Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 The Soft River Exploration(open to Riverclan)

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2 posters


Characters : Stillpaw,Palekit(Mia)Fawnkit,Bravepaw,Currentpaw,Softkit
Clan/Rank : Stillpaw Thunderclan apprentice/////Palekiit Skyclan kit///// Fawnkit Windclan kit////////bravepaw Shadowclan apprentice ////Currentkit Riverclan kit
Number of posts : 154

The Soft River Exploration(open to Riverclan) Empty
PostSubject: The Soft River Exploration(open to Riverclan)   The Soft River Exploration(open to Riverclan) EmptyMon 27 Feb 2017 - 10:34

It was only two or three moons since she had lost her mother an father. The she kit was saddened still by it but she always tried not to show it. Now she had decided she would go outside the nursery for the first time. Her fluffy and soft gray and silver fur was puffed up in excitement as she left the Riverclan nursery. She poked her head out soft blue eyes looking around before she scampered completely out of the nursery.

My cats:

Stillpaw  of Thunderclan:
Profile picture

Fawnkit of Windclan:

Bravepaw of Shadowclan:

Currentkit of Riverclan:
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Characters : [TC] Spottedkit, [WC] Quietkit, [SHC] Finchkit [RC]Orchidkit, Elmkit
Taurus Number of posts : 167

The Soft River Exploration(open to Riverclan) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Soft River Exploration(open to Riverclan)   The Soft River Exploration(open to Riverclan) EmptyWed 1 Mar 2017 - 6:58


Her brown eyes peeked out from under her kids. She heard the other kit leave the nursery and she wondered if she was alright. She flicked her ears forward and rose quietly to her paws. She reached out and touched Elmkit with her white tipped paw and whispered to him so as not to wake their parents. "Someone left the nursery" She padded forward slipping out of the nest and toward the other kit. She was only about a moon so younger than the she-kit before her and she loved to meet new friends. Her marbled orange fur stood out against the darkness of the den entrance behind her. She trotted over to the other kit, her eyes sparkling and her stub of a tail standing over her back. "Hi" she mewed softly dipping her head to the other kitten. "I'm Orchidkit, This is my brother Elmkit."


"Someone left the nursery" His siters words roused him from his slumber beside their siblings and mother. He glanced at her and nodded, rising to his paws. His dark brown fur blended in with the shadows of the den as he slipped out behind his sister. They were a pair. Protecting their siblings, and taking care of anyone they encountered. He flicked his til, which unlike Orchidkits was full length. His white paws flashed as he caught up to Orchidkit just in time to be introduced. He dipped his head to the fellow kit and stretched his whiskers forward in a smile. He never spoke much he never had to, his sisters tended to speak for him. And in perfect timing as always Orchidkit spoke again. "He said greetings and how are you?"

My Character profile

PM for Plotty with Spotty!
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The Soft River Exploration(open to Riverclan) Empty
PostSubject: Re: The Soft River Exploration(open to Riverclan)   The Soft River Exploration(open to Riverclan) EmptySun 19 Mar 2017 - 16:23

Waterkit fluffed up her silky, smooth fur and yawned. She headed out from the nursery. Cold winds hit her face, but she was warmed by the sun. She wanted to go back to sleep for a long nap, deciding that the cats that had exited the nursery weren't in any trouble. She, again, yawned. It reminded her how tired she was and, although she tried to hide it, her boredom. No other kits came up to talk with her, and she was too shy to walk up to them. She went to a small patch of bulrushes and layed underneath. She suddenly had a new idea that filled her with fizzy energy. She would catch something real for her Clan! And she would find it inside camp! Somehow, she wanted to help, and this seemed to be the way to go.

Waterkit ventured around camp. She decided that the most logical way to try to catch something was to set a trap for it! The little kit had no idea how this would work; she was too young to know most things. She, at least, knew she had to try. She stalked over to some acorns and picked up two in her tiny jaws. She carried them over to the quietest corner of camp. She set the acorns down on the ground, hoping some prey would be stupid enough to risk it for the food. She waited.

She watched the other kits with jealousy. Suddenly, there was a flicker of movement from her trap. She slowly walked back over there, closer, until she saw a mouse nibbling at the acorn. Swishing her tail, she pounced, missing by far. The mouse took the acorns and vanished from sight. Sighing in disappointment, she walked back over to the prey pile to practice hunting moves. She watched the other kits converse and have fun with each other, and once again wondered if they would ever care about her, or even notice her. She wasn't as unique as Elmkit, or as pretty as Orchidkit or as tough and loud as her siblings. She nosed her way through the prey pile and chose a small morsel of a baby vole to eat. After gulping down the morsel, she returned to her quiet spot under the bulrushes and watched the other kits play.

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