Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Warriors Royalty

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King Falcon I
7 posters


Clan/Rank : RiverClan
Capricorn Tiger
Number of posts : 9740
Age : 25

Warriors Royalty Empty
PostSubject: Warriors Royalty   Warriors Royalty EmptyTue 3 Mar 2015 - 6:24

A Preface:

We're creating our own Clans (with a monarchic twist)! This will obviously be similar to my old Create-a-Clan thread, but with a few key changes.

1. As you might have guessed, every Clan created in this acts as a monarchy. The leader acts as a king or queen, and their kits act as princes and princesses. Otherwise, the structure of the Clans are the same.
2. As a result, leaders are called king or queen. The deputy position is split into two different parts. On one hand, there is the heir, who is set to become king/queen after the old monarch dies. Then there is the Protector, who can be an ordinary warrior, and has all the duties that a deputy would have in the books (e.g. organizing patrols and such). The "queens" we know from the books (i.e. mothers of newborn kits) are now known as "nurses."
3. While we're on the subject of new terms, every Clan has a "throne" too. It's not a literal chair, but it's equivalent to the Highrock or whatever. Taking another Clan's throne is pretty much equivalent to wiping them out completely and disregarding their royals' right to rule.
4. Succession laws are completely up to you.
5. The Code is a bit different too now.
1. Defend your King and Clan, even with your life. Anything less is tantamount to treason.
2. Your borders must be defended at all costs. Any prey or territory stolen is an insult to your Clan's honor.
3. Elders, nurses, and kits must be fed before apprentices and warriors.
4. Prey is killed only to be eaten. Give thanks to StarClan for its life.
5. A kit must be at least six moons old to become an apprentice.
6. Newly appointed warriors will keep a silent vigil for one night after receiving their warrior name.
7. The Protector shall mentor princes and princesses and treat them as if they were their own kits.
8. The heir will ascend their throne when the king dies, abdicates, or is exiled.
9. After the death or retirement of the Protector, the new Protector must be chosen before moonhigh.
10. A Gathering of all Clans is held at the full moon during a truce that lasts for the night. There shall be no fighting among Clans at this time.
11. Boundaries must be checked and marked daily. Challenge all trespassing cats.
12. No warrior can neglect a kit in pain or danger, even if the kit is from a different Clan.
13. The word of the king is the warrior code.
14. A warrior rejects the soft life of a kittypet.
15. No cat shall take a mate from another Clan without the blessing of a king.
16. If every living relative of the last deceased king is dead, the throne will default to the family of the Protector.
17. The royal family receives divine right to rule from StarClan. Those who challenge their reign without just and good intentions will be punished harshly by StarClan.

6. Another big change: inter-Clan relationships are allowed... sorta. In this universe, they act as political marriages (although they're not called that, 'cause cat marriage isn't legal yet). That is, princes and princesses of different Clans will be essentially forced to become each other's mates in order to seal alliances between Clans. Just like history! 8D
7. Taking "wards" is also a thing. A ward, essentially, is like a hostage mixed up with an honored guest. A king will send a young cat, apprentice-age, to another Clan to be mentored. They will be treated like any other warrior, but their life will be put in danger if the other Clan starts acting up. In a way, it's a guarantee towards peace. "Don't start stealing my prey or your Clanmate will die." This is somewhat rare though, and Clans will very rarely send more than one ward unless they're forced.

And for the record:
Queen regnant = a queen ruling in her own right. That is, she is the actual leader.
Queen consort = the mate of the ruling king, not the actual leader.
Queen dowager = widow of a deceased king. Typically also queen mother, but not always.
Queen mother = mother of the current king.

The term "queen regent" is defined as a female monarch who reigns temporarily while the reigning king is incapacitated or deceased but the heir apparent is a minor. However, in this universe, the Protector would (usually) take over such duties.

Just so you don't get your queens mixed up.

8. Btw, medicine cats are just known as "healers" now. Why? Because I said so.

[b]Clan Name[/b]:





[b]Physical Description[/b]:


Monarch -

Consort -

Heir -

Protector -

Healer -

Warriors -

Apprentices -

Nurses -

Elders -

* Cats somehow related to the royal family should be noted in [b][i]bold and italics.[/i][/b]

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Now I'll make mine when I wake up, because f**k I'm so tired why am I wasting my life like this.

