Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 I'm Back!! (Kinda)

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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : Former: Pansyface ♀, Leopardstar ♂, Finchstream ♀, Ryeheart ♂, Laurelsong ♀, Nightstorm ♂, Fernpetal ♀, Magpiepaw ♂, Chirp ♀, Ashflight ♂, Orchidmask ♀ Basilbloom ♀ | Current: Featherpaw ♀, Tigerkit ♂
Sagittarius Dragon
Number of posts : 3811
Gender : she/her
Age : 23

I'm Back!! (Kinda) Empty
PostI'm Back!! (Kinda)

I'm Back!! (Kinda) Tenor

Well....hewo there OwO

Hey guys! :D  Most of you probably saw on Discord that I was debating the idea of coming back to WCC, and I finally made up my mind!  I have returned to Cat He l l, I guess my soul will never truly be severed xD  However, all of my previous reasons for leaving still stand; I am currently working on my first big writing project (it's still in the planning phases but it's coming along nicely), I am entering adult life, and I've realized that I get very easily burned out when it comes to roleplaying.  So, I want to make clear the conditions I'm setting myself for returning.

1. WCC is going to take a backseat.  I love this site and building up collaborative stories with all of you, but my dream of becoming an author and finishing my project is more important to me.  That might sound selfish, but it's the truth, and I stand by my word.  For every ounce of effort I put into WCC, a pound will go into my project, and thus the other conditions follow.

2. I will not be as consistently active as I once was.  Soon enough, along with personal projects, I'm going to have community college to contend with, and a job, and so many other adults things.  So, there may be periods of time when I am too busy to write for WCC, or even write at all.  I probably won't be a part of as many plots as in the past, and though I do want to have three characters again there's a chance that I may have to unexpectedly let one or multiple go.

3. I will be completely transparent with you guys about my activity.  As some of you probably know, I had a hard time admitting when I was leader that I was burned out.  I didn't want to let you guys down, let myself down, so I hid what I was feeling.  I left without warning for weeks at a time, and I know that I scared some of you guys because of that, for which I profusely apologize.  It wasn't responsible, and it wasn't right.  So, from now on, if I need to take a break from WCC, I'm going to say so.  And you guys gotta hold me to it ;D

4. I will not be holding ANY high ranks.  Being a leader was very fun, but I learned quickly just how much dedication, mental fortitude, and time it takes, and at this point in my life I cannot take on that commitment.  So please, don't be nice and try to give my ambitious characters what they want, they will never be deputy or MC XD

And so, here I am!  I'm excited to jump back in with a fresh slate, and though I miss my old characters, they were honestly a big reason why I got burnt out.  I had most of them for too long, and just started to run out of ideas; imo, Leopardstar suffered from that the most.  All that aside, aaaaaaa I'm happy to be back, and I'm looking forward to rping with all of you guys again real soon <33

Featherpaw of RiverClan
Tigerkit of ShadowClan
I'm Back!! (Kinda) Feathe11
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I'm Back!! (Kinda) :: Comments

Re: I'm Back!! (Kinda)
Post Sun 15 Dec 2019 - 4:52 by Spooksjolly
Hello nice to meet you! :)
Re: I'm Back!! (Kinda)
Post Sun 15 Dec 2019 - 5:09 by Squirrelnose
Welcome back my dude
Re: I'm Back!! (Kinda)
Post Sun 15 Dec 2019 - 7:11 by Maple
welcome back, friend <3
Re: I'm Back!! (Kinda)
Post Sun 15 Dec 2019 - 7:17 by sumashira
Ahhhh Rainy we love you so much. It's absolutely great that you're back, however often we'll get you. You are right that your professional life takes priority, and I wish you all the best in it! You know we love supporting you and your artistic endeavors. <3
Re: I'm Back!! (Kinda)
Post Sun 15 Dec 2019 - 9:09 by Guest
RAINY MY FRIEND!!! I am so happy to see you back, and I have so much respect for you, seeing you set boundaries for yourself and for others. It takes a lot of self-awareness to do that, and I love that about you. Welcome back! I wish you all the best!
Re: I'm Back!! (Kinda)
Post  by Sponsored content

I'm Back!! (Kinda)

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