Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Apprentice Days

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Ice Cream Zombie
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Characters : Sleepycloud, Hopepaw, Lakepaw, Bear
Clan/Rank : Ye Old Member-- ALL THUNDERCLAN OOPS Sleepycloud (MCA), Hopepaw [App], Lake [App], Bear [Loner[
Taurus Dragon
Number of posts : 3579
Gender : She/her
Age : 24

Apprentice Days Empty
PostSubject: Apprentice Days   Apprentice Days EmptyFri 9 Aug 2013 - 8:23

A blob of tabby fur could be found near the well-stocked freshkill pile. Though, it was not the blob's doing that it was so full. He hadn't learned how to hunt from Patcheye yet. Although, he was looking forward to it. The blob, or more commonly known as Bristlepaw, was nibbling slowly on a rabbit. Today was one of those rare days to relax.

The sun was almost midday, so the heat that radiated down to the open camp was intensifying by the moment. Bristlepaw, being as surprisingly heat resistant as he was, didn't mind the heat. In fact, he usually enjoyed it. But this heat, was blazing. The soft ground of camp did nothing for the heat. Not to mention the lack of shade in camp, only a few spot here or there, but nothing cool enough to meet his needs. So, the apprentice busied himself by making sure he clean off every morsel of meat off of the rabbit.

Apprentice Days ECeeb3r

Sleepycloud || Hopepaw || Lakekit
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Ice Cream Zombie

Ice Cream Zombie

Clan/Rank : |L|Thunderclan/Elder|S|Shadowclan/Young Warrior|C|Windclan/Young Warrior
Number of posts : 1392

Apprentice Days Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apprentice Days   Apprentice Days EmptyFri 9 Aug 2013 - 9:02

Crowclaw growled, twisting over on his back under the shade of a bush. It wasn't helping very well. He may be a short-hair, but his fur was black as night, so it attracted a lot of sunlight. He looked over, spotting Bristlepaw. How could he be standing in the heat so well? Rolling his eyes, the Windclan warrior sprawled out more under the bush, trying to cool off.

Apprentice Days 2zxy2y8
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Gemini Dragon
Number of posts : 2606
Age : 24

Apprentice Days Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apprentice Days   Apprentice Days EmptyFri 9 Aug 2013 - 11:22

Snowpaw, had been looking around camp, before noticing she was a bit hungry. Heading over to the fresh-kill pile, the she-cat saw Bristlepaw nibbling on a rabbit. Looking down, the white apprentice mewed, "C-can I s-share with you?" The heat wasn't that bad in her opinion, but it was because she had light fur, so it didn't really absorb too much heat. At the corner of her eye, she saw Crowclaw trying to get cooler.

Lavenderheart, who was a slightly, just slightly larger than usual, hadn't been told by Shadeheart yet, but she was expecting kits. The blue and white she-cat was just trying to pretend nothing happened for now, and then later tell Twistedfoot. Oh, how the tom will be surprised by that. Seeing Crowclaw, the warrior just walked the other way, going towards the medicine cat den. Perhaps, just to make sure, she should ask Shadeheart whether or not she would be allowed to continue on with duties.

‣ year 06: 5/4/2012
Apprentice Days LgWiAeI
⌈ la-veritta ♡ ⌉
❝ Until the day his wings heal and he's able to fly... I will protect him. ❞
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Characters : Sleepycloud, Hopepaw, Lakepaw, Bear
Clan/Rank : Ye Old Member-- ALL THUNDERCLAN OOPS Sleepycloud (MCA), Hopepaw [App], Lake [App], Bear [Loner[
Taurus Dragon
Number of posts : 3579
Gender : She/her
Age : 24

Apprentice Days Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apprentice Days   Apprentice Days EmptyFri 9 Aug 2013 - 18:37

Bristlepaw ripped another bite of meat from the rabbit's hind leg. The apprentice had hardly eaten a dent in the fresh-kill. What was he going to do with it? Luckily,his question was answered when Snowpaw asked her question. The apprentice nodded. "Yeah, Of course!" He scooted back a step or two, so Snowpaw could eat. "So how has training been?" Bristlepaw started, his blue eyes bright has he glanced around camp. He could make out Crowclaw in the shadows, Sprayed out like he had just been hit by a monster or something. Is that how he tries to cool off? Naw, he's just jelly. lD

Apprentice Days ECeeb3r

Sleepycloud || Hopepaw || Lakekit
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Ice Cream Zombie

Ice Cream Zombie

Clan/Rank : |L|Thunderclan/Elder|S|Shadowclan/Young Warrior|C|Windclan/Young Warrior
Number of posts : 1392

Apprentice Days Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apprentice Days   Apprentice Days EmptySat 10 Aug 2013 - 8:02

Crowclaw looked up just as Bristlepaw looked at him. Rolling back over quickly, he glared at him. "It's not nice to stare!" He growled before turning back away in a more normal position. Geeze, why was it so hot out today?

Ooc: Lazy post for a lazy topic.

