ShadowClan T4 Warrior [P] T2 RiverClan Warrior [F] T2 Rogue [T] RiverClan Apprentice [F] WindClan Kit [Fo] Unborn SkyClan Kit
Pisces Horse
Number of posts : 2610
Gender : any or username
Age : 22

sharks [C] Empty
PostSubject: sharks [C]   sharks [C] EmptyTue 4 Oct 2022 - 17:08

Rowanpaw was shivering behind Stormdance, grumbling quietly to himself as they walked along. It was late in the evening, the sky soft and dusky with encroaching twilight, but they had both been occupied with patrols and more pressing matters during the day. That didn't mean there was no time left for training, though, as Rowanpaw had been pulled– however fitfully –into the evening-chilled territory. At least it was for sparring, something he could be grateful for. He loved it, and he was good at it, though he didn't see it wholly necessary at this point. He'd already proven well enough that he was good at it, and in front of Stormdance himself.

Padding a little faster to fall in at Stormdance's shoulder, he chirped, "I suspect this is only some ruse to spend time basking in my glorious presence. You seem intent on walking me across the whole territory, and look, I've started shivering! My fur is much too thick for shivering, Stormdance." Rowanpaw was grinning cheekily as he spoke. The same sentence spoken moons before would have been prickly and full of distaste; now, it wasn't overly warm, but it was characteristically merry, and the light from his smile actually reached Rowanpaw's eyes. Then, without giving his mentor a chance to respond, the fluffy apprentice ground his pads into the earth. "I demand we stop! Face me here and now, or face me never." His tail whipped back and forth with restless energy, teeth chattering through his grin. It was only teasing, but he hoped Stormdance took the bait and started the fight.

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Characters : Stormdance (S) Rainfrost (R) Sunpool (Su) Wrenpaw (W) Hawkmist (H)
Clan/Rank : Riverclan, Tier 5 Warrior (S) Skyclan, Tier 3 Warrior (R) Riverclan, Tier 2 Warrior (Su) Riverclan, Apprentice (W) Shadowclan, Tier 2 Warrior (H)
Sagittarius Dragon
Number of posts : 1039
Gender : Transmasc, he/they
Age : 23

sharks [C] Empty
PostSubject: Re: sharks [C]   sharks [C] EmptySat 8 Oct 2022 - 19:57

StormdanceRiverclan Territory

Stormdance rather enjoyed the cool Leafbare weather. He had gotten so used to the oppressive Greenleaf heat he'd forgotten what it was like to enjoy the air outside, rather than feeling to resigned to feeling itchy and sweaty under his fur. Besides, he and Brookstone had been cuddling up more at night, which made Stormdance happy. He always enjoyed a good excuse for affection. So he walked with a content look on his face, happy to enjoy the warmth coming from his own fur rather than the heat of the sun. He glanced back and saw Rowanpaw's shivering, feeling a touch of concern. Still, a spar should warm the young apprentice up soon enough, and it was one of Rowanpaw's favorite activities. He doubted Rowanpaw would accept it if Stormdance deigned to turn around now.

It was as Stormdance came to that conclusion that Rowanpaw sped up to trot at Stormdance's shoulder. He was getting taller, Stormdance noticed with pride. Stormdance couldn't help but reply to Rowanpaw's grin in kind, a smile stretching across his own face as he hummed at Rowanpaw's playful complaining. "Mm, truly, I am a cruel mentor to expose you to shivering." He replied dryly, looking at Rowanpaw out of the corner of his eye with a playful twinkle in his sky-blue eyes.

He slowed to a stop as Rowanpaw did, turning around to face him and sitting down. He curled his tail over his paws, blinking slowly as Rowanpaw challenged him. He made another low hum, licking his paw almost as if he's disinterested. After a beat however, he said, "Oh, alright then." He looked around, checking their surroundings for signs of dangers, weather it be sharp rocks on the ground that they could tumble into or a lurking predator. "I suppose I could indulge you, lest your fur freeze over and fall right off." 

Rising to his feet, Stormdance shook out his fur. Studying Rowanpaw for a moment, he let the moment stretch on, letting Rowanpaw get impatient, and clumsy because of it. Right when Rowanpaw was opening his mouth, likely to complain, Stormdance leapt forward, tackling Rowanpaw to the ground and knocking the wind out of him. Stormdance may not be the strictest of mentors, but he hasn't and didn't intend to hold back on Rowanpaw during training, especially fighting.

Given how much trouble Rowanpaw tended to get his paws into, and how much of a loud mouth he had, he needed to sharpen the natural talents he had. Stormdance did not intend to let him float by on talent alone. Stormdance knew he would not be around forever, nor would he be around every time Rowanpaw found himself in danger. He had to make sure that no matter what happened in the future, he had prepared Rowanpaw for every possible outcome. 

Stormdance used Jumping Strike on Rowanpaw! It dealt -11 damage (8+3) and cost -7 SP.

50/50 HP
133/140 SP

9/20 HP (-11)
60/60 SP

RC Tier 5 Warrior
70HP/160 SP

RC Tier 2 Warrior

RC Apprentice
20 HP/60SP

SC Tier 2 Warrior
40HP/100 SP

SkC Tier 3 Warrior

My Cats!