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Warriors Royalty I42GrfL
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King Falcon I

King Falcon I

Characters : Shrikestar (T5 Leader), Ravenclaw (T5) || Falconstar, Eaglethorn, Condorclaw
Clan/Rank : WindClan Leader/SkyClan Warrior
Aquarius Goat
Number of posts : 2914
Gender : Male
Age : 32

Warriors Royalty Empty
PostSubject: Re: Warriors Royalty   Warriors Royalty EmptyTue 3 Mar 2015 - 10:30

Clan Name: Falconclan (Sexyyyy)

Virtues: Loyalty, strength, power, vengeance

Territory: A thick forest. Travel is mostly through the trees. Some forest creatures, mostly birds are their prey. The end of the territory is some smallish hilly terrain and a pool that flows into a river.

Camp: The camp is a secluded area of the forest, near the pool, so close to the outskirts of the forest. The young and the old sleep on the ground or in hollowed-out trees. The older and more fit sleep in the trees.

Skills: Balance and speed amongst the trees. Able to snatch prey out of the air.

Physical Description: Long and quick, not particularly stocky. Thinner coats. Usually darker, forest-shaded colors like brown and black.


Monarch - King Hawktalon

Consort - Queen Pinefrost

Heir - Condorclaw

Protector - Robinwing

Healer - Willowleaf

Warriors - Eagletooth, Blackpool, Shrikefang, Squirrelstep, Buzzardtail, Crowcall, Raveneye, Birchfur

Apprentices - Kestrelpaw, Jaypaw, Birchpaw, Oakpaw, Mousepaw

Nurses - Whiteheart (Dawnkit and Rainkit), Willowshine (Sunkit and Shadowkit), Swiftail, Dovefeather

Elders - Fogeye, Thrushpelt, Gorsebush, Nightfur, Cloudgaze

* Cats somehow related to the royal family should be noted in bold and italics.
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Characters : berrykit ; goldenkit
Clan/Rank : riverclan / kit ; shadowclan / kit
Gemini Dragon
Number of posts : 4281
Age : 24

Warriors Royalty Empty
PostSubject: Re: Warriors Royalty   Warriors Royalty EmptyTue 3 Mar 2015 - 15:16

Clan Name: Snowclan

Virtues: Strong, likely to attack over an assumption without evidence, ferocious, usually a follower of the code, but not all the time. They are strong-willed and eat mostly fish, some small birds, and the occasional squirrel or mouse that runs into their camp.

Territory: They live by the river in a sandy terrain. They like the sunshine and have their own private rocks to lay on. Each den has seven rocks to sun-bathe on. There is a shallow bit of river that flows into the camp, and at the end of the territory is a bramble forest with some pine trees where the apprentices play or where they attack other clans.

Camp: Their camp is a sandy island-like area with bramble dens lined with moss. The kits, nurses, and young, youthful warriors sleep on a large rock, but smaller than the one the King and Queen sleep on. The older ones sleep on the ground along with the not-so fit, and their dens are lined with softer moss and nicer sunning-rocks.

Skills: They are excellent at swimming and because of their pine area at the end of their territory, they are good at stalking in other territories. They are perfect at basically anything water-related, and are great at catching anything-- Other clan cats on their territory, or prey.

Physical Description: Fast, sleek, they have long-claws. Usually smaller tails, smaller bodies, but very muscled. Thin coats, but some have more shaggy fur. Lighter colors, but if born in the fall they are darker, such as medium shades of auburn.


Monarch - King Aridwhisker

Consort - Queen Juniperbone

Heir - Sandstride

Protector - Timbertail

Healer - Echoshine

Warriors - Dustybone, Ironshine, Bloodmouth (Widowed father of Aridstar), Blizzardsky, Crookedstorm, Duckshine, Maplesky, Coalmarrow, Ripplepelt, Willowwhisker, Cardinalclaw, Hickoryfur

Apprentices - Chestnutpaw, Waterpaw, Leopardpaw, Tigerpaw, Fangpaw, Cloverpaw

Nurses - Silktail (Shadowkit, Gingerkit), Magpiewing [(Kits of Aridwhisker, the Queen must serve as there is tension in the Kingdom) Echokit, Leafkit, Bonekit], Bubbletail(Darkkit, Oakkit),
Willowwhisker (Silkkit, Glidingkit)
Elders -
Moonstripe, Asheyes, Deerprint, Gingerclaw
* Cats somehow related to the royal family should be noted in bold and italics.

berrykit | goldenkit
kit | kit
| #ffcc00

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Leo Goat
Number of posts : 1823
Age : 21

Warriors Royalty Empty
PostSubject: Re: Warriors Royalty   Warriors Royalty EmptyTue 3 Mar 2015 - 16:39

Clan Name: BoldClan

Virtues: Brave, but not likely to attack someone without evidence.

