Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 The Warrior's Family Tree Game!

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Your Every Day Cat
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Characters : [B]rindlepaw | [V]ioletsky | [F]oxflower
Clan/Rank : [B] Thunderclan Apprentice | [V] Skyclan T2 Warrior | [F] Windclan Permaqueen
Pisces Rat
Number of posts : 1557
Gender : she/her
Age : 16

The Warrior's Family Tree Game! - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Warrior's Family Tree Game!   The Warrior's Family Tree Game! - Page 4 EmptySun Mar 06, 2022 7:16 am

Dewykit had always been in awe of the stories her father told about her uncle, Nightfur. She wanted to help other cats as much as possible, and ended up following in the late tom's footsteps as a medicine cat, earning the name Dewypetal. Despite her deep loyalty and love for her clan, however, this did not always extend to following the code. When she agreed to train as a medicine cat, she had been blinded by a need to help, and had been young and naive. Over time, she fell in love with Brindlesky, and young warrior she had been friends with since kit hood. Together, they had one kit. Instead of hiding what had happened, Dewypetal proudly announced her kit's birth to the clan. The leader, Pinestar, was very lenient, and allowed Dewypetal to continue as things were even though she had broken the code, and often cared for Nightkit herself when her mother was busy. Unfortunately, many in Windclan did not agree with Pinestar's forgiving nature. When Dewypetal was out alone searching for herbs, a pair of code-loyal warriors attacked her, killing her and blaming it on a predator. They were believed by most of Winclan.

     Nightkit - tortoiseshell tom with yellow eyes

Birdkit did not let go of her mother as easily as her sister had. She often strayed to the edges of clan territory in search of Poppystar, and, as an apprentice just days away from being made a warrior, she left Windclan to go to Twolegplace in search of her mother. She changed her name to Nightingale, more thinking of her sister than her uncle. However, she underestimated the difficulty of the journey, and would never have survived if it weren't for Flo, an ex-kittypet who had found her one day. The pair searched Twoleplace together to no avail, but overtime their feelings for each other grew. On one adventure, they stumbled upon a young lonely kit, Pippa, who they took in as their own. Unknown to her, Nightingale often visited the edges of Hawkclan territory, with no idea how the group was started by her relatives. Even though the group had become more peaceful with Hawkstar dead, some still carried his ideals. She was killed in a battle near the border.

     Pippa - small black and white she-cat with green eyes

Shadekit II was unfazed by having to live up to her mother's image - she wanted to be better. She knew that she could be a stronger leader than Shadestorm ever was, but was also set on not falling into tyrannical reign as Hawkstar had. Sometimes this worked, and other times it did not. She also didn't like how interconnected with the lake clans they were, and, although she kept the name as Hawkclan, she instead called herself just Shade. Her rule was arguably fair but cold. She enforced new rules, and those who broke them were swiftly banished, even her own brother Seedstrike. Her harsh punishments and laws reminded the group too much of Hawkstar, and an uprising was panned to drive her away or force her to give up power. However, one cat took this too far and took not only her power but her life, leaving Hawkclan in turmoil and chaos.

Seedkit spent much of his life in his sister's shadow, not once standing in her way in fear of the two falling out. He served as her second-in-command, but only because he was one of the only cats she trusted, and agreed with almost everything she said, even agreeing to drop the suffix off of his name like she had. Of course, one day it had to go wrong. When hunting got difficult in leaf-bare, he scouted territory further afield, nearer to clan territory. There he met a she-cat named Darkriver from Riverclan, and the two fell in love. When Darkriver told Seed that she was expecting his kits, he asked Shade if they would be allowed to live in Hawkclan with him. Furious that he had even talked to a clan cat, let alone fallen for one, Shade banished him. His gentle nature and Darkriver's influence meant he was accepted into Riverclan, where he lived the rest of his days, even though it took him a while to stop checking Shade wasn't searching for revenge.

