Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Rotten Skin.

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Characters : [W]easelpaw - [O]akpaw - [C]herrykit - [P]loverheart
Pisces Horse
Number of posts : 103
Age : 22

Rotten Skin. Empty
PostSubject: Rotten Skin.   Rotten Skin. EmptyWed 17 May 2017 - 14:56

The clock tower knolls, its low roll slow, melancholy, familiar. It resounds at the same time everyday, although you and fellow Yharnamites have begun to lose track of what time that is, exactly. The bell still signifies something to you, though; not time, but something you cannot quite name.. it brings you a certain sense of comfort in this world.

A window rattles as you pass by it. Somewhere inside, somewhere near the window, what sounds to be an old lady is coughing, coughing, coughing. You feel bad for her, for the way she sounds--she sounds so terribly sickly, and you want to think she will be better within in time. You hear another voice, a younger, crisper voice, shushing her. As you continue on your grave march, you remind yourself that she will likely die before the hunt is over. You silently pray that she lives to see the sunrise.

"Blood," he rasps. His voice scrapes like rock against rock, and it trembles. His face is hidden, shrouded in wraps and shadowed by the large hat that droops over his skull. He's given you no name, but as you entered the Cathedral Ward, he pointed at you with a bony finger and uttered a single syllable. It's a word that you, as a hunter, have become quite familiar with. Even though you cannot see his eyes, your skin crawls with the sensation that he is staring at you, eyes narrowed with malice and judgment. "Fear the Old Blood." You watch him patiently as he speaks again, then when he lapses into a long silence, disturbed only by his wheezing breaths, you decide to leave. Your feathered cape stirs behind you as you exit.

Dogs beat their skulls against their cages as you stroll past them. You do not notice them at first, but when you round the corner, you nearly walk knee-first into a kennel. Its inhabitant doesn't waste a second in butting its head against the metal cage, barking furiously at your presence. It pauses for a second, just a moment, and you see its face. Its jaw is hanging loose, looser than a dog's should, and some thick mixture of blood and flesh and saliva hangs from its lips; its eyes are dull and sunk into its skull, but there is a blood hungry liveliness to them. You do not get a chance to examine further before it begins thrashing about again, throwing itself at the cage repeatedly, desperately trying to get at you. You press your pistol to the cage, and when it charges again you pull the trigger. You are suddenly surrounded with a quiet that unsettles you, and the dog's lifeless eyes stare up at you. You think it is thanking you for freeing it from sickness. You tell yourself they do not feel. You move on.

Welcome to Yharnam, my good Hunters!

So, Bloodborne is basically one of my favourite games, and I'm sure there are people out there that think the same thing. If you know about Bloodborne: great! If you don't: that's great too! I'm about to explain.

Bloodborne is an action-roleplaying game, and its apart of the Soulsborne game family. It's set in the Victorian-Gothic town of Yharnam and its surrounding areas, and the player controls the hunter, an outsider that has come to Yharnam to tackle their plague of beasts. There is a sickness in Yharnam, a disease that corrupts man and animal alike, turning them to raving, blood-hungry creatures that will stop at nothing to kill.

It's a really great game, and I think it has some great potential to write with! This roleplay will likely take place before the game, during the hunt that came before the present one. The only rules I ask you are to abide by WCC's rules, of course, and don't kill other characters without some sort of permission. Even though you can come back in Bloodborne, still, just be safe. Also, minimum of two characters. And here comes the character form!

Appearance: Desc. is fine. If you want to draw/otherwise create an image, that's great too! Please include which armor set they wear too, which I'll be happy to help with!
Weapons of choice: Feel free to ask me about weapons in the game or look them up on your own! I'd be happy to help!
Personality: Recommended, but optional if you would like to build them through roleplaying.
Status: Infected? Nearly a beast? Healthy?
Background: Choir member? Outsider? Researcher?

Name: Timothy Fin
Age: 24
Height/weight: 5'6", 150lbs
Appearance: Tim isn't exceptionally tall, nor overly thin, but he still has a way of making himself look very lean. His face is very thin and angled, his skin pale with just the slightest flush, and he has a smattering of freckles all over his nose and cheeks. His eyes are hazel and dull from a life spent in Yharnam, and his mousey-brown hair is unkempt and his curls almost always fall in his face. He wears the Yharnam Hunter set, and is very adamant about keeping his face covered at all times.
Weapons of choice: Burial Blade +
Status: Infected? Nearly a beast? Healthy?
Background: Timothy has been a hunter 'long as he could hold an ax straight, trained by his father to handle the scourge.
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