Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 It's Quiet Uptown [CLOSED]

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2 posters
Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : [M] Moonkit
Clan/Rank : [M] TC Kit
Pisces Dragon
Number of posts : 4015
Gender : She/her
Age : 24

It's Quiet Uptown [CLOSED] Empty
PostSubject: It's Quiet Uptown [CLOSED]   It's Quiet Uptown [CLOSED] EmptySat 24 Aug 2019 - 16:26

This starry land was still a mystery for the new-arrived Riverclan she-cat but she could enjoy. Walking through endless woods and streams, she had finally found the place her father told her about: an ancient tree surrounded with pretty flowers she had never seen before in life. Birds were chirping above its branches with peaceful melodies and the breeze was a refreshing one. The beautiful calico, now younger than when she died, laid down in a bed of marigold and sniffed the yellow flowers with a small smile. The scent brought her momentary peace as she let the peace of this place come to her mind.

However, as soon as she opened her eyes, she realized how alone she was now... and loneliness brought painful thoughts. Hailsong remembered her daughter, the one still down on the live realm. Mistlepaw was training so hard down there... she must feeling alone and the one thing that she regretted when she died... was not saying a proper goodbye to her. Maybe... when the time came for her to receive her medicine cat den... Starclan would allow her to give it to her. Maybe they could take some consideration since she was her mother... and she needed a parent more than ever in these difficult times.

But... Mistlepaw was not the only cat troubling her mind. Since she arrived here, she was welcomed by her parents. The she-cat was able to meet her mother after so much time and greet her father once again. Her kits were there too, merry and young. For days, the joyful warrior had been playing with them, telling them all the stories she had went through. All her sister and brothers were around to give her a big family hug of welcome. For the first time in moons, Hailsong was reunited with her whole family, the one who brought her to life and she brought to life. But there was someone missing... an old friend and love. No matter how many times she asked, no one knew exactly where he was. For moons... she had meant to see him once her time arrived to join the ancestors. And now that she was with them... there was no sign of Torrentstorm. Was he here? He had to be... he was a good tom, a good warrior of Riverclan. Was he... angry at her? For taking Blizzardshell instead of him? To be honest, her relationship with Blizzardshell did not end well and they decided to not be mates here since they were not that close anymore when his time came. Surely... Torrentstorm would know that too, right? And if he knew... the only reason the she-cat could think of him not coming to say hi to her was that... he hated her.
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Characters : a lot
Libra Monkey
Number of posts : 742
Gender : she/they
Age : 20

It's Quiet Uptown [CLOSED] Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's Quiet Uptown [CLOSED]   It's Quiet Uptown [CLOSED] EmptySat 24 Aug 2019 - 18:48

Although she never knew it, he had always been there.

When he died, he was there, trying to offer comfort as she crouched mournfully over his body. When the flood waters swept their home and happiness away, he was there, unable to help physically but willing her to stay alive. When she had her kits, all stillborn but one, he was there, grieving her loss as well. When her adopted kit perished during the journey back to the territories, he cried alongside her, watching tearfully as the small, cold body was lowered into the earth. When she lost Blizzardshell and Jaystar, he was there, unable to nuzzle her but whispering faintly in the breeze "it's going to be ok." Finally, when the time came for her to join him and her family in Starclan, he..he tried to be there. He should've been there, but he couldn't bring himself to. He couldn't bring himself to listen to the fragile, rhythmic beating of her heart finally cease. As much as he missed the warmth of her pelt, the spark in her voice, and the warmth in her sage-colored eyes, he couldn't bring himself to face her. But, she was here now, wasn't she? He could be happy. They could be happy. Live the happily ever after they didn't get to have in the afterlife, where there was no pain or sadness. But he was..too emotional. She was dead. They were dead. There could be no happily ever after if their stories had already ended. So he avoided her like the plague. It was the only solution. Anyone who asked of him, he made them swear to secrecy. And they did. No one said a word of him to Hailsong. Starclan, she probably thought he was in the Dark Forest now. Good, she wouldn't worry about him. No point in worrying about those who walked without the stars. Besides, she had Blizzardshell. Even if they were distant during their lives, they were in love, right? Like he was with Orchidpool. No, no, he didn't love Orchidpool. She was an amazing cat, but he didn't love her like he loved Hailsong. It was wrong, it was wrong...he was wrong. He had been over this so many times before. She didn't love him, they weren't meant to be together, in life or in death. He was better off forgetting, like she had forgotten him so many moons ago...

