Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 little bit [C]

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2 posters
Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : [R]owansong [Ro]okflight [S]ilverhawk [P]igeonpouce [F]ishpaw [Fa]lconpaw [Fo]xsnap
Clan/Rank : [R] RiverClan T5 Elder [Ro] RiverClan T4 Warrior [S] ShadowClan T5 Warrior [P] (T3) RiverClan Hybrid MCA [F] ShadowClan Apprentice [Fa] WindClan Apprentice [Fo] SkyCla T1 Warrior
Pisces Horse
Number of posts : 2839
Gender : any or username
Age : 22

little bit [C] Empty
PostSubject: little bit [C]   little bit [C] EmptyMon 30 May 2022 - 6:05

The days were steadily getting warmer and stretching on longer, ushering out any memories of the bitter leaf-bare they had pushed through. Dayquill had been born near the end of it, when there was little left on the ground except snow-melt and the occassional thin sheet of ice, but he could see the difference in his Clanmates. They had filled out considerably, pelts smooth, a far cry from the ragged Clan he'd been born into. Prey was fat and happy too, something he noted with a smile as he dropped a robin onto the fresh-kill pile.

Content, he signed sighed and turned away, seeking out a shady spot of camp to curl up in. The sun was waning, and the air would cool off soon. But at the moment, it was hot, and he'd found time to relax for a moment. Finding a spot close to the nursery's walls, he plopped down, kicking up a little cloud of dust when he rolled onto his side. Shaking himself clear of a yawn, he let his head drop to the dirt, too, watching camp through half-lidded eyes.
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Number of posts : 3120
Gender : Unspecified

little bit [C] Empty
PostSubject: Re: little bit [C]   little bit [C] EmptyMon 30 May 2022 - 6:42

Shadekit had been taking a nap in the nursery when he was awoke by pawsteps outside, he was a light sleeper as he was so full of energy.  His mother had insisted that he take a nap after making "a mess of the med den" as she put it.   hmmff  she just didnt understand what a genious med cat he actually was.

(he is not actually a genious or a med cat... he is very imaginative.  Eveningpaws leg was hurt and Shadekit thought somehow eveningpaw had a "magic leg" and he tried to heal the leg so he could have the "special leg" for himself.... oh shadekit.... he also tried to get eveningpaw to eat an herb that wasnt meant to be eaten ... he meant no harm he is just very ... dumb lols but hes trying his best to help XD)

He sniffed around at the exit of the nursery with wide empty eyes he trotted out on his stubby little legs.  The sun felt good on his pelt and he saw an adult warrior curled up in the cool shade next to the nursery.  Tilting his head curiously he poked at the half asleep cat... was he dead? he wondered worried "eekkk wake up warrior I will save you!" he squealed pawing at Dayquills face more.

This cat looked alot like eveningpaw (if that is incorrect let me know but they are brothers I belive).

(this is apprenently incorrect strike that bit from the record ))

hmm this family seemed to be very injury prone (he is kinda dumb and thinks Dayquill is hurt )

He nuzzled Dayquills shoulder "Dont worry warrior I will heal you!" he giggled with good intentionas at least.  He looked around quickly turning his little cute head from side to side.  ohh perfect some herbs!!!!  He trotted over to the "herbs" which were actually just grass and random weeds growing in the camp.  Before anyone could stop the little furball he chomped them up like he had done at Comfrey's warrior ceromony, nobody had told him that they were not herbs and he was a bit slow to realize that on his own.

Trodding back over to Dayquill with his "herbs" he set them beside the "wounded warrior" and began his work.

He pushed the grass against Dayquills head "Dont worry you will be better in no time" he said with a little cute nod.  The kit meant the very best and was adorable but ohhhh he was so dense.  He patted dayquills head with the other random weeds he had pulled up ... eughhh they tasted bitter and gross in his mouth but he knew this was the cost of being the BEST medicne cat in all the 4 clans....

(No that is not a misclick he thinks there are only 4 clans XD he doesnt even know windclan exists)

"There ya go warrior..." he said standing over the half asleep cat.  "I'm shadekit by the way" he purred in greeting and a goofy smile.

He scratched an itch on his ear with his tail squinting an eye at his patient

"hmm you look like a copy of eveningpaw" he meowed.