     Eveningkit - black she-cat with yellow eyes
     Spottedkit - pale calico tom


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↣ ↢
Brindlepaw | Thunderclan Apprentice | [20/60]
Violetsky | Skyclan T2 Warrior | [40/100]
Foxflower | Windclan Permaqueen| [50/80]
↣ ↢

deceased/missing: Brighteye, Dappleleaf, Yew, Mistlebright,
Magpiesight, Wisteriabloom, Primroselight, Muddythorn,
Silversnake, Finchpaw, Aoife

Last edited by khamosa on Mon Mar 07, 2022 12:47 am; edited 1 time in total
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Characters : Lighttail (SkC), Sunflare (SC), Sageroot (TC), Bianca (Rogue)
Clan/Rank : Lighttail: SkyClan T2 warrior. Sunflare: ShadowClan T5 warrior. Sageroot: ThunderClan T4 Deputy. Bianca: Tier 1 Rogue
Aquarius Dog
Number of posts : 2511
Gender : She/her, They/them
Age : 18

The Warrior's Family Tree Game! - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Warrior's Family Tree Game!   The Warrior's Family Tree Game! - Page 4 EmptySun Mar 06, 2022 2:42 pm

Claiming Nightkit, Pippa, Eveningkit, and Spottedkit! Sorry my stories aren’t all that detailed, I’m new to this.

Nightkit’s story is sadly pretty short. He died of greencough shortly after his mother was killed. The two reunited in StarClan.

Pippa fell in love with a runaway kittypet called Kurt, a solid fawn tom. They had two kits, Blair and Maria.

Blair - solid fawn - she-cat - loner
Maria - black and white - she cat - loner

Eveningkit grew up in RiverClan and became Eveningstorm. She lived to a ripe old age. During this time, she had two kits but never admitted who the father was (he was a gray and white warrior called Stoneheart from HawkClan).

Falconkit - black - tom - RiverClan
Rainkit - gray and white - she-cat - RiverClan

Spottedkit grew up in RiverClan and became Spottedstrike. He fell in love with a sassy RiverClan warrior named Swiftfish, a sleek silver tabby. Sadly, like many calico toms, Spottedstrike was infertile, and they had no kits.
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Characters : Alive: Rookfire(Rk), Kitespring(K), Ambersun (Am) StarClan: Buzzardclaw(B), Pebblestorm(P), Rushpaw(R), Waspkit(W), Snakepaw(S), Cardinalpaw(C), Briarpaw(Br), Rowanpaw(Ro), Wrenbreeze(Wr), Heronflight(H), Acornfall(A), Larkfeather(L), Badgerpaw(Ba), Shrikesong(Sh), Foxspark(F), Heronpaw (He), Poppycloud (Po) Unknown: Alderbloom (Al)
Leo Dog
Number of posts : 2389
Gender : Male (He/Him)
Age : 17

The Warrior's Family Tree Game! - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Warrior's Family Tree Game!   The Warrior's Family Tree Game! - Page 4 EmptySun Mar 06, 2022 2:56 pm

Blair grew up hearing about stories of the Clans when she was a young kit, and eventually went out to search for them, to the chagrin of her sister. As she crossed into WindClan territory, she met up with a tom named Mistlepaw. Excitedly asking if he was a Clan cat like she had heard of, the tom told her that he was once a part of HawkClan, but the clan had broken into chaos after their last leader, Shade, was killed, causing many HawkClan cats to leave. Eventually, the two of them were found by a WindClan patrol, with Pinestar letting the two of them in as WindClan apprentices. Now known as Cloudpaw, she was apprenticed to the deputy, Blazewhisper. After Pinestar died, Blazewhisper ascended to leadership, though she made sure to keep her relationship with her apprentice strong. Eventually, she became a warrior, Cloudgaze. Mistlepaw earned his warrior name as well, becoming Mistlesong. The two of them eventually became mates and had two kits:

Dawnkit - fawn she-cat
Breezekit - brown tabby tom

Cloudgaze sometimes thought about her sister and her parents, but she loved her clan and new family just as much as she did her old family. She lived the rest of her life in WindClan, even becoming deputy before being forced to retire due to an injury. She died peacefully in her sleep as an old warrior.

