Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 thoughts on the other clans

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thoughts on the other clans Empty
PostSubject: thoughts on the other clans   thoughts on the other clans EmptyTue 5 May 2020 - 15:38

so i was thinking last night that i should write out just how my characters feel about the other clans, and i resolved to do that today so here it is!

Olivestone, WindClan Deputy:
She's not really had much interaction with RiverClan, though she knows that's where Dappleshine was from. She has no real opinion, but generally, she thinks they're cool. She'll never understand how they swim and eat fish, but to each their own, I guess. She's not met a mean RiverClan cat yet, and she hopes that never changes. (Lavenderbreeze was RiverClan in life, but she doesn't count.)
Otherwise, she's heard stories about Torrentstar and his past actions, though she had never met the tom to judge him herself.

She generally respects ShadowClan as a whole, especially Flintstar, Ravenmist and Mothglow. She has had little interaction with ShadowClan, though she knows that they were harder hit by the effects of the Righteous Few. She would gladly consider them an ally, and would be one of the first Clans she'd turn to if need be.

She's had little interaction with ThunderClan outside of Gatherings, especially as they don't share a border. Most of her interactions with ThunderClan have been pleasant, excluding that one Gathering where Vixenpaw was involved. She also knows that ThunderClan was hit hard by the Righteous Few, and would also likely turn to them for allyship.

She's never really had true interaction with SkyClan in her daily life, considering that they don't share a border, but all that she's heard about SkyClan were from others with negative biases, and she's subconsciously picked up on those herself. She's hard pressed to truly hate someone, so she doesn't hate SkyClan by any means. She knows that there are good cats in any Clan, regardless of what she thinks of said Clan, and she's certainly willing to give anyone a chance to be nice and prove her bias wrong. However, she doesn't have a high opinion of either Wolfcall or Spottedstar.

Redwolf, ShadowClan Warrior:
The only Clan she even remotely likes, aside from her own Clan, considering that two of the three otherClanners that she's grown to truly respect, Finchstar and Morningpaw, were from there.

She has no opinion of RiverClan, other than knowing that Torrentstar was the father of her honorary siblings.

The only cat v cat battle she's had to date was with Robinloft of ThunderClan, so she has a less than stellar opinion of them. Otherwise, she has little opinion.

She openly detests SkyClan, having been raised on stories from the war between ShadowClan and SkyClan. Their general "holier than thou" attitude pisses her off, and the way that they watched the other Clans suffer without lifting a paw to help further fuels her hatred. As well, she was poisoned as a kit by Deerfrost, formerly of SkyClan, and if/when she finds out, it will further fuel her rage.

Cherryblossom, ThunderClan Warrior:
Thinks fairly highly of them, though she doesn't understand how they get by with no trees and undergrowth. Her grandmother, Dappleshine lives there, and while she doesn't know her grandmother too well, she likes WindClan as a whole.

Her mother, Dacedream, hailed from RiverClan. She knows she has family over there, but otherwise knows little about them.

She's had little interaction with ShadowClan, though she knows that Oakstar was from there.

Has a less than stellar opinion of them, due to their inaction while the other Clans were suffering at the hands of the Righteous Few. Also dislikes their general "holier than thou" attitude.
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