Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Hawkpaw's sick and it looks like the plague might have spread (Death Topic)

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Stormi the Gummy
6 posters


Aries Cat
Number of posts : 497
Age : 25

Hawkpaw's sick and it looks like the plague might have spread (Death Topic) Empty
PostSubject: Hawkpaw's sick and it looks like the plague might have spread (Death Topic)   Hawkpaw's sick and it looks like the plague might have spread (Death Topic) EmptyThu 20 Mar 2014 - 8:40

OOC: Say your farewells, I figured since Shadowclan had been rubbing up everywhere on the other clan cats id make him get sick since he's a really crappy character to me. Plus I'm not active with him at all.

Hawkpaw coughed and let out a sniffle as he tried to breath through his nose that was stuffy. It all started after the gathering, he went to the den and cleaned his pelt, trained, visited Nightpaw and all of the sudden he was sick. Now that he thought of it he probably had Shadowclan fur stuck to his pelt and he most likely got some in his mouth and that's how he got sick. The tom let out a stronger cough as he flattened his ears. Stupid Shadowclan... Hawkpaw let out a third cough, and then another. It was starting to get louder and his throat felt sore. No to mention , his stomach was churning on the account he hasn't been able to put down any food without having stomach aches or loosing it later on. The tom wheezed as he let out a loud hack, and then another one rose from his throat. He tried to inhale only to cough again. His fur rose as his skin started to get extremely hot. The tom hacked and hacked. Why can't I breathe? his chest went from hurting to stinging as his lungs squished for air only to be smushed smaller and smaller as he continued to cough. Why can't I breathe? I can't breathe! Someone do something, help me! Please, it hurts! With those last thoughts the tom let out a final wheeze before he fell to the ground with a loud thump. All he could feel was his stinging chest before he was gone. The last thing he saw was his own lifeless body, sitting in the Riverclan camp, in the empty apprentice den.
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Stormi the Gummy

Stormi the Gummy

Clan/Rank : {Storm}Riverclan/Experienced Warrior {Adder}Thunderclan/Experienced Warrior {Red}Shadowclan/Experienced Warrior {Wolf}Shadowclan/Apprentice
Pisces Cat
Number of posts : 3741
Age : 25

Hawkpaw's sick and it looks like the plague might have spread (Death Topic) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hawkpaw's sick and it looks like the plague might have spread (Death Topic)   Hawkpaw's sick and it looks like the plague might have spread (Death Topic) EmptyMon 24 Mar 2014 - 14:21

Ooc: Didn't see this yesterday and was like "Hawk what when did you die" when I saw the Starclan topic xD

Ic: Stormheart padded towards the apprentices' den, purring happily. The Shadowclan battle had left her rather satisfied, but not completely since she never got to kill any pathetic Shadowclan cats. They deserved it that one time, and that same one time she didn't get to give them what they had coming. It irked her, and what irked her more was that Soulfang and Redshade were apparently still alive since she saw them escape...Or Redshade at least. His "brother" got captured by Thunderclan. She hoped they were giving him a dreadfully painful stay until one day they finally killed him, innocent or not. She didn't like him one bit.
Well, on more present topics, today Hawkpaw should be ready to go train some more. She knew her apprentice had been feeling kind of sick lately, so she knew to take things easy, and some good fresh air and a gentle walk would help just great...Hopefully! However, the tabby never made it there as she slowed, beginning to hear harsh coughing, followed by hacking and a sound that could make any cat think the other couldn't breath. She rushed forward, pushing into the den, eyes widening. "Hawkpaw are you oka--" She froze, staring at the limp body of her apprentice. Hawkpaw...No! Her mind screamed. She let out a loud scream.
Oh yeah. She said "stupid" twice. She breathed heavily, claws sliding out and digging into the earth as she forced herself to calm down and stamp forward, pausing and gently leaning down to pick up her apprentice's body. She stopped though, mouth open, remembering that she could get sick as well. So she hooked her teeth under some of the reeds of his nest and slowly dragged that out instead. She laid it in the center of camp and sat down next to it, breathing in deeply before slowly exhaling. Her eyes burned once more full of hatred as she forced herself to keep calm. Her first apprentice, dead with the sickness that Shadowclan had purposely spread to them.