Unlike her sister Blair, Maria never yearned for the life of a Clan cat, driving the two apart as they aged. When Blair left to search for the Clans, Maria stayed home to live with her Twolegs, who she lived with for the rest of her life.


Falconkit grew up insecure and worried about those outside of his Clan. This feeling only persisted as he became a warrior, as Falconheart still felt that they would be nothing more than strangers to him. After the HawkClan diaspora sent many former HawkClan cats to the Clans, with RiverClan and WindClan receiving the most cats, he was nervous about them, silently refusing to accept them. When he learned that one of the former HawkClan cats in RiverClan, Stoneheart, was in fact his father, he turned to denial, refusing to believe that his father was a rogue. Stoneheart eventually sacrificed his life to protect RiverClan's leader, Flamestar, causing Falconheart to begin to reconsider his beliefs. Not too long after, however, he was killed by a patrol of HawkClan cats, proving his fears right. Still, in his death he believed that although suspicion is reasonable at first, if they prove themselves loyal they are as much of a warrior as a cat born of RiverClan.


Rainkit was much more extroverted than Falconkit was. As an apprentice, she was apprenticed to Swiftfish, her aunt. The two of them sassed back and forth to each other, and Rainpaw loved training with her. As a warrior, Rainspring experienced the HawkClan diaspora with her brother, Falconheart. When she found out that her father was one of the HawkClan cats that came to RiverClan, she was secretly excited, though she hid it under a layer of sass. Eventually, she found a mate in Reedstrike, another former HawkClan cat living in RiverClan. They had three kits, though their first, Heronkit, was stillborn.

Stormkit - gray she-cat
Sandkit - light ginger tom

Rainspring's father's, brother's, and mother's deaths - all in quick succession - hit her extremely hard, with her barely looking sane in the end. However, with Reedstrike's support helped her heal, eventually reverting to the sassy she-cat that everyone in RiverClan knew. Eventually, she retired, dying of greencough in her old age.

Rookfire, ShadowClan T3 Warrior: 50/130
Kitespring, RiverClan T3 Warrior: 50/130
Ambersun, SkyClan T2 Warrior: 40/100
Laurelpaw, WindClan Apprentice: 20/40

pfp by the amazing xaandiir!

The Warrior's Family Tree Game! - Page 4 Image10
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Characters : Living:[J]uniperpaw, [Q]uillsplash, [L]eopardpaw, [C]reampaw | Dead: Tawnyshadow(ShC), Sootstorm(WC), Ajex(Outsider), Shatteredsky(SkC), Reedshine(TC), Deerleap(ShC) Slightfrost(Skc) Specklepaw(WC) Sunfire(TC), Copperlark(Outsider), Cinderpaw(TC), Quickpaw(WC), Deerpaw(ShC), Willowpaw(ShC)
Clan/Rank : [J]ShadowClan Apprentice [Q]ShadowClan T4 Warrior [L]WindClan Apprentice [C]WindClan Apprentice
Taurus Tiger
Number of posts : 3329
Gender : He/Him
Age : 14

The Warrior's Family Tree Game! - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Warrior's Family Tree Game!   The Warrior's Family Tree Game! - Page 4 EmptyMon Mar 07, 2022 6:11 am

Dawnkit- was a quiet cat since she was a kit, always overshadowed by her more outgoing brother, Breezekit. when she was apprenticed to Thistledown, however, she began to change. her jealousy of Breezepaw grew, and Thistledown only encouraged it. finally, in a spar, Dawnpaw lashed out and killed Breezestorm. it was unfair that every cat paid more attention to him. The leader, Blazestar, was horrified and exiled Dawnpaw. Dawnpaw didn't regret her actions one bit and instead chose to join Thunderclan. over there, she earned her warrior name, Dawnblood, and rose to deputy, mostly because the leader Copperstar took a fancy to her. they had one kit:
Bloodkit- dark reddish-tabby tom with amber eyes (Thunderclan)