Apprentice Days 2zxy2y8
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Leo Cat
Number of posts : 632
Age : 24

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PostSubject: Re: Apprentice Days   Apprentice Days EmptySat 10 Aug 2013 - 16:32

Shadeheart was absolutely boiling. Her long, dark fur absorbed and trapped in more of the heat. Why must it be so hot? she thought. All of the shade had been taken up by other cats who probably needed it more. She was also afraid of going into the tunnels, as she knew they would probably cave in on her. How do I survive this heat? she thought.

Apprentice Days Riycd4
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Characters : DEAD:Snowclaw , Frostfur, Harepaw and Snowpaw ALIVE: Willowkit
Aquarius Cat
Number of posts : 4197
Age : 24

Apprentice Days Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apprentice Days   Apprentice Days EmptySun 11 Aug 2013 - 4:00

Harepaw yawned and padded out of the apprentice den. She stretched herself before padding towards the fresh-kill pile. She picked up a small mouse and then settled down in the shade and started to eat it. It's so warm today... She thought to herself as she watched her clan mates relax around the camp.

Apprentice Days Tumblr_mu28znCJ2g1ql2sjoo1_500 

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Gemini Dragon
Number of posts : 2606
Age : 24

Apprentice Days Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apprentice Days   Apprentice Days EmptyWed 14 Aug 2013 - 13:21

Taking a small nibble on the rabbit's back, Snowpaw replied, "U-uhmm... It's been good. WindClan's moorland is so peaceful, I'd like to keep it that way." Looking back towards Crowclaw, she heard the tom snap at Bristlepaw, making her flinch a bit. That tom was trouble back when he was a kit... She remembered when she stood up for Silkkit, but Snowpaw was still as nervous as ever, having such low self- esteem.

Seeing Shadeheart, the blue warrior padded up to the medicine cat, she nodded a greeting before mewing, "Shadeheart, I was just asking, but... I feel like I'm a bit heavier lately and it's draining my energy a bit. I thought it was kits, but I need to make sure... Just in case I'm wrong." Her eyes didn't meet the medicine cat's, mainly because she remembered how Shadeheart had liked Twistedfoot. Would the former warrior be angry with her?

‣ year 06: 5/4/2012
Apprentice Days LgWiAeI
⌈ la-veritta ♡ ⌉
❝ Until the day his wings heal and he's able to fly... I will protect him. ❞
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Characters : Sleepycloud, Hopepaw, Lakepaw, Bear
Clan/Rank : Ye Old Member-- ALL THUNDERCLAN OOPS Sleepycloud (MCA), Hopepaw [App], Lake [App], Bear [Loner[
Taurus Dragon
Number of posts : 3579
Gender : She/her
Age : 24

Apprentice Days Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apprentice Days   Apprentice Days EmptySat 17 Aug 2013 - 9:20

Bristlepaw narrowed his eyes at the aggressive warrior. He would have originally thought that Crowclaw would have calmed down after he became a warrior, and matured a little bit. 'But I guess not. Out of all the cats to stay the same it was him?' Bristlepaw watched the black cat roll over. 'In fact he seems kinda worse.' The apprentice mused silently. Turning his head away, he continued to talk with Snowpaw. Not finding yelling back at Crowclaw the correct choice.

Bristlepaw nodded at Snowpaw's comment, feeling somewhat distracted. "It does seem like tensions with other clans are building. I wonder if it was this bad when we were kits, or it is a recent development."

Apprentice Days ECeeb3r

Sleepycloud || Hopepaw || Lakekit
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Ice Cream Zombie

Ice Cream Zombie

Clan/Rank : |L|Thunderclan/Elder|S|Shadowclan/Young Warrior|C|Windclan/Young Warrior
Number of posts : 1392

Apprentice Days Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apprentice Days   Apprentice Days EmptySat 17 Aug 2013 - 10:48

Crowclaw was beginning to get a little hungry. Sitting around here wasn't going to do any good,so he might as well deal with it. Getting to his paws, he padded over to the fresh-kill pile, not even glancing at the apprentices as he passed by. The tom plucked a smaller rabbit from the pile and settled down back in his original spot to eat. Perhaps he could go on a patrol or something after that. Hunting was always something he did early in the morning to get it over with, so maybe a Border Patrol would suit him.

Apprentice Days 2zxy2y8
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Gemini Dragon
Number of posts : 2606
Age : 24

Apprentice Days Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apprentice Days   Apprentice Days EmptySat 17 Aug 2013 - 11:23

Not meeting Bristlepaw's gaze, Snowpaw replied, "U-uhmm... I'm not sure. The Gathering we attended was a bit peaceful until Lavenderheart announced... about SkyClan..." Looking down to her paws, the she-cat wondered what it was like to be an outcast like that. Lavenderheart was such a nice and respectful cat that what Crowclaw claimed seemed so untrue. It must've been hard for her to live that life. Letting out a sigh, she took another nibble from the rabbit, before taking a few paces back. At the corner of her eye, she saw Crowclaw take a small rabbit to eat. Sighing, she wondered how that tom was. He's gotten worse over the moons, still being a grouch to every cat. Looking towards the leader's den, Snowpaw wondered what happened when Crowclaw, Mudfoot, and Lavenderheart had that training session. They were much closer before, but now they've sort of... Spread apart completely. She's seen Mudfoot and Lavenderheart talk to each other every now and then, but it was rarely, and usually only if Ivyfur was around. Shaking all the thoughts out of her head, she looked back at Crowclaw, before taking a few paces forward to take another nibble.

