Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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Activity checks take place on the 1st of the month. PM a staff member with the completed form if you missed it.
Newleaf is finally here, and the Clans hope to find reprieve from the tough Leaf-bare.
Gatherings take place on the 1st of the month; keep your eyes out for a staff member's post!
Please feel free to hit up any staff member if you have any questions!


 Cuteness, cuteness and more cuteness!

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2 posters


Characters : [A]dderkit | [R]ipplekit | [L]eafkit
Clan/Rank : ThunderClan/Kit | RiverClan/Kit | ShadowClan/Kit
Pisces Dragon
Number of posts : 392
Age : 24

Cuteness, cuteness and more cuteness! Empty
PostSubject: Cuteness, cuteness and more cuteness!   Cuteness, cuteness and more cuteness! EmptySun 22 Jun 2014 - 23:34

Lilykit just wanted to become an apprentice already. She knew that being in the Nursery was boring, and she wanted to become a strong, brave and loyal warrior to her Clan. But, they were just dreams, and the young kit wanted to make them true. Gazing her blue eyes around the Nursery, Lilykit looked for someone to play with...

~*Cait's Kitty Profiles*~
Cuteness, cuteness and more cuteness! Adderk11 Cuteness, cuteness and more cuteness! Ripple13
Adderkit      Ripplekit
Kit              Kit
ThunderClan RiverClan
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Clan/Rank : [Midnightsky:RiverClan/Warrior]
Scorpio Buffalo
Number of posts : 586
Age : 26

Cuteness, cuteness and more cuteness! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cuteness, cuteness and more cuteness!   Cuteness, cuteness and more cuteness! EmptyTue 24 Jun 2014 - 16:36

Icepaw yawned as she padded out to the clearing in the camp.

Cuteness, cuteness and more cuteness! 1929-97
Cuteness, cuteness and more cuteness! 3829080
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Characters : [A]dderkit | [R]ipplekit | [L]eafkit
Clan/Rank : ThunderClan/Kit | RiverClan/Kit | ShadowClan/Kit
Pisces Dragon
Number of posts : 392
Age : 24

Cuteness, cuteness and more cuteness! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cuteness, cuteness and more cuteness!   Cuteness, cuteness and more cuteness! EmptyWed 25 Jun 2014 - 5:00

Lilykit spotted a young she-cat apprentice. With a small, cheeky smile, the grey kit ran outside of the Nursery and slowed down into a crouch. The she-kit kept low, her tail playfully flicking left to right as if it were alive, and slowly crept behind the apprentices' tail. With a playful hiss, the kit mewed "I've got you now!" and pounced at the apprentice's tail with claws sheathed, not knowing if she'll actually catch the she-cat's tail.

~*Cait's Kitty Profiles*~
Cuteness, cuteness and more cuteness! Adderk11 Cuteness, cuteness and more cuteness! Ripple13
Adderkit      Ripplekit
Kit              Kit
ThunderClan RiverClan
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Clan/Rank : [Midnightsky:RiverClan/Warrior]
Scorpio Buffalo
Number of posts : 586
Age : 26

Cuteness, cuteness and more cuteness! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cuteness, cuteness and more cuteness!   Cuteness, cuteness and more cuteness! EmptyWed 25 Jun 2014 - 5:50

"Huh?" She turned around and saw the little black and white she-kit that looked surprisingly like her father. "Hello there."

Cuteness, cuteness and more cuteness! 1929-97
Cuteness, cuteness and more cuteness! 3829080
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Characters : [A]dderkit | [R]ipplekit | [L]eafkit
Clan/Rank : ThunderClan/Kit | RiverClan/Kit | ShadowClan/Kit
Pisces Dragon
Number of posts : 392
Age : 24

Cuteness, cuteness and more cuteness! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cuteness, cuteness and more cuteness!   Cuteness, cuteness and more cuteness! EmptyThu 26 Jun 2014 - 3:31

Lilykit whacked the apprentice's tail, but didn't manage to grab it. The she-kit hit the ground with a small 'Oomf!'. Shaking her head from the clumsy fall, Lilykit looked up at the she-cat. "Hello! I'm Lilykit!" the kit mewed, glaring at the she-cat with happiness.

~*Cait's Kitty Profiles*~
Cuteness, cuteness and more cuteness! Adderk11 Cuteness, cuteness and more cuteness! Ripple13
Adderkit      Ripplekit
Kit              Kit
ThunderClan RiverClan
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Clan/Rank : [Midnightsky:RiverClan/Warrior]
Scorpio Buffalo
Number of posts : 586
Age : 26

Cuteness, cuteness and more cuteness! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cuteness, cuteness and more cuteness!   Cuteness, cuteness and more cuteness! EmptyThu 26 Jun 2014 - 6:26

"I'm gonna have a word with dad after this." She muttered to herself. "Hey there Lilykit. I'm Icepaw ."

Cuteness, cuteness and more cuteness! 1929-97
Cuteness, cuteness and more cuteness! 3829080
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Characters : [A]dderkit | [R]ipplekit | [L]eafkit
Clan/Rank : ThunderClan/Kit | RiverClan/Kit | ShadowClan/Kit
Pisces Dragon
Number of posts : 392
Age : 24

Cuteness, cuteness and more cuteness! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cuteness, cuteness and more cuteness!   Cuteness, cuteness and more cuteness! EmptyThu 26 Jun 2014 - 6:36

Lilykit curiously scanned the apprentice. She did seem like an 'ice'-paw. "What's it like being an apprentice?" the she-kit mewed. She couldn't wait to become an apprentice herself.

~*Cait's Kitty Profiles*~
Cuteness, cuteness and more cuteness! Adderk11 Cuteness, cuteness and more cuteness! Ripple13
Adderkit      Ripplekit
Kit              Kit
ThunderClan RiverClan
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Clan/Rank : [Midnightsky:RiverClan/Warrior]
Scorpio Buffalo
Number of posts : 586
Age : 26

Cuteness, cuteness and more cuteness! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cuteness, cuteness and more cuteness!   Cuteness, cuteness and more cuteness! EmptyThu 26 Jun 2014 - 6:54

"Tiring. But really fun" she mewed and swished her tail back and forth.

Cuteness, cuteness and more cuteness! 1929-97
Cuteness, cuteness and more cuteness! 3829080
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Cuteness, cuteness and more cuteness! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cuteness, cuteness and more cuteness!   Cuteness, cuteness and more cuteness! Empty

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