Afterwards, Dawnblood killed Copperstar during a patrol and blamed it on foxes. she became a leader and ruled for many moons.
Breezekit- was a charming and handsome tom with much talent. every cat loved him, and he was thought to become a leader when he was older. this was all destroyed when Dawnpaw killed him in a spar.
Stormkit- was a loving and caring she-cat. she hoped to be of great service to her clan when she was older, and to have kits of her own. however, when she was an apprentice, a fox nearly mauled her to death and left her in such a state that she could barely walk for moons. she eventually overcame this, but it was clear that she would never have kits of her own. she settled down as a medicine cat, earning the name Stormcry, and served her clan to her last breath. she died of heart failure.
Sandkit- was a shy and soft tom. he was ever more devastated when his sister Stormpaw's life and dreams were ruined by a fox. he shrank into himself and rarely opened up, even to his sister. His warrior name was Sandsong, though it took him much longer than other cats to get his warrior name. he met a pretty grey-and-white she named Lilyfall, and he finally opened up to the world around him. they had three kits:
Turtlekit- dilute tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat
Willowkit- grey-and-white she-cat
Ripplekit- grey tabby tom with darker stripes
Sandsong eventually died of greencough.

Quillsplash | Bird / Tom / ShadowClan T4 Warrior / #802318
Juniperpaw / She-Cat / ShadowClan Apprentice / #b9abb2
Leopardpaw / Tom / WindClan Apprentice / #cc9900
Creampaw / She-Cat / WindClan Apprentice / #ff6600

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Characters : [Fi]nchkit
Clan/Rank : [Fi] ThunderClan Kit
Cancer Pig
Number of posts : 1128
Gender : Female
Age : 16

The Warrior's Family Tree Game! - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Warrior's Family Tree Game!   The Warrior's Family Tree Game! - Page 4 EmptyThu Mar 10, 2022 11:31 pm

claiming these kits

Bloodkit grew up obsessed with his mother. The cats Bloodkit grew up close to shared his opinions, Thunderclan started going through changes that made life in it stricter, meaner, and Bloodkit was determined to follow all the rules his mother put in place. Bloodpaw trained viciously, putting many of his clanmates into harmful situations, but this wasn't a problem with Dawnstar's new rules. Soon, he was instructed to kill any and all cats that dared disrespected her, as he was the most loyal cat to Dawnstar. With Thunderclan overtaken, all cats that disobeyed sent away, and Bloodstorm murdering anyone he was told to, many of the clans grew to fear Thunderclan. Their fears soon turned out to be true, as one gathering, Bloodstorm as deputy under a new leader, Violetstar, who was more dangerous and murderous than Dawnstar happened to be, Thunderclan was ordered to attack. Newer warriors already trained to be loyal and bloodthirsty, while older ones afraid to disobey, Thunderclan took out most cats that gathering. In response to Violetstar's actions, Starclan sent a bolt of lightning down and struck Violetstar until all her lives were gone. Bloodstorm and most of Thunderclan fled, terrified of what had happened to Violetstar. Thunderclan's terror was over, but the clans were weaker.

Bloodstorm ran into the Twolegplace with many of his close friends, regrouping what was left of Thunderclan and planning revenge on Starclan. Bloodstorm was seen as their leader, and he changed his name to Darkblood, turning to the Dark forest. He named the group The Shattered Star, and made sure each young kit were to believe the clans were terrible and would kill for him or whoever was leading at the time. Darkblood decided to have kits of his own, hoping that they'd become even more loyal to him than most, like he was to Dawnstar. Their mother was a black spotted tabby she-cat named Ruin, who was a loner that decided to join The Shattered Star, one of the most loyal cats Darkblood knew.

