Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 100 Reasons Why Sleepy is a Virgin Loser - Sign-Up & Discussion

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Clan/Rank : RiverClan
Capricorn Tiger
Number of posts : 9740
Age : 25

100 Reasons Why Sleepy is a Virgin Loser - Sign-Up & Discussion Empty
PostSubject: 100 Reasons Why Sleepy is a Virgin Loser - Sign-Up & Discussion   100 Reasons Why Sleepy is a Virgin Loser - Sign-Up & Discussion EmptyThu 22 May 2014 - 9:00

100 Reasons Why Sleepy is a Virgin Loser

100 Reasons Why Sleepy is a Virgin Loser - Sign-Up & Discussion Westeros_Base

Because Game of Thrones won't be on next Sunday and I was bored.


This is not a roleplay so much as it is a game. You will control one of nine Westerosi powers and vy for supremacy over the continent. It isn't just a game of conquest, however. To succeed in your goal you will need alliances and be a shrewd and cunning statesman, using the power of diplomacy to weaken and sow mistrust among your enemies while strengthening your own position. To win, you must be the undisputed master of the continent. Your enemies must either destroyed or completely subjugated. How you play, however, is up to you. It is only expected that you do whatever in your power to lead your House to greatness. You can be honorable and true to your friends, or deceitful and quick to betray your dear allies when the tables turn. Any strategy can be rewarding, and any strategy could mean your downfall.

Note that you don't have to act serious or "in-character." You can just act like yourself and say whatever.

The game starts in the year 200 AL. After every player makes their move, I (the GM) will post an updated map of the continent and a summary of the previous year's events. It will keep going through the years until the game is over. People aren't allowed to post in a new season before the GM post is up.

Warfare uses the dice and is quite simple. It is broken into two phases; attacking and defending.

To attack, you simply declare from which province you're attacking from, and which enemy province you would like to invade. From there, you roll 2 Effect dice. The former is for the attacker, the latter is for the defender. If the attacker's rolled number is higher than the defender's, the attacker officially gains and occupies that territory. If the defender wins the dice roll, the invasion fails, and no change is made. In the event of a tie, the defender always wins.

After three failed attacks in a row, your current Head of House will die and be succeeded by the next in line.

You may only attack adjacent provinces, and you may only attack once per turn (but you may defer from attacking that turn if you wish). Some provinces can attack over water, and this is indicated by a line. Examples: House Greyjoy invades the Northern province of Moat Cailin from the province of Blacktyde. The Greyjoys roll a 6 and the Starks rolls a 4. The invasion is successful.

Diplomacy is brought down to one simple feature - alliances forged in matrimony. At any time you can propose a marriage alliance with another House, and afterwards your Houses will be linked. Be careful, however. If your entire family line is extinguished, your lands will go to a spouse. And weddings can be lethal...

Family members can die if you fail in three attacks on an enemy province in a row, or if you are conquered completely. The current Head of House will then be succeeded by the next family member until your line is exhausted. In the case of your entire family dying, your lands will either go to your conqueror or a spouse. If your House was neither conquered or involved in any marriage pacts, then your provinces will become neutral.


[b]Diplomatic Statements[/b]:


Example of a Post:

Last edited by Sleepy on Mon 2 Jun 2014 - 14:35; edited 1 time in total
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Clan/Rank : RiverClan
Capricorn Tiger
Number of posts : 9740
Age : 25

100 Reasons Why Sleepy is a Virgin Loser - Sign-Up & Discussion Empty
PostSubject: Re: 100 Reasons Why Sleepy is a Virgin Loser - Sign-Up & Discussion   100 Reasons Why Sleepy is a Virgin Loser - Sign-Up & Discussion EmptyThu 22 May 2014 - 9:01

The Great Houses

100 Reasons Why Sleepy is a Virgin Loser - Sign-Up & Discussion Westeros_Labeled

These Houses are available for people to play as and are in contention for control of Westeros. Each House has its own unique ability that acts as a bonus in some way, and each House is different. Only one person may control a House at a given time. To claim your House, just post below.

