Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 I love this camp

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Number of posts : 200

I love this camp Empty
PostSubject: I love this camp   I love this camp EmptySun 23 Mar 2014 - 18:34

Graykit sat outside the nursery, he was looking around the camp for cats to 'ambush'. He knew what he was going to do, and he was probably going to get an enemy. He started to make impatient noises, and started to paw at the ground. He couldn't stand it anymore. Someone had to come bye soon, or he would go to them.

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I love this camp Empty
PostSubject: Re: I love this camp   I love this camp EmptySun 23 Mar 2014 - 19:02

Whinchatwing padded past the nursery, her firey like amber eyes looking towards the den, not spotting the kitten which lay by it, Whinchatwing sat herself down in that very spot, not feeling much energy since the battle, it was ridiculous when she got the finishing blow from a kit! A kit! That was so shameful, but yet, she felt relief from her collar when the Shadowclan leader tore it off. The warrior let out a sigh, now letting herself slouch as she just looked at her paws, she wish she could get comfort, but she hadn't had any friends within the clan, she just felt like a stranger within a clan she has been living with in moons!
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Number of posts : 200

I love this camp Empty
PostSubject: Re: I love this camp   I love this camp EmptySun 23 Mar 2014 - 19:10

Graykit now had a smile. He crouched, and watched Whinchatwing closely. She wasn't moving, so this was his chance. He giggled a little bit, and started to get ready. Heh, she won't know what's coming! He started to run toward her, trying to keep his steps as silent as he could. When he was close enough, he jumped onto her back. "Rawwr!" he screamed at her. He was hoping for a big reaction from her. That's what he was after anyways.

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PostSubject: Re: I love this camp   I love this camp EmptySun 23 Mar 2014 - 19:14

Whinchatwing let out a surprised squeak as she felt the kit land on her back, lashing her head around she looked towards the kit. "O-Okay stop that now! I am already hurt enough as it is!" She shook her pelt, desperate to get the kit off her back, all she wanted was peace, to be alone, despite not having any companions, she could deal with that.
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Number of posts : 200

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PostSubject: Re: I love this camp   I love this camp EmptySun 23 Mar 2014 - 19:20

Graykit fell off of her back laughing. After he stopped laughing he sat down, and looked at her eye. "Hi! What's your name?" He asked quickly. "Why are you hurt? What happened? Can you tell me?" he asked. He did have a lot of questions, didn't he? "Please tell me! Please please please please please!" He was running and jumping around her by now.

OOC: I said eye, not eyes

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PostSubject: Re: I love this camp   I love this camp EmptySun 23 Mar 2014 - 19:25

Whinchatwing looked at the kit when him, her ears pressed against her cranium her face displaying hurt as she was hesitant, the pleading pushing her. "I was attacked by a dog okay!? I was forced into a fence after, why must you kits have such disrespect!?" She asked rather loudly, her head lowering as she looked away from the kit, rather saddened, this kit had to be blunt, well, it didn't know, and it was just a kitten! Why should she yell at it for being what it is? "I-I'm sorry..." She apologized.
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Number of posts : 200

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PostSubject: Re: I love this camp   I love this camp EmptySun 23 Mar 2014 - 19:42

"Oh, Sorry." He said as he stopped running around. He wanted to ask her more questions, but he stopped himself. "So, did you fight it?" he whispered. He wasn't sure if she had heard, and hoped she didn't. He didn't really mean to ask it either. It just slipped out. She did, however, make him calm down. For the first time though, he noticed her missing eye, and her scars. So she lost the battle then?

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PostSubject: Re: I love this camp   I love this camp EmptySun 23 Mar 2014 - 19:50

"No... I was a kit when it happened, a two leg saved me from the dog, I don't remember much, but after I recovered, my twoleg abandoned me here, and I have been here ever since, and I haven't made any friends with any cat..." She trailed, why was she talking to the kit anyways? She'd normally leave right now, but this kittens curiosity just kept her in place.
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Number of posts : 200

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PostSubject: Re: I love this camp   I love this camp EmptySun 23 Mar 2014 - 19:58

A smile crossed his face as she started to tell him. He quickly got rid of it though, because it looked like he was smiling n her terrible life. "Why... Why haven't you made any friends? I mean, you seem nice... So why haven't you?" he asked. Then he had an idea. He was going to ask the clan leader if when he becomes an apprentice, he can be her apprentice. Yeah! then she'll have to be more friendly towards me! It's going to be so amazing!

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PostSubject: Re: I love this camp   I love this camp EmptySun 23 Mar 2014 - 20:01

"I was a kittypet, and I was a twolegs pet, I've been a victim of an attack from a dog, they'd be insane to befriend me..." She trailed off, looking at her paws once more, curling her tail over her paws.
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Number of posts : 200

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PostSubject: Re: I love this camp   I love this camp EmptySun 23 Mar 2014 - 20:09

"Why do you say that? You act like there is something wrong with all those things." he said. Why did she act like that? "Have you even tried to make a friend, or did you just think no one would be your friend?" He wouldn't mind being her friend, but what would she think? Would she think less of herself because her only friend would be a kit? He was probably going to get yelled at because of what he said, but he meant it.

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PostSubject: Re: I love this camp   I love this camp EmptySun 23 Mar 2014 - 20:18

"I don't, but other cats do! I have to face it." The kits words were wise, maybe a little too wise for its age, but maybe it was older than she thought. " I just can't make friends, no matter how hard I try! And no cat ever speaks to me, the only ones who do is when I have my ceremonies, plus you..." She silenced more as she spoke.
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Number of posts : 200

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PostSubject: Re: I love this camp   I love this camp EmptySun 23 Mar 2014 - 20:26

"Well, why do you listen to them? I mean, It's only a couple." He thought back to all the new kits that were there. There were four new kits, and Lightkit. He remembered Lightkit, she was burned into his memories. Anyways, that wasn't the point. "There are plenty of kits here, besides me. I'm sure they won't mind being your friend." He walked just a little closer to her.

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