Torn - A black spotted tabby tom with green eyes - here (The Shattered Star)
Bone - A black she-cat with a white tail tip and green eyes - here (The Shattered Star)

Turtlekit was a kind and friendly she-kit. She was extremely close to her family. She loved her mother and father and was extremely extroverted. When she was an apprentice, Turtlepaw loved fishing, to the point all she would hunt was fish. Late in her apprenticeship, when she was close to warriorhood, she went to the gathering. She was instructed to stay away from Thunderclan cats, and due to how loyal she was, she listened. She wanted to be with her father, but he was sick with greencough and couldn't come to the gathering. Turtlepaw was terrified when Thunderclan started attacking, she ran away as soon as they started moving, fearing for her life. When she was sure that the fighting was stopped, she came back to see a burnt leader, many cats dead and injured, and the rest of Thunderclan gone. Riverclan wasn't there, but she saw some cats she recognised and her heart dropped. Willowleap and Lilyfall were dead, and she couldn't see Ripplepaw anywhere. Turtlepaw went back to camp, and cried tears of joy when she saw that Ripplepaw was alive. A few days later, she got the name Turtlesong, she had become extremely quiet and sensitive since her mother and sister's death, and even more so when Sandsong had died. She was happy that she was named after her father, wanting to work hard to make him happy. She soon found a mate in Lionpurr, a ginger she-cat. They adopted one kit and wanted to make sure it lived the best life she could make it have, she named it after her sister, hoping it could live the life her sister couldn't.

Willowkit - a grey tabby and white she-cat, looks like Willowleap if she had stripes - here (Riverclan, 100% outsider blood)

Willowkit was the shyest kit of the litter, closest to Turtlekit. She did almost everything with her sister. During her apprenticeship, she came more out of her shell, more willing to train, for her hardwork, she gained her warrior name early. She was named Willowleap, after her leap out of quietness. Things could only go downhill from their. At her first gathering, a cat almost everyone knew, Bloodstorm, killed her with one fatal swipe to the throat. She tried to live until her sister saw her so she could say goodbye, but it was too late, and she passed away.

Starclan found that Willowleap deserved more, and reincarnated her, leading her to a place where Turtlesong and Lionpurr could adopt her, so she could live again.

Willowleap had no kits, but has been reincarnated as Willowkit, Turtlesong's adopted kit.

Ripplekit was the most energetic cat in Riverclan, always seemed to be full of energy, but the time where he did sleep, it was very quiet and peaceful. The last gathering he went to as an apprentice had been the most terrifying moment of his life. Attacked by a Thunderclan apprentice, Ripplepaw could just barely fight them off, he was slashed across his belly, forcing him to drag himself to a bush. He fainted, waking up in camp after the medicine cat dragged him back. His belly wound healed into a scar, and while Ripplepaw was still quite energetic, he had to be more careful. He was apprenticed in the same ceremony as Turtlepaw and became Ripplefall, after his mother. He was always there for Turtlesong, and soon found a mate in a pure white rogue named Ice, who he didn't know was from a new group named The Shattered Star. Ice refused to give him their kit unless he agreed to join Ice in The Shattered Star. He was hesitant, and soon decided he couldn't leave his sister alone. He never met his kit, and thinks about how they're doing sometimes, wishing he was there for them. He tried to help Turtlesong and Lionpurr in any way he could, becoming a calmer cat overtime.

Needle - A white tom with amber eyes - here (The Shattered Star)

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Characters : Alive: Rookfire(Rk), Kitespring(K), Ambersun (Am) StarClan: Buzzardclaw(B), Pebblestorm(P), Rushpaw(R), Waspkit(W), Snakepaw(S), Cardinalpaw(C), Briarpaw(Br), Rowanpaw(Ro), Wrenbreeze(Wr), Heronflight(H), Acornfall(A), Larkfeather(L), Badgerpaw(Ba), Shrikesong(Sh), Foxspark(F), Heronpaw (He), Poppycloud (Po) Unknown: Alderbloom (Al)
Leo Dog
Number of posts : 2389
Gender : Male (He/Him)
Age : 17