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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : [R]owansong [Ro]okflight [S]ilverhawk [P]igeonpouce [F]ish [T]wilightpaw [F]alconkit [Fo]xkit
Clan/Rank : [R] RiverClan T5 Elder [Ro] RiverClan T4 Warrior [S] ShadowClan T4 Warrior [P] T2 RiverClan Warrior [F] T2 Rogue [T] RiverClan Apprentice [F] WindClan Kit [Fo] Unborn SkyClan Kit
Pisces Horse
Number of posts : 2610
Gender : any or username
Age : 22

sharks [C] Empty
PostSubject: Re: sharks [C]   sharks [C] EmptySun 16 Oct 2022 - 15:42


Much to his chagrin and delight, Stormdance did stop at his request. Rowanpaw hoped that he'd leap forward in an instant, paws outstretched and teeth bared, throwing himself into a proper fight. Instead, his mentor sat down, lazily going through the motions of lapping at his paw and just-- just... sitting there. Rowanpaw glowered at him, green eyes narrowed, but his ears turned forward in delight when Stormdance agreed, however wryly. He was standing, and Rowanpaw braced himself, muscles tightening in preparation. Sparring was fun by itself, but it had the added bonus of being something he excelled in. He could never pass up a good opportunity to show off.

And Stormdance just stood there. Looking at him. Rocking between paws. They were both just lingering there, eyes fixed on each other, though where Stormdance stood calm and steady, Rowanpaw was starting to shiver. The slight trembling that'd been in his body from the cold turned into restless nerves, sending his body into a complete shutter. The longer Stormdance drew the moment out, the more agitated and excited he became, until his teeth had started to chatter so hard it rocked his head slightly side to side. Rowanpaw shifted, starting to bounce between paws, and his jaw had just fallen open to hiss some playfully snide remark about how his mentor was clearly stalling to avoid being soundly beaten when the gray tom suddenly shoved forward, ramming into him and sending Rowanpaw into the earth with a sharp hiss of air.

It was easy to forget, when Stormdance wasn't presently locked in combat, that he was actually a rather threatening force. It made Rowanpaw feel a little dazed. He'd almost been expecting this to go the way his spar with Sprucebark had, back when they were still apprentices-- but then, Stormdance had not been one to go easy on him. Wriggling, Rowanpaw pressed his hind paws hard into the dirt, giving himself as much leverage as he could to shove back onto his paws. The tackle had winded him, though he wouldn't admit it, and it showed in the way his breath rattled through his shivering teeth. "You cannot put me down so easily," he sneered, grinning wickedly. Reflecting back again on the spar with his brother,  and then on the nearer memory of the fight with the fox, and Rowanpaw started to sway on his paws. He leaned left-right, first near enough to Stormdance's head to almost butt into him, then towards his flank. "Not only am I a stubborn animal, I like to consider myself quite cunning. I hope you do not regret showing this tactic to me yourself." In one quick motion, he dipped again towards Stormdance's head, fangs bared and pointed towards his throat-- then, at the last moment, drove his forepaws against the ground and rocked himself back the other direction, where he could properly dig his teeth into Stormdance's tail.  It was harder to drag his mentor backwards than it had been his brother, considering the difference in size between them, but he felt he'd given a good enough pull to at least dazzle him for long enough to buy him a solid few moments.

Rowanpaw used Tail Yank on Stormdance, dealing 7 damage and costing 15 SP.


9/20 HP
45/60 (-15) SP

43/50 (-7) HP
133/140 SP


T2 Rogue
T4 Warrior
T5 Elder
T4 Warrior
T2 Warrior
[not pictured]
[not pictured]
[not pictured]

Art by Xaandiir!
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Characters : Stormdance (S) Rainfrost (R) Sunpool (Su) Wrenpaw (W) Hawkmist (H)
Clan/Rank : Riverclan, Tier 5 Warrior (S) Skyclan, Tier 3 Warrior (R) Riverclan, Tier 2 Warrior (Su) Riverclan, Apprentice (W) Shadowclan, Tier 2 Warrior (H)
Sagittarius Dragon
Number of posts : 1039
Gender : Transmasc, he/they
Age : 23

sharks [C] Empty
PostSubject: Re: sharks [C]   sharks [C] EmptyWed 19 Oct 2022 - 19:55

StormdanceRiverclan Territory

Stormdance bared his teeth as Rowanpaw ducked towards him, expecting a blow from the front and tensing himself up in preparation for the blow, readying himself for a counterattack or to absorb the hit. To both his delight and chagrin, Rowanpaw's feint worked perfectly, and before Stormdance knew it, sharp teeth had a hold of his tail and he lost his footing before he could blink. He hit the ground, limbs splaying, and his head spun for a moment. 

Stormdance blinked hard, digging his claws into the ground before yanking himself up with a determined shake of his head to force his vision to clear. He turned around to where he thought Rowanpaw was, his surroundings dipping as the dizziness still hit him. A wry thought in the back of his mind thought on how this was his own personal favorite tactic to use against an enemy. He felt proud that Rowanpaw had absorbed the skill, even if it meant his apprentice getting one over him.

Stormdance is stunned this round!

9/20 HP
45/60 SP

43/50 HP
133/140 SP

RC Tier 5 Warrior
70HP/160 SP

RC Tier 2 Warrior

RC Apprentice
20 HP/60SP

SC Tier 2 Warrior
40HP/100 SP

SkC Tier 3 Warrior

My Cats!

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sharks [C] Empty
PostSubject: Re: sharks [C]   sharks [C] Empty

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