Territory: Towering mountains with thick, black forests and rippling meadows of heather. BoldClan enjoys the shadows and light sunshine. There is a huge waterfall that leads to the river they drink from, with stepping stones to a large rock with comfortable, most-of-the-time dry moss where they sun themselves.

Camp: BoldClan's camp is part-cave, part-forest. The elders and all warriors sleep in shallow dips lined with moss, feathers, and heather. The nurses and apprentices make their homes in low-hanging branches. The heir and king or queen sleep in the cave part. The healer lives in a hole under the nurse/apprentice tree. In the far part of their camp is the healers section with a shallow pool and tons of herbs, poultices, and cobwebs. There is also a sandy part of their camp that they train in.

Skills: BoldClan's skills basically just contain a bit of each regular Clans' skills.

Physical Description: The cats are lithe, their pelts are sleek and healthy (most of the time), and they have thick muscle and long claws. Another one of their advantages is their long ears. They have really nature-y colors, mostly just grays, blacks, browns, and whites.


Monarch - King Fallenheart

Consort - Queen Swiftdusk

Heir - Moonlight

Protector - Aspenstrike

Healer - Quartermoon

Warriors - Sootfoot, Coalwhisper, Whiskernose, Denseforest, Waterfall, Darkgaze

Apprentices - Hollypaw, Skypaw, Sunningpaw, Thunderpaw, Shadowedpaw

Nurses - Lightningtail (Tawnykit, Riftkit), Sparrowfeather, Smokyglare (Stonekit, Icykit, and Cloudedkit) [Kits of consort: Dawnkit, Daykit, and Nightkit

Elders - Cherryfur, Runningbreeze

* Cats somehow related to the royal family should be noted in bold and italics.


My Babies:
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Characters : (F)rozenflame ||| (E)mberleaf ||| (B)lazingleap ||| (A)dderpaw||| (C)rowpaw ||| (G)ingerkit
Clan/Rank : (F): Thunderclan/Deputy ||| (E): Windclan/Elder ||| (B): Thunderclan/Newly Appointed Warrior ||| (A): Shadowclan/Apprentice ||| (C): Riverclan/Apprentice
Leo Number of posts : 2969
Age : 1010

Warriors Royalty Empty
PostSubject: Re: Warriors Royalty   Warriors Royalty EmptyTue 3 Mar 2015 - 17:54

Clan Name: Darkclan

Virtues: Ambitious, brave, and merciless. Their members have to prove themselves to be courageous and fearless to be truly accepted among the others.

Territory: They live in a dark forest that is hard for outsiders to get through because of all the undergrowth. The trees grow close together and their isn't much sunlight which gets through the foliage of the trees. It is easy to get lost in if you don't know the territory well. A small stream runs through their territory that is really only big enough for a drink. A warrior can step over it without touching the water. 

Camp: Their camp is located somewhat in the middle of their territory in a steep valley. The king and queen sleep in a big hollowed out tree. The nurses sleep in an abandoned badger's den, and the apprentices sleep under a big bush on the edge of camp. The warriors and more fit cats like to sleep on low-hanging branches of trees. The elders and un-fit cats sleep on the ground around a big tree in the middle of camp.
Skills: Basically Windclan and Shadowclan mixed together. Stealth, speed, cleverness, agility. 

Physical Description: They tend to be small, scrawny, and light-weight so that they can easily travel through their thick undergrowth without being slowed down. Their cats are fast and not that strong, which is why they don't fight unless evidence is shown. They are clever and stealthy which makes up for their lack of strength. Their fur colors are usually black, brown, or brown tabby.

Monarch - King Darksoul

Consort - Queen Duskfur

Heir - Twilightsky

Protector - Bloodstain

Healer - Moonbeam

Warriors - Shadowfang, Nightpelt, Braveheart, Silvercloud, Phantomfur, Greyclaw, Rosegleam, Scorchedfur

Apprentices - Tigerpaw, Stormpaw, Dawnpaw, Mudpaw, Dustpaw, Skypaw

Nurses - Mistgaze (Cloudkit, Blackkit, Palekit), Softwhisker (Coalkit, Cinderkit, Lightkit), [(Kits of Darksoul and Duskfur: Breezekit, Owlkit, Noghtkit)]

Elders - Oneeye, Lightningtail, Shadeyfur, Needlefang

* Cats somehow related to the royal family should be noted in bold and italics.