‣ year 06: 5/4/2012
Apprentice Days LgWiAeI
⌈ la-veritta ♡ ⌉
❝ Until the day his wings heal and he's able to fly... I will protect him. ❞
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Characters : Sleepycloud, Hopepaw, Lakepaw, Bear
Clan/Rank : Ye Old Member-- ALL THUNDERCLAN OOPS Sleepycloud (MCA), Hopepaw [App], Lake [App], Bear [Loner[
Taurus Dragon
Number of posts : 3579
Gender : She/her
Age : 24

Apprentice Days Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apprentice Days   Apprentice Days EmptySat 31 Aug 2013 - 18:08

Bristlepaw nodded sagely, and glanced around camp. Lavenderheart had disappeared into the medicine cat's den. Did she get hurt on patrol? Or...She had seemed a bit plump...too much freshkill or kits? He thought smiled at the prospect of new warriors for the clan. Another thought slowly approached his attention, like a cat stalking a mouse. If these were Lavenderheart's kits, wouldn't that mean that they were part SkyClan? Would the clan still accept them? Frowning to himself, he took a large bite from the rabbit, and crewed thoughtfully. If worse came to worse, he would side with Lavederheart. She was a loyal WindClan cat, and her kits would be raised as such. Being partially SkyClan should have no effect on how they are raised and or trained. The kits themselves, might not even know that hey were part SkyClan.

Swallowing his morsel of food he had finished chewing in his mouth. He glanced up at his friend. "Do you think Lavenderheart might be having kits?" He mewed quietly, Feeling like a gossiping queen for a moment.

ooc: Sorry. D8

Apprentice Days ECeeb3r

Sleepycloud || Hopepaw || Lakekit
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Gemini Dragon
Number of posts : 2606
Age : 24

Apprentice Days Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apprentice Days   Apprentice Days EmptySat 31 Aug 2013 - 20:18

Taking another small nibble on the tasty piece of fresh-kill, Snowpaw perked up her ears at what Bristlepaw had said. Kits? Lavenderheart was to have kits? She looked towards the Medicine Cat Den, noticing that the SkyClan she-cat had disappeared from her position, though it was a little obvious that she had went inside the den. Looking back to the tom, the half-blind apprentice thought that perhaps she was - Twistedfoot, probably. The limp warrior had stood up for the blue she-cat at the Gathering, even if it might an annoyed hiss from one of the leaders. "E-either way... Lavenderheart is a loyal she-cat... It wouldn't be a problem, considering they'll be many of the cats in this clan's kin... Like... Patcheye, R-raccoonstar, Rainpaw, and a-ah... few others. If things came to be hasty, I-i wouldn't hesitate to help her..." Snowpaw replied, feeling a bit hopeful that perhaps nothing bad would happen and that the kits would be accepted through and through. There's nothing wrong with them, they would be part of the clan fully, right?

‣ year 06: 5/4/2012
Apprentice Days LgWiAeI
⌈ la-veritta ♡ ⌉
❝ Until the day his wings heal and he's able to fly... I will protect him. ❞
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Characters : Sleepycloud, Hopepaw, Lakepaw, Bear
Clan/Rank : Ye Old Member-- ALL THUNDERCLAN OOPS Sleepycloud (MCA), Hopepaw [App], Lake [App], Bear [Loner[
Taurus Dragon
Number of posts : 3579
Gender : She/her
Age : 24

Apprentice Days Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apprentice Days   Apprentice Days EmptyFri 27 Sep 2013 - 22:03

Ooc: AHHA! I can still save it. lD

Ic: Bristlepaw silently agreed. Lavenderheart was loyal as far as he was concerned. Anyone who said other wise could talk to him. He bent his head down to take a few large bites of the rabbit. His hunger was slowly easing away. A green bug buzzed above, catching Bristlepaw's attention. He didn't make a move, but he just watched it. His blue orbs following it's path up and out of camp.

He blinked away from the bug and back to the rabbit. He looked at it for a long moment, before nosing it towards Snowpaw. "Here, you can have it. I am not so hungry any more." He licked his paw and began washing behind his ears.

Apprentice Days ECeeb3r

Sleepycloud || Hopepaw || Lakekit
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Number of posts : 2

Apprentice Days Empty
PostSubject: Re: Apprentice Days   Apprentice Days EmptySat 30 Nov 2013 - 11:26

(Im so confused on this game... Lol. Im used to WCRPG... Not this. I need help. Anyone offer? o-o)
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