Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Chilling in the Nursery [open fer everyone~]

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5 posters


Characters : Stormsong, Doekit
Clan/Rank : ShadowClan Arborist; Mindflayer Enthusiast
Capricorn Dog
Number of posts : 6705
Gender : She / Her
Age : 29

Chilling in the Nursery [open fer everyone~] Empty
PostSubject: Chilling in the Nursery [open fer everyone~]   Chilling in the Nursery [open fer everyone~] EmptyFri 13 Jun 2014 - 16:17

Mistflower laid inside the nursery, nibbling on a small lizard. It wasn't much, but it would satisfy her hunger for a little while. She'd been craving more and more prey lately, and she knew pretty much why. Her belly was starting to swell again, which meant that more kits would soon be on the way. It was something to be happy about, she knew, but the only thing she could think right now were the other kits in the nursery - and wondering how they had so much energy. She watched a moss ball bounce by her way.


Chilling in the Nursery [open fer everyone~] PDt1Qqd Chilling in the Nursery [open fer everyone~] Lyl9TWB
Doekit | Stormsong
ThunderClan Kit | ThunderClan T3
#5D3FD3 | #446c9f
<| charrie profile |>

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Clan/Rank : I'm currently inactive from the site due to life.
Capricorn Cat
Number of posts : 3059
Age : 24

Chilling in the Nursery [open fer everyone~] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chilling in the Nursery [open fer everyone~]   Chilling in the Nursery [open fer everyone~] EmptyFri 13 Jun 2014 - 16:45

Squirrelnose slithered into the camp, his brown pelt blending in with the dull colors of the camp. He was carrying his haul of prey from his lone hunt; A couple frogs and a fat squirrel that fell out of a tree. It was an easy kill, since it was stunned. The tom watched around camp, noticing that everyone was pretty much just sitting around. Was there really nothing to do? Some cats could've at least gone on a patrol of some sort. Oh well, the cat sighed, putting his prey in the pile.
Squirrelnose looked over, seeing his friend Mistflower by the nursery. "Hi!" he mewed, walking over. He didn't really talk to much people besides his small amount of friends. And Heavypaw, since he didn't have a choice whether to talk to Heavypaw or not. The tom would just walk up and start rambling on about something.
He looked at Mistflower, noticing her swollen belly. "You're expecting again?" he asked in a somewhat hushed voice. He didn't want to tell the whole Clan if the she-cat didn't want other cats knowing yet.



I currently do not have any characters

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Clan/Rank : [S]StarClan/Warrior [L]Unknown/Warrior[N]StarClan/Rogue[D]Dark Forest/Rogue[S]Riverclan/Kit
Aries Dragon
Number of posts : 1839
Age : 24

Chilling in the Nursery [open fer everyone~] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chilling in the Nursery [open fer everyone~]   Chilling in the Nursery [open fer everyone~] EmptyFri 13 Jun 2014 - 18:05

Darkkit watched the other kits playing with a ball of moss with a look of disgust masked by curiosity. Why even do such pointless things? he thought to himself with a scoff of disdain. He flicked his tail absentmindedly as he turned his head to see another cat, whom he had yet to meet, start talking to one of the she-cats that tended to stay in the den; someone else he also needed a formal introduction to. He continued to watch the two, not even knowing that he was starting to stare, as his mind wandered over all that he knew about his new clan; Shadowclan.


Chilling in the Nursery [open fer everyone~] 2889_Germany
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Clan/Rank : SC Kit RC Kit SKC Kit
Cancer Dragon
Number of posts : 1177
Age : 23

Chilling in the Nursery [open fer everyone~] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chilling in the Nursery [open fer everyone~]   Chilling in the Nursery [open fer everyone~] EmptyFri 13 Jun 2014 - 23:40

