Plot Name: The Giver, the Ghoul, and the Griever Clans involved: RiverclanCharacters Directly Involved: Chatsworth (me), Risingkit (WoozleDoozle), Adderpaw (Ceryn), anyone who signs upWill there be code-breaking?: Yes. Chatsworth will hunt in Riverclan territory and Risingkit/paw/??? will bring prey to Chatsworth instead of the clan.Explain your Plot:- Chatsworth, a loner, has severe allergies to most meat, except fish. While she can survive on human trash for a bit, she wants to eat fish as it is much more nutritious.
- One day, she finds the river and spends time fishing. Risingpaw (Risingkit once she ages up) sees her while going down to the river. Chatsworth quickly explains why she's fishing there, her allergies, and everything. Rising, ever the pacifist, feels bad for her and promises to fish for Chatsworth herself, so that way Chat doesn't get caught and potentially injured.
- Rising help feeds Chatsworth and in exchange, she teaches her things, keeps her company, acts like a good friend, and helps her out with things.
- After this has been going on for a while, some Riverclanner gets seriously hurt by a rogue/deranged cat/enemy warrior unaware of their own strength (not Chatsworth) while hunting. This incident may reoccur a couple more times. Every time, the event happened so quickly (+head injuries) that details are few, but recall it was not a Riverclan cat.
- time passes and little more information is found on the culprit, so a few cats close to those injured decide to take justice into their own paws and look for the attacker themselves.
- They find the scent of Riverclan and a hint of rogue down the river and think it must be the attacker. They trace it all the way back to where Chatsworth lives and thinks that her facial scars and bleeding (effects of her allergies) were caused by a warrior fighting for their life.
- They capture her and harshly interrogate/possibly torture her on how the cats were hurt, who she's striking next, stuff like that (she didn't do it, so she doesn't know anything). At one point she admits that Rising helped her, but before she could say that Rising helped her get
food, she's dragged off.
- The cats kidnap Rising as well while she's on patrol and drag the two before the Riverclan leader.
- They announce that Chatsworth is guilty of mutilating Riverclan warriors, and that Rising was her accomplice. They state their evidence.
- As quick as she can, Chatsworth explains her situation and that Rising was helping her survive, the scars were from allergies, etc.
- It ends up an intense showdown about who is correct, and the against-rising/chatty gang want the punishment to be death/exile/something else very harsh.
- Jaystar (I asked Jay on this) will choose to believe the “grievers” and banishes Chatsworth from ever coming to the river again, along with delaying ceremonies/gatherings for Rising.How will this impact the characters/clans involved?: It will add extra tension between Riverclan and the rogues, for one. It will make Chatsworth resentful that they denied her access to food and make her think all clan cats are just heartless, tribal cats, developing her character significantly and potentially making her do things she wouldn’t do otherwise in the future. It also helps shape Woozle’s future plans for Risingkit (I’m not really sure what that means, though :P).Provide links to relevant topics: Sign-up