The Warrior's Family Tree Game! - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Warrior's Family Tree Game!   The Warrior's Family Tree Game! - Page 4 EmptyFri Mar 18, 2022 9:29 am

Ever since Torn was a kit, he could see the stars. With his parents pushing him to believe in the Dark Forest and to hate StarClan, he initially pushed away his dreams as StarClan propaganda. However, they slowly put doubts into his mind about what he was learning, especially as his parents started pushing him harder than what he thought was necessary. When he became warrior-aged, his loyalties were split between the Shattered Star and StarClan. Eventually, ThunderClan - which re-gathered with the exiled ThunderClan cats Lionclaw and Darkpool leading - fought the Shattered Star. Torn chose to help ThunderClan, even killing his father, Darkblood, during the fight. The decision to kill his father haunted him for the rest of his life, even if he knew that he made the right choice in helping ThunderClan.

After ThunderClan returned to the Clans, Torn got a vision from StarClan telling him to learn as much as he could from the Clans' medicine cats, and that ThunderClan needed a medicine cat. He told the leader Lionclaw this, and was allowed to travel with him to meet StarClan, so that they could both become the cats they needed to be. Torn became Tornpaw, and Lionclaw became Lionstar. After work and effort, Tornpaw earned his medicine cat name: Torngaze. As a medicine cat and a loyal follower of StarClan, he never took a mate or had kits of his own. In ThunderClan, he was a kind, compassionate cat, always treating others with care. At the same time, the trauma he had when he was younger caused him to be shy and socially awkward.


Bone was more accepting of her father's teachings, eventually turning into the perfect soldier in Darkblood's group. However, she didn't notice the divide between her and her brother until he fought for ThunderClan when ThunderClan attacked the Shattered Star. It made her even angrier that her brother was the one who killed her father. With Darkblood dead, her mother Ruin called for the Shattered Star to retreat. Bone backed away when she could, swearing vengeance on ThunderClan and her brother. As time passed, the Shattered Star grew stronger and stronger, eventually moving back to Twolegplace once they had become powerful enough. Bone, now the leader of the Shattered Star, swore to destroy the clans if it were the last thing she did.


Willowkit, like her former incarnation, was shy and awkward. As an apprentice, Willowpaw constantly worried about the Shattered Star, since they killed her previous incarnation. At the same time, she grew a loud and talkative side when she was with those who she trusted, like her mothers. She eventually earned her warrior name, Willowpool. She helped rebuild RiverClan, learning more about herself as she went along. Eventually, she became deputy of RiverClan due to her relentless loyalty to her clan. When ThunderClan returned to the clans, she was hesitant to welcome them again, though Minkstar seemed to trust the faces who led ThunderClan back. Eventually Willowpool grew to trust ThunderClan more and more, and when she rose to leadership she saw ThunderClan as an ally of the clans once more. Though she knew that the Shattered Star was still lurking, Willowstar believed that the Clans would rise to fight against them if they ever came back to the Clans.


Needle was told very early on that his father was a Clan cat, and that he was a good cat, contradicting everything that he was told by the Shattered Star. His mother also told him that he deserved better than the Shattered Star, and that they should leave. As the two of them tried to leave, they ran into the remnants of ThunderClan, who realized that they were a part of the Shattered Star. Needle, trying to diffuse the situation, blurted out that they didn't want to be, and that they would help ThunderClan if they could escape from the Shattered Star. Lionclaw, the leader, accepts, saying that they would help them escape. As ThunderClan helps Needle and his mom escape, they are caught by the Shattered Star. A battle ensues, with Needle barely noticing that Darkblood's own son was the one who killed him. Though his mother was killed, Needle and Darkblood's son - Torn, he learned later - escaped with ThunderClan. Needle then became an apprentice in ThunderClan, getting the name Needlepaw. Training under Lionstar himself, he learned how to fight like a warrior, and earned his warrior name: Needletoe. Though he never knew who his father was, Needletoe was happy that he found himself in the clans, and vowed to fight the Shattered Star if they ever came back again.