The Crownlands
House Targaryen

100 Reasons Why Sleepy is a Virgin Loser - Sign-Up & Discussion 250px-House_Targaryen
The Targaryens are the blood of the dragon, descended from the high lords of the ancient freehold of Valyria, their heritage proclaimed in a striking (some say inhuman) beauty, with lilac or indigo or violet eyes and hair of silver-gold or platinum white.
Aegon the Dragon's ancestors escaped the Doom of Valyria and the chaos and slaughter that followed to settle on Dragonstone, a rocky island in the narrow sea. It was from there that Aegon and his sisters Visenya and Rhaenys sailed to conquer the Seven Kingdoms. To preserve the blood royal and keep it pure, House Targaryen has often followed the Valyrian custom of wedding brother to sister. Aegon himself took both his sisters to wife, and fathered sons on each. The Targaryen banner is a three-headed dragon, red on black, the three heads representing Aegon and his sisters.

Bonus: Fire and Blood - Dragons are not bound to earth, and thus may strike out in provinces not adjacent to them.
Map Color: Dark Red
Starting Provinces: 3 (King's Landing, Dragonstone, Duskendale)
Line of Succession: {Placeholder} Targaryen -> {Placeholder} Targaryen -> {Placeholder} Targaryen -> {Placeholder} Targaryen -> {Placeholder} Targaryen -> {Placeholder} Targaryen
Player: None

The Stormlands
House Baratheon

100 Reasons Why Sleepy is a Virgin Loser - Sign-Up & Discussion 250px-House_Baratheon
The youngest of the Great Houses, born during the Wars of Conquest. Its founder Orys Baratheon, was rumored to be Aegon the Dragon's bastard brother. Orys rose through the ranks to become one of Aegon's fiercest commanders. When he defeated and slew Argilac the Arrogant, the last Storm King, Aegon rewarded him with Argilac's castle, lands, and daughter. Orys took the girl to bride, and adopted the banner, honors, and words of her line. The Baratheon sigil is a crowned stag, black, on a golden field.
Bonus: Ours is the Fury - If a Baratheon army successfully captures another province, they are allowed to attack again in the same turn.
Map Color: Gold
Starting Province: 5 (Storm's End, Griffin's Roost, Haystack Hall, Rain House)
Line of Succession: {Placeholder} Baratheon -> {Placeholder} Baratheon -> {Placeholder} Baratheon -> {Placeholder} Baratheon -> {Placeholder} Baratheon -> {Placeholder} Baratheon
Player: None

The North
House Stark

100 Reasons Why Sleepy is a Virgin Loser - Sign-Up & Discussion 250px-House_Stark
The Starks trace their descent from Brandon the Builder and the ancient Kings of Winter. For thousands of years, they ruled from Winterfell as Kings of the North, until Torrhen Stark, the King Who Knelt, chose to swear fealty to Aegon the Dragon rather than give battle. Their blazon is a grey direwolf on an ice-white field.
Bonus: Winter is Coming - Hostile terrain makes all enemy rolls -1.
Map Color: Gray
Starting Province: 7 (Winterfell, Dreadfort, Karhold, Last Hearth, White Harbor, Deepwood Motte, Moat Cailin)
Line of Succession: {Placeholder} Stark -> {Placeholder} Stark -> {Placeholder} Stark -> {Placeholder} Stark -> {Placeholder} Stark -> {Placeholder} Stark -> {Placeholder} -> {Placeholder} Stark
Player: None

