The day had been a long one for Beekit, and she was getting tired. However, she had to hurry if she were to get back before they noticed. She slowly padded across the WindClan territory, back onto her own. She made her way to the edge of the river. But where were those stones? She looked back and forth but it was just too dark. Looking back at the water, she only had one choice. Swim. With a deep breath, she stepped in. It was freezing! Pushing herself forward, she began to swim. She made it a few inches before a strong current came by, and swept her under. Desperately, the tiny kit flailed, and when she surfaced she let out a loud wail. Swallowing water on the way down, Beekit couldn't do anything, and soon she went limp. Her tiny lungs filled with water and slowly, the stars came for her as she was swept swiftly down the river.
Astra inclinant...
.: Coyotegrin :: Kestrelchirp :: Quailprowler : Waspswarm : Burnetpaw :.
#9966ff : #cc3300 : #6699ff : #993366 : #ff9900 : #ff66cc
WC T5 Warrior : WC T4 Warrior : TC T4 Warrior : SkC T2 Warrior (Bonus) : RC App
"When there's nothing left to burn, you have to set yourself on fire."