Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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Greenleaf is finally here, and the clans all feel the effect of rising temperatures.
Gatherings take place on the 1st of the month; keep your eyes out for a staff member's post!
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 Please Vote/Comment ASAP-- Like Right Now Please

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4 posters

The numbers correspond with the numbered questions in the post.
1.) Feathers and Furs
Please Vote/Comment ASAP-- Like Right Now Please Vote_lcap6%Please Vote/Comment ASAP-- Like Right Now Please Vote_rcap
 6% [ 3 ]
1.) Black Out!
Please Vote/Comment ASAP-- Like Right Now Please Vote_lcap19%Please Vote/Comment ASAP-- Like Right Now Please Vote_rcap
 19% [ 9 ]
2.) Yes
Please Vote/Comment ASAP-- Like Right Now Please Vote_lcap6%Please Vote/Comment ASAP-- Like Right Now Please Vote_rcap
 6% [ 3 ]
2.) No
Please Vote/Comment ASAP-- Like Right Now Please Vote_lcap19%Please Vote/Comment ASAP-- Like Right Now Please Vote_rcap
 19% [ 9 ]
3.) Cool
Please Vote/Comment ASAP-- Like Right Now Please Vote_lcap17%Please Vote/Comment ASAP-- Like Right Now Please Vote_rcap
 17% [ 8 ]
3.) Lame
Please Vote/Comment ASAP-- Like Right Now Please Vote_lcap8%Please Vote/Comment ASAP-- Like Right Now Please Vote_rcap
 8% [ 4 ]
4.) Heck yes!
Please Vote/Comment ASAP-- Like Right Now Please Vote_lcap19%Please Vote/Comment ASAP-- Like Right Now Please Vote_rcap
 19% [ 9 ]
4.) Heck no.
Please Vote/Comment ASAP-- Like Right Now Please Vote_lcap6%Please Vote/Comment ASAP-- Like Right Now Please Vote_rcap
 6% [ 3 ]
Total Votes : 48



Characters : [F] Falconstone ✽ [H] Hawkpaw ✽ [M] Maplepaw ✽ [V] Vulturekit ✽ [K] Kestrelkit ✽
Clan/Rank : [F] WindClan Young Warrior ✽ [H] ShadowClan Apprentice ✽ [M] ShadowClan Apprentice ✽ [V] WindClan Unborn ✽ [K] ShadowClan Unborn ✽
Virgo Tiger
Number of posts : 2197
Age : 25

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PostSubject: Please Vote/Comment ASAP-- Like Right Now Please   Please Vote/Comment ASAP-- Like Right Now Please EmptyWed 8 Jul 2015 - 13:25

I'm having a party. A big one. As some teens may know, my reputation is on the line here. I am uncool okay, and I want this to be perfect.  Please answer the following questions in the poll.

1) Which theme do you like better?
2.) Would having generic food items be "uncool" and come off as cheap?
3.) Would having a voting contest with prizes set up be cool or lame?
4.) Should I have a raffle?

If you have any opinions on any of this, pleaseeee let me know. If you have any ideas, I'm desperate for a neat idea.

if me posting this on a website where people play cats doesn't show how desperate I am I don't know what will

ll Falconstone ll Hawkfrost ll Maplepaw llVulturekit ll Kestrelkit ll
ll #996600 ll #000066 ll #FF6347 ll #666699 ll #669900 ll
ll WindClan ll ShadowClan ll ShadowClan ll WindClan ll ShadowClan ll
~𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝐵𝑜𝑜𝓀 ~
Please Vote/Comment ASAP-- Like Right Now Please B6dp9h
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : Living: Bubblebeam [B], Dovetail [D], Hedgepaw [H], Larchbreeze [L]. Deceased/Missing: Tansyfoot, Turtlepelt, Morning, Longwhisker, Ryestep, Poolmist, Nettletail, Halfmoon, Freckleface, Lionfur, Shimmerheart, Breezewhisker, Honeydrop, Ashstar, Snowpaw, Brushgaze (NPC), Shellwater, Snowblossom, Quailfeather, Gingerstripe, Carat, Redwing, Graybriar, Pricklebush, Appledapple, Flutterpetal, Felix, Perchstar.
Clan/Rank : [B]: SkyClan T3 Warrior. [D]: RiverClan T4 Warrior. [H]: ShadowClan Apprentice. [L]: WindClan T1 Warrior.
Cancer Snake
Number of posts : 6789
Gender : She/Her - kitty was here <3
Age : 22