Warriors Royalty Image12
Emberleaf - Crowclaw - Adderfur - Frozenflame - Blazingleap
Warriors Royalty Image13

Warriors Royalty Roh7nXW
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Characters : Softsong (deceased), Tunnelheart (deceased), Monarchwing (deceased), Owlfeather (deceased), Echo (deceased), Brightwing (deceased), Meadowfall (deceased), Spirit ( formerly known as Coalspirit) (deceased), Sandfire, Peonyflower (deceased), Swampkit (deceased), Swirlspirit (deceased), Tunnelpaw(deceased ), Dream Peircer(deceased), Brokenflame(deceased), Roaringpaw(gone), Songpaw(deceased), River (used to be known as Rushreed)(mia),Cobraeyes, Lilypaw(deceased), Ravenpaw(MIA),Swanpaw(MIA), Fracturedsnow , Tallpaw, Dappledkit, Juno
Clan/Rank : Sandfire: Shadowclan warrior///// Cobraeyes:Thunderclan warrior////// Fracturedsnow-Shadowclan newly made warrior ///// Tallpaw- Windclan Apprentice////\\ Dappledkit- Thunderclan kit///// Juno -Rogue
Libra Tiger
Number of posts : 3484
Age : 25

Warriors Royalty Empty
PostSubject: Re: Warriors Royalty   Warriors Royalty EmptyTue 3 Mar 2015 - 22:16

Clan Name:Pompeiiclan (named after the cat who started Pompeiiclan)

Virtues:Loyalty, quick witted, brave, won't attack without evidence or given a very good reason, follows the code

Territory:A grassy feild that have trees and busshes dotted a bit everywhere in the territory. Along with ruins of old abandoned twoleg buildings. In an area of the territory there is a small area that seems like a small forest.

Camp:The camp is located in the ruins but in a feild of grass  with a tunnel or two in one area,  with ruins surrounding it. The king, queen, and heir sleep in a den located at the highest point in the ruins just at the edge.The protector stays in a den just below the king, queen, and heir's den which is also located in the ruins. The healer's den is located in one of the two tunnels.The tunnel that the healer stays in is located just near the ruins where the protector sleeps. The nurses den is located in an abandoned fox den just near the middle of camp.  The elders den is located just beside the nurses den in a den formed by the cats of the clan. The apprentices den in a den made of bracken used from the small forest in the territory and the den is located near the camp entrance to the left. The warriors den is made also of bracken but was also reinforced to hold together better with vines. The den is located on the right side of the camp entrance. The second tunnel has underground water souce that had been found to be there for many moons.

Skills:Stealth, resistance to running on or standing on the ruins, speed, agility, great at blending with the ruins

Physical Description:Some are light color pelted ranging from white -to sandy colored tabbies and grey cats, others are more of dark furred. All have strong paw pads resistant to the rocks rubble and ruins located among the territory. All are either small and lithe and able to run at fast speeds or are medium sized and muscular and able to hunt in the small bits of forest located in the territory or have have long legs.


Monarch -King Talonscar

Consort -Queen Silverfoot

Heir -Rockshadow

Protector -Ruinclaw

Healer -Spiritflight

Warriors -Breezetalon, Cloudheart, Mousetail, Hollyscar, Leafpelt, Graywing, Juniperfur, Hawkspirit

Apprentices - Grasspaw, Rabbitpaw, Spiderpaw, Poppypaw, Monarchpaw

Nurses -Doveheart (Ashkit, Graykit, Whitekit), Dawngaze[Swiftkit, Tallkit], Kits of Talonscar and Silverfoot: Smokekit, Longkit, Darkkit

Elders -Tansypelt, Snowpelt, Redtalon

* Cats somehow related to the royal family should be noted in bold and italics.

Warriors Royalty Dcyxblj-0fae8589-8411-4d0d-99bd-3ef79d772f7b
N.A Warrior•Apprentice•kit
No apprentice•n/a •N/a
Lark of RC(to be mate)  •to be Hawkpaw•n/a
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Sagittarius Snake
Number of posts : 828
Age : 22

Warriors Royalty Empty
PostSubject: Re: Warriors Royalty   Warriors Royalty EmptyWed 4 Mar 2015 - 11:48

Clan Name: BlizzardClan

Virtues: Loyal, cold-hearted, vicious, extremely defensive and have very short tempers.

Territory: High in the mountains, where snow settles for 6 months a year. Snow-levels can reach 50cm deep. During those snowy months, the territory is very bland- everything white except a few boulders that are big enough to protrude from the blankets of snow. The territory ends 1.5 kilometers off from the bottom of the mountain. This is marked by a few scrawny shrubs circling the mountain, and some very large boulders. They receive water from a small brook that runs from the peak of the mountain. The cats of BlizzardClan have never been able to find where the brook leads, and if it ever ends of grows. Other animals that inhabit the territory are mountain goats, birds, mice and hares. Concerning herbs, the healer has to stock up during the 6 months where there is little to no snow. But, they never seem to run out as if any cat catches greencough, they are put in quarantine and only receive small amount of herbs. If the infection has not sub-sided after five days, the cat is put down.

