Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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Newleaf is finally here, and the Clans hope to find reprieve from the tough Leaf-bare.
Gatherings take place on the 1st of the month; keep your eyes out for a staff member's post!
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 Antkit of Sky(landers)Clan

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2 posters


Characters : [Bl]ackkit♀ | [Q]uickpaw♀
Clan/Rank : [Bl]-SC / Unborn Kit | [Q]-WC / App
Leo Snake
Number of posts : 1989
Gender : Any/All
Age : 22

Antkit of Sky(landers)Clan Empty
PostSubject: Antkit of Sky(landers)Clan   Antkit of Sky(landers)Clan EmptyMon 26 Jul 2021 - 14:52

Cat Name: Antkit -> Antpaw -> Ant???

Tom, She-Cat, or Nonbinary: She-Cat


Personality: Sadly abandoned by her parents for being the tiny runt of the litter, Ant almost had a future of depressing loneliness before she got adopted. Her size is what irks her the most but she makes up for it with her very feisty, fiery, and bold personality. However, she secretly enjoys being underestimated just so she could have the satisfaction of seeing the faces of those who actually had the audacity of underestimating her when she proves them very wrong. She is head-strong and a proud leader rather than a follower. She has a tough skin and won't allow words to bring her confidence down. She loves to be the center of attention and isn't afraid of showing off once in a while. She looks up at the higher positions so much that she almost sees them as StarClan themselves. She is willing to do what she must to please them and be on their good graces. She rarely follows orders unless given to her directly by the leader, deputy, or even the medicine cats. She's rather loudmouthed, unapologetically rude, brutally blunt, and at times, intimidating to those who haven't gotten to see through all the layers and masks she had put up to suppress the real 'her'. 'Weaklings' and 'cowards' peeve her more than anything else. Most of the time, it almost seems like she has very little to no fear. She will never back away from a fight and the occasional time she has to fight dirty brings her no shame. If she needs to win, she will find a way no matter the cost. She is extremely loyal to her clan and the higher positions as well as her small 'family' and will not hesitate to maim or even kill those who had the guts to mess with them. Ant is someone you should keep at an arm's length and stay within her good graces (unless you're her 'family or those she respects the most) or you'll find yourself a one-way ticket to the medicine cat's den or if unlucky enough, to the stars.

Clan: SkyClan

Origins: Pure SkC NPCs (Ambergaze{NPC-Mother} X Falconflight{NPC-Father}) + Adopted by Foxfire

(Will NOT be rped until Katana's gone (I have something planned with Rush and he'll be posting the topic soon) and even then, she won't be rped for a little while longer)

Antkit of Sky(landers)Clan Blackclover-Headshot-1Antkit of Sky(landers)Clan Quicksilver-Headshot-1

Click on either head to go to the respective profile! (N/A yet)
Antkit of Sky(landers)Clan 1f340 Blackkit of Shadowclan Antkit of Sky(landers)Clan 1f340』║『 Antkit of Sky(landers)Clan 1f4a8 Quickpaw of Windclan Antkit of Sky(landers)Clan 1f4a8
Antkit of Sky(landers)Clan 1f340 Unborn Kit | 10 [HP] - 20 [SP] Antkit of Sky(landers)Clan 1f340』║『Antkit of Sky(landers)Clan 1f4a8 App | 20 [HP] - 40 [SP] Antkit of Sky(landers)Clan 1f4a8
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : ×Mossbloom ; ×Dappleshine ; ×Goldengale ; ×Blossomstep ; ×Murkystar ; ×Dewlight ; ×Sunnyskip ; ×Anastasia ; (S)tormypaw ; (C)inderpaw ; (Q)uickpaw
Clan/Rank : (S) ThunderClan Apprentice ; (C) ShadowClan Apprentice ; (Q) SkyClan Apprentice
Cancer Rat
Number of posts : 3564
Gender : She/Her
Age : 27

Antkit of Sky(landers)Clan Empty
PostSubject: Re: Antkit of Sky(landers)Clan   Antkit of Sky(landers)Clan EmptyMon 26 Jul 2021 - 17:07


Antkit of Sky(landers)Clan 25403010 Antkit of Sky(landers)Clan 25403011 Antkit of Sky(landers)Clan 25403012

Stormypaw (♀) ||| Cinderpaw (♀) ||| Quickkit (♀)
ThunderClan Apprentice ~ 20 HP / 60 SP ||| ShadowClan Apprentice ~ 20 HP / 60 SP ||| SkyClan Kit ~ 10 HP / 30 SP

StarClan: Mossbloom, Dappleshine, Goldengale, Blossomstep, Sunnyskip
Other: Murkystar, Dewlight, Anastasia
Dark Forest: None

Antkit of Sky(landers)Clan Giphy
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Antkit of Sky(landers)Clan
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