Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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Greenleaf is finally here, and the clans all feel the effect of rising temperatures.
Gatherings take place on the 1st of the month; keep your eyes out for a staff member's post!
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 New Kit Here!

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Leo Goat
Number of posts : 1823
Age : 20

New Kit Here! Empty
PostSubject: New Kit Here!   New Kit Here! EmptyWed Jun 18, 2014 7:20 am

Shallowkit sighed and looked out of the nursery entrance. He was bored and couldn't seem to find anything to do. The little tom stretched and wandered out into the clearing. Shallowkit gazed around and gasped. The camp was bigger than he expected. "I guess I'll go explore the camp! If only there was someone to go with.." Shallowkit meowed.


My Babies:
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Characters : [A]dderkit | [R]ipplekit | [L]eafkit
Clan/Rank : ThunderClan/Kit | RiverClan/Kit | ShadowClan/Kit
Pisces Dragon
Number of posts : 392
Age : 24

New Kit Here! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Kit Here!   New Kit Here! EmptySat Jun 21, 2014 2:13 pm

Lilykit let out a small yawn from the Nursery, opening her cold, blue eyes and gazed at the Nursery entrance. The small she-kit spotted a tom kit pad outside to the clearing. Lilykit didn't know much of anyone, and she knew that this would be her chance. Finally, a littermate to play with! the young she-kit thought. In excitement, Lilykit jumped outside of the Nursery, as the light of day flashed in the kit's eyes. Blinking a few times, the grey kits' eyes finally adjusted to the sunlight, seeing the camp for the first time. "Wow!" she mewed in amazement. "This camp looks huge!". Finding the tom, Lilykit overheard him mew "... if only there was someone to go with..". Pricking her ears, Lilykit happily skidded in front of the tom. "I'll go with you!" Lilykit mewed in excitement, not thinking about what this young tom wants to go to. Realising her rudeness, Lilykit sat down in embarrassment and lowered her voice down. "Er... sorry for the interruption, but I was getting too excited! Oh, and um... my name is Lilykit!" Gazing around a bit, the grey she-kit looked back at the tom, tilting her head a bit to the left. "What's your name?" she asked, awaiting for a reply.

OOC: Oh, just realised Shallowkit became an apprentice :c ah well lol
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Clan/Rank : RiverClan Warrior
Libra Snake
Number of posts : 1492
Age : 22

New Kit Here! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Kit Here!   New Kit Here! EmptySun Jun 22, 2014 12:20 am

Streampaw padded about, looking for something to do. She looked toward the nursery, hoping for a new friend. She then Spotted a little tom near the entrance. She purred, and trotted towards him. "Hiya!" she mewed, sitting down, "I'm Streampaw!"

Amberheart, she-cat of RiverClan (Warrior, alive)

Mystic, rouge she-cat (Alive)

Streamclaw, she-cat of RiverClan (not alive yet)

Blue----, she-cat of RiverClan. (not alive yet)

Epic Rain-made avatar
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Leo Goat
Number of posts : 1823
Age : 20

New Kit Here! Empty
PostSubject: Re: New Kit Here!   New Kit Here! EmptyWed Jul 02, 2014 12:36 am

OOC: Sorry I haven't posted :P

Shallowkit purred. Friends! "Hi, Lillykit! Hi, Streampaw! I'm Shallowkit!" Shallowkit meowed. "I was hoping to explore camp with someone!"


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