Torrentstorm wandered absentmindedly, like he often did after upsetting himself with his thoughts. He padded through the starry plains of Starclan, tears brimming in his eyes as he moved past them. He tried to stop, relish the sweet fragrances of Starclan's blooming wildflowers, but even they couldn't remove her from his mind and help him forget her intoxicating scent. Starclan, he longed for her presence badly. It had been so long since they had seen each other..but he knew he couldn't. He'd just be fueling the flames all over again. Falling right into her trap, and burning in the fire. Did he want that again? No. Did he want her? No. Liar, liar, he did. He wanted to be with her again, groom her beautiful dilute fur and listen to her voice. But he couldn't do that, he couldn't do that without charging into the fire. This time, though, he wouldn't make it out alive. 

Soon, he was at the star oak. Its massive branches swayed gracefully in the breeze, and looked down upon him in a comforting manner. Even if it couldn't actually talk, he understood what it was trying to convey. It drew him near, until he stood at its roots, just on the opposite side from his long lost love. She wasn't aware of his presence yet, but he knew she was there. He could smell her alluring scent as he got closer, stronger and stronger with each step he took. He hesitated. Did he really want this? Did he really want her? Did he really want to jump headfirst into the blaze, and feel the heat scorch him once more? 



 it's been a minute, hasn't it? 

It's Quiet Uptown [CLOSED] Tenor It's Quiet Uptown [CLOSED] Original It's Quiet Uptown [CLOSED] 2ea9ee7a2f752d4ca128ceca83302ddbacf0ca70r1-268-268_00

☾ sparrowpaw of thunderclan (#cc9966) 
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : [M] Moonkit
Clan/Rank : [M] TC Kit
Pisces Dragon
Number of posts : 4015
Gender : She/her
Age : 24

It's Quiet Uptown [CLOSED] Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's Quiet Uptown [CLOSED]   It's Quiet Uptown [CLOSED] EmptyWed 11 Sep 2019 - 17:48

The she-cat felt lost, cold even in such a peaceful place. It was like all-around was blue, her fur, her mind, her feelings. Something was missing and that something was Torrentstorm. And it wasn't until his voice was heard that she suddenly... felt that void finally being filled in just a blink. With him calling her name, Starclan did not seem cold anymore and everything took a new shape and colours. Her started beating faster even if she had not seen him yet. Slowly and a bit scared, the she-cat turned her head, finally meeting the yellow eyes of his long lost friend and love. Hailsong got lost on those warm, yellowish eyes and for a few seconds, she was speechless, trapped in a turmoil of feelings that only manifested as silent tears coming to her green eyes. "Torrentstorm... is that... really you?"

Among flowers and over the roots of the hight tree, the two Riverclan warrior crossed their eyes and silent feelings were shared. Memories came back to her... the good ones... the bad ones. But most of all, the she-cat was happy. Even while she was crying, there was relief inside her. Torrentstorm was here, in Starclan and... he came to her at last. Forcing her trembling legs to stand up, the warrior stood up and lifted one paw, doubtfully. Should she approach him? Hug him and nuzzle him for all the moons she could not do that? The dilute calico remained still, her right paw folded, still deciding if the tom would really welcome her. He looked... just how she remembered him. Young, strong, healthy. Just like her, Starclan returned him to his best age, the time when he was happier and now... there was no age difference between them. Now that they were face to face, they were equals yet... why did she feel so small? Hailsong already knew the answer... yet it was no easy to see it because she did not know how to fix it. The guilt of so many moons. All those nights in which she wondered what would have happened if she had chosen to follow her heart instead of favouring her sister's happiness. Maybe... if she stayed around him... he would have not died so young. Maybe... she could have saved him.

