Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony

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4 posters


Characters : Flamethrower, Jaculus
Clan/Rank : [F] Rogue [T1], [J] Rogue [T1]
Sagittarius Snake
Number of posts : 1226
Gender : am Woman
Age : 22

Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony Empty
PostSubject: Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony   Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony EmptyMon 14 Jun 2021 - 21:59

Minkstar took a deep breath of the cool morning air - or what was left of it before the increasingly warm touch of late new-leaf sent the temperature rising - his paws firm against the surface of the High Rock beneath them. The last time he'd done a ceremony like this, he'd run far out of camp, wishing his memory was imperfect enough to forget his shame. I'll need to make that up to her somehow.... A twinge of guilt still tugged at him when he thought about it, along with a determined sense that he couldn't leave it there.

But right now, he had a duty to perform. Opening his eyes and stepping forward to the edge of the rock, he looked over the camp, a faint smile coming to his maw. It's been long enough. There's no doubt he's ready, even if his mentor was a little absent sometimes.... And yet, in spite of that he'd turned out a fine tom. It was time for that to be extended to a fine warrior. "Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather here beneath the High Rock for a Clan meeting!"

They took our lives... and then they didn't use them!

pics of me cats:

In order from left to right
Jaculus | Flamethrower
Swansong | Rift | Cleft Spyre | Sablepaw/Lirista | Minkstar | Murkpaw
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Characters : [Bl]ackkit♀ | [Q]uickpaw♀
Clan/Rank : [Bl]-SC / Unborn Kit | [Q]-WC / App
Leo Snake
Number of posts : 1997
Gender : Any/All
Age : 22

Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony   Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony EmptyMon 14 Jun 2021 - 22:34

Lately, everything's been passing by him like a blur. Each day had been a flurry of emotions that twisted him in every way. His mother's sudden sickness had left him feeling helpless and distraught. His father finally going to the Moonstone and officially getting his lives had him filled with pride and admiration. The clan was growing each day, slowly but surely. He was so happy for ThunderClan's growth. After his own journey to the Moonstone and his thought-provoking chat with Beecloud, he took some time to reflect on his life and on himself. He began to take better care of himself and not putting too much onto his shoulders. He took time to relax and appreciate the fun his clanmates had to offer, which had been a rarity for him before. He... felt less stressed and much more clear-headed. He still helped around but took on less responsibilities. It was time for him to grow.

The white and brown tabby settled down among the gathering crowd at his father's call. He wasn't too sure what this meeting was about but he supposed he was going to find out soon enough. Seeing his father up there -now properly named Minkstar- just made him feel warmth and appreciation for how much his father cared for ThunderClan. He's been one of the greatest influences on Kestrelpaw. He wanted to be a loyal and hard-worker just like his father. Hopefully, Mink thinks of him in a similar way.

Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony Blackclover-Headshot-1Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony Quicksilver-Headshot-1

Click on either head to go to the respective profile! (N/A yet)
Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony 1f340 Blackkit of Shadowclan Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony 1f340』║『 Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony 1f4a8 Quickpaw of Windclan Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony 1f4a8
Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony 1f340 Unborn Kit | 10 [HP] - 20 [SP] Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony 1f340』║『Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony 1f4a8 App | 20 [HP] - 40 [SP] Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony 1f4a8

Last edited by Middy on Mon 14 Jun 2021 - 23:34; edited 1 time in total
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Characters : Flamethrower, Jaculus
Clan/Rank : [F] Rogue [T1], [J] Rogue [T1]
Sagittarius Snake
Number of posts : 1226
Gender : am Woman
Age : 22

Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony   Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony EmptyMon 14 Jun 2021 - 23:29

Minkstar's smile grew as his son settled in the crowd, and he raised his tail, the crowd quieting expectantly as they gathered. He'd come far from the little kit wriggling in the nursery, and the quietly thoughtful apprentice who spent each day working out to help wherever he could. He'd grown.

Couldn't be more proud of you, kit.

His smile turned lopsided, and he called out again, his voice strong and clear, "Kestrelpaw, you've trained for moons now as an apprentice, and I think we can all agree it's high time you became a warrior. If you agree, step forward."

He waited, meeting his son's eyes with an encouraging smile, and then moved on, his heart pumping almost like it had when receiving his lives - pride filling him to almost bursting. "I call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice; he has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code and support his Clanmates, and I commend him to you as a warrior in turn." He searched his son's gaze, making no secret of the pride in his smile as he moved on to the important question. "Kerath, do you promise to uphold the warrior code, protect and defend your Clan - even those you dislike - at the cost of your life?"