Rookfire, ShadowClan T3 Warrior: 50/130
Kitespring, RiverClan T3 Warrior: 50/130
Ambersun, SkyClan T2 Warrior: 40/100
Laurelpaw, WindClan Apprentice: 20/40

pfp by the amazing xaandiir!

The Warrior's Family Tree Game! - Page 4 Image10
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Characters : [Fi]nchkit
Clan/Rank : [Fi] ThunderClan Kit
Cancer Pig
Number of posts : 1128
Gender : Female
Age : 16

The Warrior's Family Tree Game! - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Warrior's Family Tree Game!   The Warrior's Family Tree Game! - Page 4 EmptySat Mar 19, 2022 12:00 am

As Beetlefang watched over as each cat joined him and his family in the starry sky, he felt more... Connected with his family members. He didn't agree with some of his kin's actions or thinking, he understood why they felt that way. He truly just wanted the best for them, even if they ended up in the Dark Forest instead of the stars.

And with that, he saw no more of his kin gather, the clans were healing quickly, even the family members he never saw them again, he still loved them.

They were Beetlefang's Kin, after all.

to view the family tree, click Beetlefang's Kin above ^^

Well, it's time to start anew.

This cat's life takes place 1 1/2 years in the future from the end of Beetlefang's family tree.

This story starts in The Shattered Star, in the twolegplace, near the 5 clans around the lake.
Thunderclan, Riverclan, Windclan, Skyclan and Shadowclan.

Mighty - Silver classic torbie she-cat with a bobbed tail and green eyes - here (The Shattered Star)

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Characters : Living:[J]uniperpaw, [Q]uillsplash, [L]eopardpaw, [C]reampaw | Dead: Tawnyshadow(ShC), Sootstorm(WC), Ajex(Outsider), Shatteredsky(SkC), Reedshine(TC), Deerleap(ShC) Slightfrost(Skc) Specklepaw(WC) Sunfire(TC), Copperlark(Outsider), Cinderpaw(TC), Quickpaw(WC), Deerpaw(ShC), Willowpaw(ShC)
Clan/Rank : [J]ShadowClan Apprentice [Q]ShadowClan T4 Warrior [L]WindClan Apprentice [C]WindClan Apprentice
Taurus Tiger
Number of posts : 3329
Gender : He/Him
Age : 14

The Warrior's Family Tree Game! - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Warrior's Family Tree Game!   The Warrior's Family Tree Game! - Page 4 EmptySun Mar 20, 2022 7:21 am

Mighty- she was a rouge, left out to fend for herself by the Shattered Star, because she was the runt of the litter. she grew to become aggressive and formed a small band of rouges by herself. they took control of a small woodland near Skyclan borders. one night, she led her rouges to attack and drive out Skyclan, taking their place in the five clans. they named themselves Moonclan. she met a handsome brown tabby tom with blue eyes named Hawk and invited him to join her clan. she had his kits:
Nightshade- dark brown tabby she-cat with green eyes and white socks (Moonclan)
Bubbles- silver tabby she-cat with blue eyes (Moonclan)
Sunrise- silver torbie she-cat with blue eyes (Moonclan)
Screech- dark brown-and-white tabby tom with green eyes (Moonclan)

Quillsplash | Bird / Tom / ShadowClan T4 Warrior / #802318
Juniperpaw / She-Cat / ShadowClan Apprentice / #b9abb2
Leopardpaw / Tom / WindClan Apprentice / #cc9900
Creampaw / She-Cat / WindClan Apprentice / #ff6600

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Last edited by Copperbeans on Fri Mar 25, 2022 7:21 am; edited 1 time in total
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Characters : [Fi]nchkit
Clan/Rank : [Fi] ThunderClan Kit
Cancer Pig
Number of posts : 1128
Gender : Female
Age : 16

The Warrior's Family Tree Game! - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Warrior's Family Tree Game!   The Warrior's Family Tree Game! - Page 4 EmptySun Mar 20, 2022 7:29 am

Hey copperbeans! Your story doesn't really match up with where Mighty was born. I put that Mighty was apart of The Shattered Star, which was a rogue group started from the last family tree and not a regular rogue which was what you put. If you to keep the story similar, can you please put how she left The Shattered Star?

