Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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Activity checks take place on the 1st of the month. PM a staff member with the completed form if you missed it.
Newleaf is finally here, and the Clans hope to find reprieve from the tough Leaf-bare.
Gatherings take place on the 1st of the month; keep your eyes out for a staff member's post!
Please feel free to hit up any staff member if you have any questions!


 Don't Blink I'm here!

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6 posters


Characters : Crowpaw (SC) - Minkpaw (WC) - Silverkit (TC))
Clan/Rank : Apprentice-(Shadowclan), Apprentice-(Windclan), Kit-(Thunderclan)
Sagittarius Buffalo
Number of posts : 98
Age : 26

Don't Blink I'm here! Empty
PostSubject: Don't Blink I'm here!   Don't Blink I'm here! EmptySat 18 Jan 2020 - 7:08

Hi everyone! My name's Blink; well that's what I prefer to be called for right now until we get to know each other a bit better haha! I honestly have not been on a rp site in so long I have forgotten most of my user names to most of my old sites I used to rp on so to be honest some of you probably have rped with me before and I have such a bad memory I don't remember ya'll and for that I'm sorry! If you think you may know me by my personality or future conversations we may have don't be afraid to ask me if you know me from another site cause honestly we probably met along the road sometime or another.

I'm a 22 year old young woman who's recently been so bored that I have been itching to get some creativity out there. I'm 7 months pregnant to warn you all so If I get a bit moody or just drop out of nowhere and don't reply I am sorry; mood swings from pregnancy hormones and desu. I love to rp and make friends though so don't be afraid to say hi to me! I'd love to make friends and start rping with y'all. I love to write and warrior cats have been a childhood favorite book series of mine that I have secretly never outgrown.

I'm on a lot of the time on my laptop so I'll be very active and eager to reply to you guys even if it's to chat. Being pregnant doesn't give much room to do much of anything I used to do to be honest and I recently got my laptop fixed from being broken several months so I'm happy for that and will be super active on there.

I honestly don't have much to say about myself other then that. I'm not a very descriptive person when it comes to describing myself (I've been writing and rping since I learned how to when I was a kid so I'm very description and tend to do long posts while rping though so no worries!) so everything you may need to know about me that's not already written on here in this intro post will be from getting to know me. I don't bite and am very friendly so no worries there friends!

Warning though, because it has been so long since I have rped or been on any sites like this I will warn you I will be very eager and probably a bit too talkative. So if I tend to get a bit pushy in the first few weeks before the high of being on here wears off I do sincerely apologize and I hope yoyu will be patient with me and my over excited butt. Any issues you may have with my behavior feel free to talk to me about it; I am a very confronting person so if there is an issue I feel like it needs to be put out there and spoken about between those it concerns to be able to get it fixed and taken care of so we may enjoy the rest of the day and have no grudges during rp or anything like that.

Other than that, thanks so much for reading and I sincerely hope this post of intro did not turn some of you away from my bluntness about matters written about in the above. Stop by and say hi! Personal messaging is always a welcoming notification on my profile so if you want to talk and get to know me or plot with me don't be shy to send me a message!

Thanks so much! Blink
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Characters : (S)Spotlake (Q) Quaildock/Daris (QT) Quietstep/Herbo Deliah (SO) SoftkitDead/inactive: Lola, Deerfrost, Hoosier, Snowmud, Nightwolf
Clan/Rank : WC tier 5 warrior, TC tier 2 warrior, SKC Tier 1 warrior
Leo Pig
Number of posts : 1411
Gender : she/her/they/them
Age : 16

Don't Blink I'm here! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Don't Blink I'm here!   Don't Blink I'm here! EmptySat 18 Jan 2020 - 7:10