Jaykit's eyes flickered as he saw the mossball roll by, his first instinct was to pounce on and sink his fangs into it but he stopped himself from doing so,  annoyed he lashed his tail batting the ball far away as possible from himself. His ear swerving he glanced around the nursery boredly he saw some kits playing with the mossball, and saw some other cats that was in charge of the nursey chatting. Jaykit wondered what outside of the nursey was like science he never been outside, he needed to sneak past without someone seeing him. Carefully he almost made out of the nursery until someone stopped him.
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Characters : Stormsong, Doekit
Clan/Rank : ShadowClan Arborist; Mindflayer Enthusiast
Capricorn Dog
Number of posts : 6705
Gender : She / Her
Age : 29

Chilling in the Nursery [open fer everyone~] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chilling in the Nursery [open fer everyone~]   Chilling in the Nursery [open fer everyone~] EmptyTue 17 Jun 2014 - 17:37

omg. site. why you no tell me this was posted in. D8 i thought it just failed.

Mistflower laughed as the young warrior whispered to her, as if her growing belly was some sort of huge secret that had to be kept between them. But she didn't mind what-so-ever. If Squirrelnose noticed, the rest of the clan had to too sooner or later. It wasn't as if it were her first litter either. "Yes, I am." she meowed, "What about you? Haven't found yourself the right she-cat yet?" The queen teased, her whiskers twitching in amusement.

She hadn't noticed Jaykit sneaking around, but she did see Darkkit in the corner with a solemn look on their face. "Darkkit, come here and meet your clanmate." she said, waving a paw. "This is Squirrelnose. He might be your mentor someday."


Chilling in the Nursery [open fer everyone~] PDt1Qqd Chilling in the Nursery [open fer everyone~] Lyl9TWB
Doekit | Stormsong
ThunderClan Kit | ThunderClan T3
#5D3FD3 | #446c9f
<| charrie profile |>

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Clan/Rank : [S]StarClan/Warrior [L]Unknown/Warrior[N]StarClan/Rogue[D]Dark Forest/Rogue[S]Riverclan/Kit
Aries Dragon
Number of posts : 1839
Age : 24

Chilling in the Nursery [open fer everyone~] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chilling in the Nursery [open fer everyone~]   Chilling in the Nursery [open fer everyone~] EmptyTue 17 Jun 2014 - 17:49

Darkkit shook himself from his thoughts as the she-cat addressed him. From what he saw she was being sincere as she spoke to him with a welcoming tone, which was a first for the young tom. Again, he had to drag himself away from his wandering thoughts and answer to her call.
He approached the two cats, looking over the one she had called Squirrelnose. "Sorry, I get a little carried away when I'm learning..." he meowed, dipping his head a little to the older tom. Darkkit always kept in mind that he mustn't test these wild cats, even if he was accepted by them...or at least he thought he was...


Chilling in the Nursery [open fer everyone~] 2889_Germany
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Aries Goat
Number of posts : 173
Age : 33

Chilling in the Nursery [open fer everyone~] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chilling in the Nursery [open fer everyone~]   Chilling in the Nursery [open fer everyone~] EmptyThu 19 Jun 2014 - 9:14

"He's not supposed to be here, is he?" Sunkit was curled up in a tight little bundle having found a small spot of warm sunlight, and it had taken her the better part of an hour to contort herself into the perfect position of comfort, when she heard the commotion near the front of the Nursery. Looking up with curiosity, she noticed a new face - an older face, not another kit, and certainly not a familiar queen, and immediately because suspicious and protective of her little spot. Even if Mistyflower said he was a clanmate - she certainly didn't know him from anyone else. And only kits and those that cared for them were supposed to be here. Occasionally the cats that smelled like plants, too.

"This place is for us to stay in. You have your own dens!" She came off as somewhat rude, but really she was simply protective of having finally found her perfect spot. She would fight to keep it, but she wasn't delusional enough to think she could hold her own against the bigger cat if they were here to steal it.

Asterflower | Af [of] Windclan
Heronwing | Hw [of] Riverclan
Sunstreak | Ss [of] Shadowclan
Dustytuft | Dt [of] Thunderclan
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Chilling in the Nursery [open fer everyone~] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Chilling in the Nursery [open fer everyone~]   Chilling in the Nursery [open fer everyone~] Empty

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