Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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Activity checks take place on the 1st of the month. PM a staff member with the completed form if you missed it.
Newleaf is finally here, and the Clans hope to find reprieve from the tough Leaf-bare.
Gatherings take place on the 1st of the month; keep your eyes out for a staff member's post!
Please feel free to hit up any staff member if you have any questions!


 All of my wat

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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : Bramblekit
Clan/Rank : Windclan kit
Leo Pig
Number of posts : 6644
Age : 28

All of my wat Empty
PostSubject: All of my wat   All of my wat EmptyWed Aug 14, 2013 8:32 pm

Oh how beautifully the moonlight lit up the ground around the barn. It was always a place that Aisha enjoyed to visit, especially since the barn was a great place to catch mice, but it was also a great place to keep other prey she was able to gather out of those crazy cats' territories. It wasn't very often she was able to sneak around the territories, but every once in a while, she would end up with a good catch-- usually rabbits from the moor or a frog or two from the second closest clan Shadowclan. But that was even too far sometimes. But now she was here at the barn ready to go to sleep. It was a nice night, but she was exhausted from having to escape other cats from around the twoleg place. That was always fun. As she padded up to the barn, she heaved a sigh of relief as she was finally able to curl up in a small nest of hay that had already been sitting there. There didn't seem to be any scent on it, so she figured that whoever was here was long gone. Quickly getting comfortable, she was nearly asleep when she heard something right outside the barn. Instantly she shot up with her claws unsheathed, although her focus wasn't completely there. "Who's there?!" she called intimidatingly.
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PostSubject: Re: All of my wat   All of my wat EmptyWed Aug 14, 2013 9:08 pm

Emerging from the shadows as if on queue a calico she-cat padded into the open, grassy area of the barn "The question is, what are YOU doing here rogue?" she growled, menacingly, displaying her dominance, as she approached the black and white cat, slowly unsheathing her claws as she walked towards the cat, only stopping a few fox-lengths away, the cool midnight wind blowing her fur as she glared down at the she-cat. Now coming into focus for the she-cat, licking her maw as if she was blood thirsty. Her green eyes vibrant as the little bits of light reflected off her optics. Her previous wounds finally healed, only leaving marks, large marks, so obvious a blind cat could see them.
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : Bramblekit
Clan/Rank : Windclan kit
Leo Pig
Number of posts : 6644
Age : 28

All of my wat Empty
PostSubject: Re: All of my wat   All of my wat EmptyThu Aug 15, 2013 9:26 pm

The small she-cat simply glared at the newcomer, wary of the several battle scars that covered the stranger in front of her. That obviously didn't look good. Aisha didn't really want to fight... not now, but she would if she had to. She found this place first. The spot was abandoned-- at least as far as she knew. This was probably the cat that was here before her. "I was here first," She hissed, standing her ground on the soft patch of hay where she was originally lying. "You aren't going to take this spot away from me."
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PostSubject: Re: All of my wat   All of my wat EmptyThu Aug 15, 2013 9:41 pm

"This is my clans territory, you are clearly intruding on my territory, rogue. And I will take it, for it is my territory, not yours cat" she stated calmly, spitting lightly as she said her last three words. The memories of the fire flooding into her head once again, just making her angry, holding back her anger to prevent herself on clawing the rogue to death at that very moment. "I suggest you leave before either of us get hurt" she warned thickly.
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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : Bramblekit
Clan/Rank : Windclan kit
Leo Pig
Number of posts : 6644
Age : 28

All of my wat Empty
PostSubject: Re: All of my wat   All of my wat EmptyFri Aug 16, 2013 10:48 pm

"So I see. You're one of those crazy clan cats..." she muttered grumpily, but she didn't let her guard down. Clan cats weren't exactly cats Aisha wanted to mess with, but this wasn't part of their territory. She knew the borders well and had made sure that she knew exactly where each ended. This place was in no part of any clan territory. It was close to it, but not in it. She had every right to be here. "Sorry to inform you, but this isn't part of your territory. Never has been, and I'm pretty sure it never will be. Not while there are several other rogues around as well. And for your information, I do not consider myself to be part of that pathetic group of mousebrains. I work alone," she continued, her tone suddenly turning sassy as she smirked at the mistaken stranger.
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