(incorrect. From Down: "day and evening are brothers but evening is mostly black (with a white paw? maybe) and dayquill is a pretty gold like dawnhawk")

His attention span was very short and when a little grasshopper hopped by his eyes widened. "Oh look I can show you my hunting moves" he whispered jumping up and down like the grasshopper.

He got down into the worst looking hunters crouch probably ever seen by anyone ever.  He was doing literally everything wrong, his tail was sticking up way too high giving himself clearly away and he was way too forward on his paws which unbalanced him and he was stomping alot when he stalked the target giving him away easily.  This was perhaps the worst attempt at a hunting crouch perhaps ever seen in all the clans history.

With his terrible form he crept up on the little bug.  He "pounced" at it which more accurately a half flop onto the ground as he tripped over his front paws that had way too much weight on them and he awkwardly flipped over and landed on his face doing a faceplant into the dust sending up another cloud of it.

Getting back to his paws he coughed the dusty air out.   Blinking and looking up at the warrior with empty cute but blank eyes he giggled "The grasshopper got lucky this time" he explained with a nod.

"ohhh I has an ideaaaa" he squealed excited "now that I healed you, you owe me... you should show me some fighting moves!" he said jumping around .

Comfreypaw had told him earlier to always go for the belly (that's not what she said but with his short attention span that's what he took it as)

he crouched down again very incorrectly in a very poor version of a fighting stance and he circled the bigger cat "I beat a magic stick earlier so you better be careful" he giggled warning the warrior

(he got involved with a snake which he was convinced was a magic stick that his sister made come to life.... oh shadekit XD)

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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : [R]owansong [Ro]okflight [S]ilverhawk [P]igeonpouce [F]ishpaw [Fa]lconpaw [Fo]xsnap
Clan/Rank : [R] RiverClan T5 Elder [Ro] RiverClan T4 Warrior [S] ShadowClan T5 Warrior [P] (T3) RiverClan Hybrid MCA [F] ShadowClan Apprentice [Fa] WindClan Apprentice [Fo] SkyCla T1 Warrior
Pisces Horse
Number of posts : 2839
Gender : any or username
Age : 22

little bit [C] Empty
PostSubject: Re: little bit [C]   little bit [C] EmptyMon 6 Jun 2022 - 4:34

The peace Dayquill had found in resting by the nursery was short-lived. Tiny pawsteps emerged from the den beside him, and the warrior squeezed his eyes shut, wondering if he couldn't escape unnoticed. But the kit drew closer, nosing at Dayquill's head– and then little paws pressed against his face, half-climbing up him. Dayquill's nose wrinkled, and he jerked upwards, eyes quickly blinking open just as the kit took off squealing. "Save me?" He muttered to himself, squinting after Shadekit. Then he just sighed and collapsed back to the earth with a small smile. Sure, I've got time to play with the kits.

His caretaker returned with a mouthful of weeds, and the warrior snorted at the sight of them, only just keeping himself from rolling his eyes. The grass was smeared against his head, and Dayquill's ears lowered, wondering how badly his fur would be stained after his treatment. "Thanks, Shadekit. I feel, uh... so much better, definitely. Owww. Now I'm not dying." There was a dryness to his huff, but amusement, too; even if he wasn't the best at playing, he could go along with it, if for nothing other than his own amusement. "You should try talking to Fawnshine sometime. You're a born natural, and all, I'm sure she'd take you for an apprentice." But the black kit's attention had been drawn somewhere else; a little bug hopping just past Dayquill, and Shadekit had started bouncing in rhythm with it. And the crouch he dropped into, if it could be call that... before he could think to stop himself, Dayquill barked a laugh at the sight of it, then quickly clamped his mouth shut. Unsurprisingly, the grasshopper skipped away unharmed, unbothered by Shadekit's graceless roll forward.

"Sorry. Blame me for scaring it away." The golden tom shook his head again, rolling to sit up properly. He was about to offer to correct Shadekit's posture, but it seemed the little kit wanted to learn battle moves instead. "Full grown warriors are a lot scarier than magic sticks, y'know. I can send you running with one paw." As he spoke, the tom pushed himself onto his paws, shaking the dust and loose grasses off his pelt. Placing a paw on Shadekit's head, he hummed, "If you hit something in the head, it'll probably leave you alone. That's a good start." And, as gently as he could, Dayquill pushed forward, rolling the kit into the dirt with a poorly-stifled fit of laughter.
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Number of posts : 3120
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little bit [C] Empty
PostSubject: Re: little bit [C]   little bit [C] EmptyMon 6 Jun 2022 - 5:27

Shadekits eyes grew wide with excitment the moment Dayquill actually agreed to show him fighting moves.