Ooc: Stormheart throws tantrums a lot. It's in her name //shot

Hawkpaw's sick and it looks like the plague might have spread (Death Topic) Tumblr_m868jqY1c71rwong6o1_500
Hawkpaw's sick and it looks like the plague might have spread (Death Topic) Homestuck_stamp_by_sinderish-d3gnmxzHawkpaw's sick and it looks like the plague might have spread (Death Topic) Karkat_stamp__gray__by_chameleonraptor-d48qxhrHawkpaw's sick and it looks like the plague might have spread (Death Topic) Stamp__terezi_by_shendijiro-d47mqtaHawkpaw's sick and it looks like the plague might have spread (Death Topic) I_love_gamzee_by_nosense616-d47vsgh
Hawkpaw's sick and it looks like the plague might have spread (Death Topic) 1voydHawkpaw's sick and it looks like the plague might have spread (Death Topic) 2gy1qubHawkpaw's sick and it looks like the plague might have spread (Death Topic) One_Piece_Luffy_Stamp_by_erjanksHawkpaw's sick and it looks like the plague might have spread (Death Topic) StampOnePiece
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~Shadow Jinx

~Shadow Jinx

Clan/Rank : (M) Thunderclan warrior (F) Riverclan apprentice (M) Shadowclan apprentice (F) Shadowclan warrior (F) Windclan warrior
Aquarius Cat
Number of posts : 465
Age : 24

Hawkpaw's sick and it looks like the plague might have spread (Death Topic) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hawkpaw's sick and it looks like the plague might have spread (Death Topic)   Hawkpaw's sick and it looks like the plague might have spread (Death Topic) EmptyMon 31 Mar 2014 - 13:29

Firepaw frowned at the sniffling from the apprentice den.
"It sounds like someone is sick," Firepaw grunted.

/Stormpaw/Stormblaze: (Male)

Nightkit/Nightglow: (Female)

WhitepawWhiteshadow: (Male)

Shadowclan (Spiritkit's older brother)
Firepaw/Firetear (Female)

Spiritkit/Tigerspirit (Female)

Shadowclan (Whitekit's younger sister)
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Clan/Rank : RiverClan Warrior
Libra Snake
Number of posts : 1492
Age : 22

Hawkpaw's sick and it looks like the plague might have spread (Death Topic) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hawkpaw's sick and it looks like the plague might have spread (Death Topic)   Hawkpaw's sick and it looks like the plague might have spread (Death Topic) EmptyMon 7 Apr 2014 - 12:55

Amberheart saw Stormheart padding into the clearing, and her heart sank. "Hawkpaw..." She whispered, and rushed forth. "What happened??" she yowled. She hadn't known Hawkpaw that well, but her tender heart and love for her clan-mates made this un-bearable, especially for one so young. She looked down and caught a whiff of a rotten scent. "T-the plague..." She mewed. She wasn't a medicine cat, but she knew the smell of sickness.

Amberheart, she-cat of RiverClan (Warrior, alive)

Mystic, rouge she-cat (Alive)

Streamclaw, she-cat of RiverClan (not alive yet)

Blue----, she-cat of RiverClan. (not alive yet)

Epic Rain-made avatar
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Characters : Stormsong, Doekit
Clan/Rank : ShadowClan Arborist; Mindflayer Enthusiast
Capricorn Dog
Number of posts : 6705
Gender : She / Her
Age : 29

Hawkpaw's sick and it looks like the plague might have spread (Death Topic) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hawkpaw's sick and it looks like the plague might have spread (Death Topic)   Hawkpaw's sick and it looks like the plague might have spread (Death Topic) EmptyMon 7 Apr 2014 - 15:05

Because I can.