The words of it had struck him in a way they hadn't before as he'd gone through them to get the gist right, a twinge that curled up in his belly to join the pride with a hint of bittersweet. It was almost a step away from his family - a pledge that he would willingly lay down his life for those cats around him, no matter which part of that extended family it happened to be. Those words... leaders didn't usually say them, but the concept had stood out to him - the memory of blue eyes blazing with hatred like ghosts flashing behind his vision and giving him pause. He had broken that oath, and so had Rain in her turn.

And it wasn't something they could afford.

Whatever comes, we have to have the grit to push through it, and the loyalty to stick with the cats we've got. He hoped that the words wouldn't simply be another empty spiel of tradition, easily thrown away and forgotten as soon as the ceremony ended. That Kerath would understand as he hadn't at the time. I have a feeling that's not something I need to worry about, though.

They took our lives... and then they didn't use them!

pics of me cats:

In order from left to right
Jaculus | Flamethrower
Swansong | Rift | Cleft Spyre | Sablepaw/Lirista | Minkstar | Murkpaw
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Characters : [Bl]ackkit♀ | [Q]uickpaw♀
Clan/Rank : [Bl]-SC / Unborn Kit | [Q]-WC / App
Leo Snake
Number of posts : 1997
Gender : Any/All
Age : 22

Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony   Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony EmptyTue 15 Jun 2021 - 0:03

It... felt like a dream. He was having a bit of trouble truly comprehending this moment, which was very unlike him. It was mostly due to his mind's unwillingness to cooperate and instead choosing on going blank, much to his dismay. He couldn't lose it now! It was his day. With or without his head focused, the apprentice, with as much dignity as he could muster, stepped forward.

Luckily for him, his mind finally caught up and he was now able to put all his focus on Minkstar's words, green gaze never leaving his father's figure for anything. It was almost like it was only them and nobody else. He returned the smile given to him with one of his own, a softness to his expression rarely seen by anyone but those closest to him. He couldn't have hoped for a better mentor. Mink, even if he may not think so, is someone to be looked up to. No matter how old he'll get, Kestrel will always look up to him.

This was it. This was the moment that counted the most. His pledge to his clan, to his clanmates, to the code and the starry cats above. His promise to do what was right and assist those in need, no matter what and no matter who. To be an honorable warrior that others would be proud of for moons to come. The time to show how much he's grown.

"I do." It was clear and confident. These two simple words just opened up a whole new path for him. More chances to do right by his clan, his family. He was more than ready to serve and protect ThunderClan with his entire being but he wasn't going to forget Beecloud's words to him. He was going to think of himself as well. He wasn't going to let himself shatter to pieces, not when he came this far.

Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony Blackclover-Headshot-1Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony Quicksilver-Headshot-1

Click on either head to go to the respective profile! (N/A yet)
Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony 1f340 Blackkit of Shadowclan Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony 1f340』║『 Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony 1f4a8 Quickpaw of Windclan Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony 1f4a8
Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony 1f340 Unborn Kit | 10 [HP] - 20 [SP] Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony 1f340』║『Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony 1f4a8 App | 20 [HP] - 40 [SP] Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony 1f4a8
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Characters : Flamethrower, Jaculus
Clan/Rank : [F] Rogue [T1], [J] Rogue [T1]
Sagittarius Snake
Number of posts : 1226
Gender : am Woman
Age : 22

Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony   Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony EmptyTue 15 Jun 2021 - 19:03

His son's answer rang out loud and clear, and Minkstar smiled. He'd thought long and hard about a name, and made sure to remember the one he'd picked. Can't forget one of the most important parts of the ceremony. He savoured it in his mind for a moment before opening his maw again, a thrill of anticipation running down his spine. "Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your warrior name. Kestrelpaw -" For the last time would that part of his name ever be used "- from this moment on, you will be known as Kestrelswoop. We honour your diligence and devotion, and welcome you into ThunderClan's ranks as a full warrior."

The new warrior's name rang through the ravine, and Minkstar leapt down, grinning as he joined in and bumped his son's shoulder, a rumbling purr vibrating deep in his chest. "This is the point where I'd tell you to remember your vigil, but I have a feeling I don't need to mention that." He touched his chin to the top of his son's head for a moment, and then drew back, eyes glowing. "Me and Bat are so proud of you, kit. Can't really call you that anymore, though, can I?" His smile turned lopsided. "Kestrelswoop fits better, anyway."