All that regret and guilt hit her hard and the tears were now unstoppable. Biting her tongue, Hailsong was no longer able to see the other tom and she dropped her head down, ashamed and with her tail between her hind legs. She let out a nervous chuckle as she continued crying. "I'm so sorry... I must look so pathetic right now. It's just... I've missed you so much and now... I can't even look at you because I know you might hate me. That is why you have been avoiding me, isn't it? How could you not? I was an awful friend to you... and if I was better for you... then maybe you wouldn't have died so long ago. You would have lived a long life but... because of me... I should have said something... do something..." The she-cat was unable to continue and her trembling voice was silenced but a painful lump on her throat stopped her from talking. The small warrior longed so much for his touch, for his voice, for his warmth... for his everything. But she couldn't have that. She was convinced she did not deserve it.
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Characters : a lot
Libra Monkey
Number of posts : 742
Gender : she/they
Age : 20

It's Quiet Uptown [CLOSED] Empty
PostSubject: Re: It's Quiet Uptown [CLOSED]   It's Quiet Uptown [CLOSED] EmptyFri 4 Oct 2019 - 19:55

"Torrentstorm...is that...really you?" 

Her voice was just as soft and sweet as he remembered it. Her shimmering green eyes still held that warmth to them, the same warmth that drew him near her so many moons ago. She was still as beautiful as he remembered, too; Starclan returned her youth to her, but he wouldn't love her any less had she been happier at an older age. The two Riverclan warriors remained quiet for an agonizingly long time. Torrentstorm's gaze did not leave hers as she quietly stood up, staring at him intensely. "Y-Yes, Hailsong...it's me. I'm here now," he meowed softly, eyes sparkling with tears of joy. Despite all the hardships the two cats had faced in their relationship, the gray tabby couldn't deny any longer that he had missed her. Even though he was diving headfirst into the flames once more, this time he'd allow himself to burn. He missed her so badly..he didn't care if he was burning himself once again. All he wanted was to be with her once more.

Hailsong looked happy to see him for a moment, but her smile fell quickly. Pain rippled through the tom's chest as he watched the tears slip down her cheeks as she tried to justify his absence. Instinct took over, and he immediately approached her. "No, no, Hail..darling.." He padded over to her and wrapped her in an embrace, holding her closely and affectionately. He murmured comforts to her as she sobbed into his fur, resting his chin on the top of her head. Seeing her so upset broke him and made him feel even worse for trying to avoid her. All this time that he thought he was running from the fire...he was leaving his beloved to burn. He thought that he was saving them when he was only tearing them apart even more. His own tears brimmed in his eyes but he forced them back. This was about Hailsong; she was all that currently mattered. "I don't hate you, Hailsong. I could never hate you. I died when I did, there was nothing you could've done. I was only avoiding you because I was...scared. I was so scared of what'd you think or say. I was scared that..that I still loved you, Hailsong. All I wanted was for you to be happy and..and I thought that you were with Blizzardhsell. I was scared of ruining your relationship so I..I stayed away. I'm sorry I pained you so much," he meowed, lapping the tears away from her face. A cat as beautiful as her shouldn't have to cry. He felt horrible for harming her. Torrentstorm continued to groom her face in a feeble attempt to lift her spirits. "I'm here now, though. I don't intend on leaving you any time soon...and if you'd let me, never again," he stared deeply into her eyes, trying to show her how sincere his words were. He loved her with every fiber of his being. And if he'd let him back into her life- er, afterlife- he would never leave her again. Nothing would keep them apart anymore. Perhaps...perhaps they could finally be together.

 it's been a minute, hasn't it? 

It's Quiet Uptown [CLOSED] Tenor It's Quiet Uptown [CLOSED] Original It's Quiet Uptown [CLOSED] 2ea9ee7a2f752d4ca128ceca83302ddbacf0ca70r1-268-268_00

☾ sparrowpaw of thunderclan (#cc9966) 
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