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PostSubject: Re: Please Vote/Comment ASAP-- Like Right Now Please   Please Vote/Comment ASAP-- Like Right Now Please EmptyWed 8 Jul 2015 - 14:02

I'm not cool either, so asking for my feedback isn't the best idea. Best of luck, though.

Please Vote/Comment ASAP-- Like Right Now Please 833dIG1

⸙ Larchbreeze ⸙ ~ ♡ Hedgepaw ♡ ~ ◈ Dovetail ◈ ~ ○ Bubblebeam ○
⸙ WindClan ⸙ ~ ♡ ShadowClan ♡ ~ ◈ RiverClan ◈ ~ ○ SkyClan ○
⸙ Tier 1 Warrior ⸙ ~ ♡ Apprentice ♡ ~ ◈ Tier 4 Warrior ◈ ~ ○ Tier 3 Warrior ○

~~PM me here or on Discord if you want a topic with any of my cats!~~
~Signature and Avatar by Xaandiir!~
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Characters : {L}oudkit // {Ca}ramel Apple
Clan/Rank : Some returning nerd from long ago!
Cancer Number of posts : 2240
Age : 1023

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PostSubject: Re: Please Vote/Comment ASAP-- Like Right Now Please   Please Vote/Comment ASAP-- Like Right Now Please EmptyWed 8 Jul 2015 - 14:23

I'm not close to being a teen, but I can guess I can make a heck of a party! I think I'm not that cool, I'm a book worm and I like to learn and stuff, but a good party has awesome music. Here are some I think you should include:

Uptown Funk
Party Rock
Counting Stars

NOTE: These songs are in my opinion, good songs, but choose whatever music you consider good. :)

Pics TBA

Loudkit of RiverClan~6600ff ~Caramel Apple, Rogue~996600
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : Bramblekit
Clan/Rank : Windclan kit
Leo Pig
Number of posts : 6644
Age : 28

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PostSubject: Re: Please Vote/Comment ASAP-- Like Right Now Please   Please Vote/Comment ASAP-- Like Right Now Please EmptyWed 8 Jul 2015 - 19:45

All I have to say is just be cool about it cx I mean, I'm not the "coolest" either, but don't try too hard to make it perfect because otherwise, everything that can go wrong will go wrong. Relax and let things happen the way they're supposed to. I will say the raffle kinda makes it sound like some kind of fund raiser, though. Not that it's a bad idea, but just giving my opinion cx
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Characters : [F] Falconstone ✽ [H] Hawkpaw ✽ [M] Maplepaw ✽ [V] Vulturekit ✽ [K] Kestrelkit ✽
Clan/Rank : [F] WindClan Young Warrior ✽ [H] ShadowClan Apprentice ✽ [M] ShadowClan Apprentice ✽ [V] WindClan Unborn ✽ [K] ShadowClan Unborn ✽
Virgo Tiger
Number of posts : 2197
Age : 25

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PostSubject: Re: Please Vote/Comment ASAP-- Like Right Now Please   Please Vote/Comment ASAP-- Like Right Now Please EmptyWed 8 Jul 2015 - 20:11

It'd be a free raffle, of course c: But now that you mention it, that makes a lot of sense.

ll Falconstone ll Hawkfrost ll Maplepaw llVulturekit ll Kestrelkit ll
ll #996600 ll #000066 ll #FF6347 ll #666699 ll #669900 ll
ll WindClan ll ShadowClan ll ShadowClan ll WindClan ll ShadowClan ll
~𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝐵𝑜𝑜𝓀 ~
Please Vote/Comment ASAP-- Like Right Now Please B6dp9h
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