Sagewhisker dully lifted his head, hearing someone screech curses against his clan. He looked across the clearing in wonder before he heard the familiar words of the plague leave some cat's mouth. He laughed humorlessly under his breath. Whether it was from the gathering or from the attack on ShadowClan, there was little they could've done either way. After the death of his own warriors, he rested again with a slight feeling of satisfaction.


Hawkpaw's sick and it looks like the plague might have spread (Death Topic) PDt1Qqd Hawkpaw's sick and it looks like the plague might have spread (Death Topic) Lyl9TWB
Doekit | Stormsong
ThunderClan Kit | ThunderClan T3
#5D3FD3 | #446c9f
<| charrie profile |>

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~Shadow Jinx

~Shadow Jinx

Clan/Rank : (M) Thunderclan warrior (F) Riverclan apprentice (M) Shadowclan apprentice (F) Shadowclan warrior (F) Windclan warrior
Aquarius Cat
Number of posts : 465
Age : 24

Hawkpaw's sick and it looks like the plague might have spread (Death Topic) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hawkpaw's sick and it looks like the plague might have spread (Death Topic)   Hawkpaw's sick and it looks like the plague might have spread (Death Topic) EmptyWed 9 Apr 2014 - 18:22

Firepaw looked at Amberhrart.
"This is horrible!" Firepaw cried out.

/Stormpaw/Stormblaze: (Male)

Nightkit/Nightglow: (Female)

WhitepawWhiteshadow: (Male)

Shadowclan (Spiritkit's older brother)
Firepaw/Firetear (Female)

Spiritkit/Tigerspirit (Female)

Shadowclan (Whitekit's younger sister)
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Characters : [H]Harebounce, [R]Redsun, [S]Snaildance, [M]Ramone, [K]Snakekit
Clan/Rank : RC Tier 4 Warrior; TC Tier 3 Warrior, SC Tier 2 Warrior, Tier 1 Rogue, WC Kit
Leo Dragon
Number of posts : 2534
Gender : anything, baby - kitty was here ♥
Age : 23

Hawkpaw's sick and it looks like the plague might have spread (Death Topic) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hawkpaw's sick and it looks like the plague might have spread (Death Topic)   Hawkpaw's sick and it looks like the plague might have spread (Death Topic) EmptyWed 9 Apr 2014 - 19:08

Ashcloud's head shot out of reeds, where he had been gathering fresh moss. The multiple shouts of sorrow caught his attention. Warily walked over, he spotted the dead apprentice in the center of camp. "When..", the tom murmured, once he had reached to group. For one so young to die so quickly and so soon, it tugged at his heart. Though one question quickly flashed into his head, 'Who could be next?'

{help me update the wcc family tree!}
Harebounce    |    Redsun    |    Snaildance    |    Ramone    |    Snakekit
Hawkpaw's sick and it looks like the plague might have spread (Death Topic) Jan20210Hawkpaw's sick and it looks like the plague might have spread (Death Topic) Wccpun10
"Close your eyes, I'll be here in the mornin'."
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Clan/Rank : RiverClan Warrior
Libra Snake
Number of posts : 1492
Age : 22

Hawkpaw's sick and it looks like the plague might have spread (Death Topic) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hawkpaw's sick and it looks like the plague might have spread (Death Topic)   Hawkpaw's sick and it looks like the plague might have spread (Death Topic) EmptyThu 10 Apr 2014 - 15:45

Amberheart just stood there blankly. "H-he was just an apprentice." She said after a time.

Amberheart, she-cat of RiverClan (Warrior, alive)

Mystic, rouge she-cat (Alive)

Streamclaw, she-cat of RiverClan (not alive yet)

Blue----, she-cat of RiverClan. (not alive yet)

Epic Rain-made avatar
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Hawkpaw's sick and it looks like the plague might have spread (Death Topic) Empty
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