Camp: A cave 6 kilometers from the peak of the mountain. A large boulder covers part of the entrance and keeps heat inside the den. Many tunnels lead out from the cave, and the warriors use these to travel further down the mountain when weather conditions are harsher than normal, and it is extremely difficult to travel on the snow.

Skills: These cats are skilled in jumping, and have strong legs to aid them in digging through snow. They are also exceptional fighters.

Physical Description: Mostly Norwegian Forest cats/ Siberians and La Perm breeds, as they have thick fur which insulates their muscular bodies. Their pelt colours are often white/silver, but can also be grey/black or sometimes sorrel/fawn. The rarest colours are red/orange. Patterns would be: mackerel, spotted, classic and ticked.


Monarch - King Hailstorm

Consort - Queen Ivyfrost

Heir - Hawkshade

Protector - Lightwing

Healer - Silversong

Warriors - Windtail, Jaggedsoul, Breezefoot, Slashstorm, Thunderfur, Bluefeather, Skysong, Brooktail, Jadeheart, Fawnshadow

Apprentices - Moonpaw, Boulderpaw, Pebblepaw, Dawnpaw

Nurses - Mousespring (Driftkit, Splashkit)

Elders - Wolffang, Flashpelt

Warriors Royalty Articu10
I met a traveller from an antique land,
Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
Stand in the desert. Near them, on the sand,
Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away."
-Percy Bysshe Shelley
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Clan/Rank : RiverClan
Capricorn Tiger
Number of posts : 9740
Age : 25

Warriors Royalty Empty
PostSubject: Re: Warriors Royalty   Warriors Royalty EmptyWed 4 Mar 2015 - 13:58

Clan Name: RainClan

Virtues: Proud, independent, and extremely reclusive. RainClan cats hate to leave their labyrinth of a territory and are distrustful of other cats. They value personal honor and piety to StarClan above all else, and can sometimes obsess over slights real or imagined. They're often stereotyped as defensive, mysterious, terse, and subdued in their emotions.

Territory: A lush and verdant temperate forest that is soaked with rain almost year-round. Their kingdom is dark, wet, wild, and untamed. The land itself is carved up by many streams and rivers, and outsiders will find the tangle of vegetation and maze of trees to be almost impossible to navigate. Twoleg-made trails are the only true way for strangers to cross RainClan territory without getting lost, but the paths may carry other dangers.
Bears, bobcats, cougars, raccoons, and other animals serve as natural enemies.

Camp: Tucked deep within the forest in a clearing ringed by vegetation and arced trees draped with moss. It's downstream from a small waterfall, so a well-fed stream runs just outside camp. The throne is a huge twisted tree with gnarled roots, which doubles as the king's den. Due to the frequent rains, prey is stored within the throne's tangle of roots (on the other side of the king's den of course). Apprentices and warriors share a fallen spruce for a den. Warriors sleep within the hollowed trunk, while apprentices shelter beneath its tangle of roots and branches within clumps of ferns. The nursery is a sheltered thicket of hemlock branches and ferns, lined with stones and filled with moss and feathers. Kittencough is rampant year-round due to the damp conditions, so warriors are always dragging fallen branches into the thicket for more cover. A cluster of huckleberry bushes, nearer to the stream, serves as the medicine den. For the elders, a mix of bushes, shrubs ferns, and the cover and roots of a nearby ancient maple.

Skills: Masters of stealth with impeccable climbing, hunting, and tracking skills.

Physical Description: Leaner of build with short, sleek fur. Blue, brown, silver, tortoiseshell, and black are common fur colors to help them blend into their natural habitat.


Monarch - Oakstar

Consort - Fireflower

Heir - Otterpaw

Protector - Hailfang

Healer - Lilyleaf

Warriors - Shadowclaw, Lichencloud, Duskfur, Hazelstripe, Stormtail, Smokestorm, Sleetheart, Mothnose

Apprentices - Otterpaw, Railpaw, Mousepaw, Sparrowpaw, Reedpaw

Nurses - Mossflower, Foxstep, Mintwhisker, Willowface
Kits: Deadkit, Sootkit, Pinekit, Shrewkit, Firkit, Shellkit.

Elders - Bentfoot, Deadeye, Noear, Brokenjaw, Mottlepelt, Fogstream

While not a Clan member, another royal is a rogue named Shade, who is half-RainClan and half-kittypet. Brother to the king.

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Warriors Royalty I42GrfL
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