The Westerlands
House Lannister

100 Reasons Why Sleepy is a Virgin Loser - Sign-Up & Discussion 250px-House_Lannister
Fair-haired, tall, and handsome, the Lannisters are the blood of Andal adventurers who carved out a mighty kingdom in the western hills and valleys. Through the female line they boast of descent from Lann the Clever, the legendary trickster of the Age of Heroes. The gold of Casterly Rock and the Golden Tooth has made them the wealthiest of the Great Houses. Their sigil is a golden lion upon a crimson field.
Bonus: Hear Me Roar! - Attacking the Lannisters first will give them a +1 attacking bonus against you.
Map Color: Red
Starting Provinces: 7 (Casterly Rock, Ashemark, Crakehall, The Crag, Castamere, Deep Den, Golden Tooth)
Line of Succession: {Placeholder} Lannister -> {Placeholder} Lannister -> {Placeholder} Lannister -> {Placeholder} Lannister -> {Placeholder} Lannister -> {Placeholder} Lannister -> {Placeholder} Lannister -> {Placeholder} Lannister -> {Placeholder} Lannister -> {Placeholder} Lannister
Player: None

The Vale
House Arryn

100 Reasons Why Sleepy is a Virgin Loser - Sign-Up & Discussion 250px-House_Arryn
The Arryns are descended from the Kings of Mountain and Vale, one of the oldest and purest lines of Andal nobility. Their sigil is the moon-and-falcon, white upon a sky blue field.
Bonus: As High As Honor - The nigh-impregnable mountain defenses give a +2 defensive bonus in all Arryn starting provinces.
Map Color: Cyan.
Starting Provinces: 5 (The Eyrie, Runestone, Ironoaks, Heart's Home, Strongsong)
Line of Succession: {Placeholder} Arryn -> {Placeholder} Arryn
Player: None

The Riverlands
House Tully

100 Reasons Why Sleepy is a Virgin Loser - Sign-Up & Discussion 250px-House_Tully
The Tullys never reigned as kings, though they held rich lands and the great castle at Riverrun for a thousand years. During the Wars of Conquest, the riverlands belonged to Harren the Black, King of the Isles. Harren's grandfather, King Harwyn Hardhand, had taken the Trident from Arrec the Storm King, whose ancestors had conquered all the way to the Neck three hundred years earlier, slaying the last of the old River Kings. A vain and bloody tyrant, Harren the Black was little loved by those he ruled, and many of the river lords deserted him to join Aegon's host. First among them was Edmyn Tully of Riverrun. When Harren and his line perished in the burning of Harrenhal, Aegon rewarded House Tully by raising Lord Edmyn to dominion over the lands of the Trident and requiring the over river lords to swear him fealty. The Tully sigil is a leaping trout, silver, on a field of rippling blue and red.
Bonus: Family, Duty, Honor - Tully marriages provide a +1 attacking bonus for all Houses involved.
Map Color: Blue
Starting Provinces: 4 (Riverrun, The Twins, Harrenhal, Maidenpool)
Line of Succession: {Placeholder} Tully -> {Placeholder} Tully -> {Placeholder} Tully -> {Placeholder} Tully -> {Placeholder} Tully
Player: None

The Reach
House Tyrell

100 Reasons Why Sleepy is a Virgin Loser - Sign-Up & Discussion 250px-House_Tyrell
The Tyrells rose to power as stewards to the Kings of the Reach, whose domain included the fertile plains of the southwest from the Dornish marches and Blackwater Rush to the shores of the Sunset Sea. Through the female line, they claim descent from Garth Greenhand, gardener king of the First Men, who wore a crown of vines and flowers and made the land bloom. When King Mern, last of the old line, perished on the Field of Fire, his steward Harlen Tyrell surrendered Highgarden to Aegon Targaryen, pledging fealty. Aegon granted him the castle and dominion over the Reach. The Tyrell sigil is a golden rose on a grass-green field.
Bonus: Growing Strong - Tyrell armies are not affected by negative bonuses in enemy provinces thanks to plentiful stores and supplies.
Map Color: Green
Starting Provinces: 7 (Highgarden, Oldtown, Brightwater Keep, Horn Hill, Old Oak, Ashford, Goldengrove)
Line of Succession: {Placeholder} Tyrell -> {Placeholder} Tyrell -> {Placeholder} Tyrell -> {Placeholder} Tyrell -> {Placeholder} Tyrell -> {Placeholder} Tyrell -> {Placeholder} Tyrell -> {Placeholder} Tyrell -> {Placeholder} Tyrell -> {Placeholder} Tyrell -> {Placeholder} Tyrell
Player: None