Dayquill explained to aim for the head... hmm Comfreypaw had told him to aim for the belly and now he was being told to aim for the head. Hmm which one was he actually supposed to do? Hmm well he would do both and then he would be unstoppable! He grinned to himself thinking that he was so clever.

mhhh I actually maybe had a little help from momma mottle with the magic stick he admitted seeing Dayquill stand up to full size over him.

Dayquill placed a big paw on his head and he tilted it curiously looking up at the big warrior. With a gentle push he fell right over with a soft thud. His paws were not at all in the correct posiiton to withstand anything like that and he basically toppled right over.

"ackkk.... ok ok I just was not ready" he explained dusting himself off and jumping up and down a little.

The dumb little cute furball crouched down in another terrible form and circled Dayquill

"ok... my turn to attack!" he meowed and "charged" which more accuratly represented a fast waddle at Dayquill.

He was going to attack Dayquills head like instructed but Comfreypaw's voice echoed in his (very empty) head.

"Go for the belly" the she cat had told him.

She obviously had meant only in certain situations but unfortunately Shadekit had zoned out for that part and only remembered the belly part.

So mid run he tried to switch his target from the head to the belly...Or maybe he could hit both! He thought naively.

It did not work well at all.

What actually ended up happening was he ran at dayquill wanting to bonk his head but when he decided to switch targets at the last second he ran left forgetting that a shade tree was there; the same shade tree the poor warrior just wanted to relax under before the dense cute little furball came along. BONK he ran into it and fell over. He was fine and got back up to his paws shaking his head.

He looked at the tree and then back to the warrior with empty eyes that held absolutely no sign of any thought going on behind them. Blinking a couple times he ran right at Dayquill just wanting to hit anything at this point. "I will get you!" he meowed with a little voice.

The "attack" if you could call it that : was very very easy to dodge or avoid and even if he did hit the warrior he would probably just bonk off him harmlessly.

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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : [R]owansong [Ro]okflight [S]ilverhawk [P]igeonpouce [F]ishpaw [Fa]lconpaw [Fo]xsnap
Clan/Rank : [R] RiverClan T5 Elder [Ro] RiverClan T4 Warrior [S] ShadowClan T5 Warrior [P] (T3) RiverClan Hybrid MCA [F] ShadowClan Apprentice [Fa] WindClan Apprentice [Fo] SkyCla T1 Warrior
Pisces Horse
Number of posts : 2839
Gender : any or username
Age : 22

little bit [C] Empty
PostSubject: Re: little bit [C]   little bit [C] EmptySat 11 Jun 2022 - 15:45

A smile curled Dayquill's maw, and the tom let out a low chuff of amusement while the kit reeled from being rolled into the earth. "Not ready, of course." He purred, lowering himself into a balanced crouch. "Go ahead and attack me then, little warrior." And then Shadekit came stumbling forward, looking as gleeful as any cat could over sparring. Dayquill couldn't decide whether his clumsy little waddle was just the inexperienced shuffle natural to kits, or if it was particular to this one. The tom-kit rolled towards him, charging towards his belly... then rolled the other way, and ended up tripping all the way past him and racing head-first into the tree he'd come to lounge under. This time, the warrior made no attempt to hide his laughter; it came out wholeheartedly, deep from his chest and genuine.

Dayquill was about to straighten himself out, move closer and reach out a paw to help nudge Shadekit up, but he hopped to his paws again with little concern. The kit whipped around, grinning wickedly, and charged forward with as much reckless abandon as before. This time, he actually connected, running into Dayquill's legs with about as much force as a mouthful of feathers. Though, in the interest of playing along, he let his legs buckle under him, falling as gracefully as he could to the side. "Oh, no. Oh, stars above, I've been defeated. You're just too good, Shadekit, I can't keep up." He deadpanned, head lolling dramatically to the side. "You're just too good. No warrior can take you."


T5 Warrior
T5 Elder
T4 Warrior
(T3) Hybrid MCA
[not pictured]
T1 Warrior
[not pictured]

Art by Xaandiir!
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