They took our lives... and then they didn't use them!

pics of me cats:

In order from left to right
Jaculus | Flamethrower
Swansong | Rift | Cleft Spyre | Sablepaw/Lirista | Minkstar | Murkpaw
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Characters : [Bl]ackkit♀ | [Q]uickpaw♀
Clan/Rank : [Bl]-SC / Unborn Kit | [Q]-WC / App
Leo Snake
Number of posts : 1997
Gender : Any/All
Age : 22

Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony   Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony EmptyTue 15 Jun 2021 - 20:39

Kestrelswoop. That was the name he'll be known by from now until his very last breath. He very much liked it. It suited him and the role he'd given himself in the clan, someone who was more than ready to 'swoop' down to help those in need, no matter how big or small the situation. At least, that was what he was taking from his new name. But if he was to think more simply, it just had a nice ring to it.

The newly-named warrior grinned back at his father as he watched him hop down from the High Rock, eyes highlighting the joy and pride he felt finally being given his warrior name. It was a dream come true. Well, wasn't that true for most apprentices? It was the primary goal they worked toward for many moons. The prospect of having a bit more freedom was also a good bonus and extra motivation to work hard. It certainly worked for Kerath.

"Thank you, dad. Thank you for everything you've taught me, for just being there to support me. You... You're someone I look up to and you've inspired me to work hard and try my best with everything and anything I do. Without you, I probably wouldn't have gotten this far..." The sincerity in his voice was unmistakable. The tom pressed himself against Minkstar, a simple action to show him how much he loves him. "You've been the best mentor... and the best father. I hope you'll always remember how much you mean to me, you and the rest of our crazy family." He stepped back with a playful smile and nudged his father with a gentle paw before turning away and thanking some of the rest of his clanmates for their cheers.

Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony Blackclover-Headshot-1Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony Quicksilver-Headshot-1

Click on either head to go to the respective profile! (N/A yet)
Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony 1f340 Blackkit of Shadowclan Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony 1f340』║『 Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony 1f4a8 Quickpaw of Windclan Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony 1f4a8
Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony 1f340 Unborn Kit | 10 [HP] - 20 [SP] Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony 1f340』║『Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony 1f4a8 App | 20 [HP] - 40 [SP] Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony 1f4a8
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Characters : (S)Spotlake (Q) Quaildock/Daris (QT) Quietstep/Herbo Deliah (SO) SoftkitDead/inactive: Lola, Deerfrost, Hoosier, Snowmud, Nightwolf
Clan/Rank : WC tier 5 warrior, TC tier 2 warrior, SKC Tier 1 warrior
Leo Pig
Number of posts : 1411
Gender : she/her/they/them
Age : 16

Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony   Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony EmptyWed 16 Jun 2021 - 4:56

Quaildock sat within the crowd, as he watched his brother becomen a warrior. As soon as the ceremony was finished, he ran up to Kestrelswoop, and nearly tackled him over. "Congrats Kerath! Or should I say Kestrelswoop?" He purred, happiness that his brother would be joining him in the warrior's den overtaking him.

Spotlake (Tier 5 warrior) Nightwolf (Elder) Quaildock (Tier 2 warrior) Quietstep/Delilah(kittypet)Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony Bebes10
Siggy by the lovely Cocoa!
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : [C]reekpaw | [P]alekit | [R]edkit
Clan/Rank : [C] RC Apprentice | [P] SkC Kit | [R] WC Kit
Pisces Monkey
Number of posts : 1221
Gender : Female (She/Her)
Age : 20

Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony   Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony EmptyWed 16 Jun 2021 - 23:02

Wolfpaw, upon hearing the call of her leader, had nestled herself within the crowd of her fellow clanmates. She had been silent only because she was required to during a meeting, but as soon as Kestralswoop was named, she chanted as loud as she could. "Kestrelswoop, Kestrelswoop, Kestrelswoop!" When the crowd began to disperse, she bounded up to him with haste, nearly running into Quaildock in the process. "Wow, you're a warrior now! I'm so happy for you! Kestrelswoop is a good name too, and we should go on patrol sometime! Congratulations!" Wolfpaw, in familiar fashion, practically hummed with energy as her words tumbled from her mouth, excited that her friend had become a warrior.


Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony Downlo48 Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony Downlo50 Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony Downlo49

Creekpaw♀ | Apprentice | Riverclan | #666d96
Palekit♀ | Kit | Skyclan | #8d8ab5
Redkit♀ | Kit | Windclan | #8c2a2a
Character Profiles (WIP)
* disabled stats | signature made by felidaze's warrior cat creator!
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Kestrelpaw's Warrior Ceremony Empty
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