The Iron Islands
House Greyjoy

100 Reasons Why Sleepy is a Virgin Loser - Sign-Up & Discussion 250px-Greyjoy_coat_sigil
The Greyjoys of Pyke claim descent from the Grey King of the Age of Heroes. Legend says the Grey King ruled not only the western isles but the sea itself, and took a mermaid to wife.
For thousands of years, raiders from the Iron Islands—called "ironmen" by those they plundered—were the terrors of the seas, sailing as far as the Port of Ibben and the Summer Isles. They prided themselves on their fierceness in battle and their sacred freedoms. Each island had its own "salt king" and "rock king". The High King of the Isles was chosen from among their number, until King Urron made the throne hereditary by murdering the other kings when they assembled for a choosing. Urron's own line was extinguished a thousand years later when the Andals swept over the islands. The Greyjoys, like other island lords, intermarried with the conquerors.
The Iron Kings extended their rule far beyond the isles themselves, carving kingdoms out of the mainland with fire and sword. King Qhored could truthfully boast that his writ ran "wherever men can smell salt water or hear the crash of waves". In later centuries, Qhored's descendents lost the Arbor, Oldtown, Bear Island, and much of the western shore. Still, come the Wars of Conquest, King Harren the Black ruled all the lands between the mountains, from the Neck to the Blackwater Rush. When Harren and his sons perished in the fall of Harrenhal, Aegon Targaryen granted the riverlands to House Tully, and allowed the surviving lords of the Iron Islands to revive their ancient custom and chose who should have the primacy among them. They chose Lord Vickon Greyjoy of Pyke.
The Greyjoy sigil is a golden kraken upon a black field.

Bonus: We Do Not Sow - Ironborn raiders gain a +2 attacking bonus in any province connected to the sea.
Map Color: Black
Starting Provinces: 4 (Pyke, Harlaw, Great Wyk, Blacktyde)
Line of Succession: Harald Greyjoy -> Rorik Greyjoy -> Iona Greyjoy -> Sweyn Greyjoy -> Erik Greyjoy
Player: Sleepy

House Martell

100 Reasons Why Sleepy is a Virgin Loser - Sign-Up & Discussion 250px-MartellCoA
Nymeria, the warrior queen of the Rhoyne, brought her ten thousand ships to land in Dorne, the southernmost of the Seven Kingdoms, and took Lord Mors Martell to husband. With her help, he vanquished his rivals to rule all Dorne. The Rhoynar influence remains strong. Thus Dornish rulers style themselves "Prince" rather than "King". Under Dornish law, lands and titles pass to the eldest child, not the eldest male. Dorne, alone of the Seven Kingdoms, was never conquered by Aegon the Dragon. It was not permanently joined to the realm until two hundred years later, and then by marriage and treaty, not the sword. Peaceable King Daeron II succeeded where the warriors had failed by wedding the Dornish princess Myriah and giving his own sister in marriage to the reigning Prince of Dorne. The Martell banner is a red sun pierced by a golden spear.
Bonus: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken - Enemy armies get -1 rolls in the hot blowing sands of Dorne.
Map Color: Orange
Starting Provinces: 4 (Sunspear, Godsgrace, Yronwood, Starfall, Hellholt)
Line of Succession: {Placeholder} Martell -> {Placeholder} Martell -> {Placeholder} Martell -> {Placeholder} Martell -> {Placeholder} Martell
Player: None
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