The Warrior's Family Tree Game! - Page 4 Untitled730-20231230004356
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Characters : Living:[J]uniperpaw, [Q]uillsplash, [L]eopardpaw, [C]reampaw | Dead: Tawnyshadow(ShC), Sootstorm(WC), Ajex(Outsider), Shatteredsky(SkC), Reedshine(TC), Deerleap(ShC) Slightfrost(Skc) Specklepaw(WC) Sunfire(TC), Copperlark(Outsider), Cinderpaw(TC), Quickpaw(WC), Deerpaw(ShC), Willowpaw(ShC)
Clan/Rank : [J]ShadowClan Apprentice [Q]ShadowClan T4 Warrior [L]WindClan Apprentice [C]WindClan Apprentice
Taurus Tiger
Number of posts : 3329
Gender : He/Him
Age : 14

The Warrior's Family Tree Game! - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Warrior's Family Tree Game!   The Warrior's Family Tree Game! - Page 4 EmptyFri Mar 25, 2022 7:21 am


Quillsplash | Bird / Tom / ShadowClan T4 Warrior / #802318
Juniperpaw / She-Cat / ShadowClan Apprentice / #b9abb2
Leopardpaw / Tom / WindClan Apprentice / #cc9900
Creampaw / She-Cat / WindClan Apprentice / #ff6600

Art Requests | Character Profiles | Plotting
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Characters : [Fi]nchkit
Clan/Rank : [Fi] ThunderClan Kit
Cancer Pig
Number of posts : 1128
Gender : Female
Age : 16

The Warrior's Family Tree Game! - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Warrior's Family Tree Game!   The Warrior's Family Tree Game! - Page 4 EmptyFri Mar 25, 2022 4:42 pm


The Warrior's Family Tree Game! - Page 4 Untitled730-20231230004356
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Characters : [Fi]nchkit
Clan/Rank : [Fi] ThunderClan Kit
Cancer Pig
Number of posts : 1128
Gender : Female
Age : 16

The Warrior's Family Tree Game! - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Warrior's Family Tree Game!   The Warrior's Family Tree Game! - Page 4 EmptyWed Mar 30, 2022 4:59 am


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Characters : [Fi]nchkit
Clan/Rank : [Fi] ThunderClan Kit
Cancer Pig
Number of posts : 1128
Gender : Female
Age : 16

The Warrior's Family Tree Game! - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Warrior's Family Tree Game!   The Warrior's Family Tree Game! - Page 4 EmptyTue Apr 05, 2022 4:37 pm


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Characters : Lighttail (SkC), Sunflare (SC), Sageroot (TC), Bianca (Rogue)
Clan/Rank : Lighttail: SkyClan T2 warrior. Sunflare: ShadowClan T5 warrior. Sageroot: ThunderClan T4 Deputy. Bianca: Tier 1 Rogue
Aquarius Dog
Number of posts : 2511
Gender : She/her, They/them
Age : 18

The Warrior's Family Tree Game! - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Warrior's Family Tree Game!   The Warrior's Family Tree Game! - Page 4 EmptyTue Apr 05, 2022 10:34 pm

I definitely plan to contribute to this again, just dealing with a head injury and trying to channel the writing juices I do currently have into RP.
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Characters : [Fi]nchkit
Clan/Rank : [Fi] ThunderClan Kit
Cancer Pig
Number of posts : 1128
Gender : Female
Age : 16

The Warrior's Family Tree Game! - Page 4 Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Warrior's Family Tree Game!   The Warrior's Family Tree Game! - Page 4 EmptyFri Apr 08, 2022 7:45 pm


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