Hello nice to meet you! :3

Spotlake (Tier 5 warrior) Nightwolf (Elder) Quaildock (Tier 2 warrior) Quietstep/Delilah(kittypet)Don't Blink I'm here! Bebes10
Siggy by the lovely Cocoa!
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Characters : Dapplekit (D)
Clan/Rank : Skyclan Kit (D)
Libra Goat
Number of posts : 2679
Gender : She/her
Age : 20

Don't Blink I'm here! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Don't Blink I'm here!   Don't Blink I'm here! EmptySat 18 Jan 2020 - 7:14

Hi I would love to be your friend and I’m talkative too so we would do great together! We can Pm all day if we have too :3
My info:
I’m a 16 year old girl who rps to get away from my crazy life and suicidal friends. I’m really outgoing and love making friends. Irl I’m not really sociable but here you will see me a lot just talking to players. I love talking to new players as well since I was banned for a year and got lonely.

Hope we can be friends,

(P.S I suck at grammar :3)

~.:*Dream Without Fear, Love without Limits*:.~ 
Don't Blink I'm here! Dappleapple-modified

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Former Staff
Former Staff

Sagittarius Horse
Number of posts : 2502
Gender : Big Guy (he/him/his)
Age : 21

Don't Blink I'm here! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Don't Blink I'm here!   Don't Blink I'm here! EmptySat 18 Jan 2020 - 7:57

Welcome to the site, Blink! I hope you enjoy our community. I look forward to seeing the characters you make~

》Former Admin《

Don't Blink I'm here! TpKJUN0

Rushkit | RiverClan Kit | #4b5320
Lionpaw | ThunderClan Apprentice | #cb945f

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Characters : [S]tormpaw, [D]owntuft, [So]ftbreeze*, [Sh]yfawn
Clan/Rank : [S]ThunderClan runaway, [D] WindClan t5 warrior, [So]WindClan t3 Medicine cat/queen, [Sh]WindClan permaqueen
Capricorn Monkey
Number of posts : 1144
Gender : battle-cat fanatic l l she/her
Age : 19

Don't Blink I'm here! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Don't Blink I'm here!   Don't Blink I'm here! EmptySat 18 Jan 2020 - 8:00

Hi there Blink! It's so wonderful to meet you! You can call me Stormy, (or any other nickname on my intro) if you need any help I'm almost always available! I think you'll fit in just fine here, we're so happy to have you here! In Love Hamu

You're actually just in time for our site-wide plot, so you'll be able to join in on the drama! I remember I was very excited when I joined, and so I understand your hype, i had it too. If you join TC or WC, I'd be happy to RP with you! We also have an open SC meddie slot(TC's opening soon!), and I'm WC's meddie apprentice, so if you become one, we can RP with that too!

Again, I'm so happy to meet you! Welcome to our little family here on WCC! Cheery Hamu

Don't Blink I'm here! Untitl21
PitaPata Cat tickers
Storm(paw), ThunderClan Runaway l Sneezingpaw, RiverClan l Downtuft, WindClan l Whisperingkit, WindClan
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Characters : Crowpaw (SC) - Minkpaw (WC) - Silverkit (TC))
Clan/Rank : Apprentice-(Shadowclan), Apprentice-(Windclan), Kit-(Thunderclan)
Sagittarius Buffalo
Number of posts : 98
Age : 26

Don't Blink I'm here! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Don't Blink I'm here!   Don't Blink I'm here! EmptySat 18 Jan 2020 - 8:57

Thanks so much for the welcome you guys! Can't wait to start rping with all of you as well!

Thread Tracker

Crowpaw / 6 Moons / Female / Shadowclan / #Text Color
Mink(paw) / 6 Moons / Male / From Loner to Windclan / #Text Color
Silverkit / 5 Moons / Female / Thunderclan / #Text Color
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Number of posts : 1307

Don't Blink I'm here! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Don't Blink I'm here!   Don't Blink I'm here! EmptySat 18 Jan 2020 - 11:33

welcome to wcc! i look forward to rping with you!
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Don't Blink I'm here! Empty
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Don't Blink I'm here!
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