Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Dat Border Patrol >3>

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2 posters
Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : Bramblekit
Clan/Rank : Windclan kit
Leo Pig
Number of posts : 6644
Age : 28

Dat Border Patrol >3> Empty
PostSubject: Dat Border Patrol >3>   Dat Border Patrol >3> EmptySun 9 Jun 2013 - 22:26

Man it felt awesome to be out of that nursery. After a long six moons, Gingerheart had been stuck in that den with no one to really talk to, and there was never a moment she could really relax. With her kits to look after, they were always doing something they shouldn't so she could never really seem to catch a break. Thankfully, though, she was finally able to move back into the warrior's den! Yet, last night's sleep was a little weird. The warrior's den felt foreign to her, strangly, and without many of her fellow warriors being there, it was very empty too. Poor Shadowclan. They were just losing out all the way around, and yet, she still had an apprentice to train. It was one of her own kits, nonetheless. Wonderful. Somehow, they would get through this, and because her apprentice was her own flesh and blood, she was going to have to show Sagestar just how awesome they could be too.

Sticking her head into the apprentice's den, she glanced around for Mottlepaw. "Mottlepaw, let's go! Time for your training!" she shouted sternly, hoping to wake the apprentice up and get her moving. "I'll be waiting at the entrance. You better get moving!"
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Number of posts : 960

Dat Border Patrol >3> Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dat Border Patrol >3>   Dat Border Patrol >3> EmptyTue 25 Jun 2013 - 13:20

Mottlepaw was glad to be an apprentice and out of the nursery, but she had to admit she was slightly disappointed that her mentor was her own mother. She loved her mother, sure, but it just wasn't fair. Her other siblings got different mentors and Mottlepaw had her mom. She was practically a warrior now, not a kit! Yet it was true, she loved her family and she loved her clan, so now with her newly accepted title she knew that she had to take one for the team and have her mother train her(not that she had much of a choice anyway).
Moaning, the apprentice swatted annoyed at the voice trying to wake her sleep. Mottlepaw didn't want to wake up, but one again she didn't have a choice. Rolling over and groggily standing up, the she-cat shuffled out of the den over to her mother. Letting out a squeaky yawn, she looked over her smushed nose and up at Gingerheart, ready for her training.

Dat Border Patrol >3> Kit_110 Dat Border Patrol >3> Caat_110
c l o v e r p a w -- m o t h w h i s k e r

because lilacbreeze will always be my one true love:

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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : Bramblekit
Clan/Rank : Windclan kit
Leo Pig
Number of posts : 6644
Age : 28

Dat Border Patrol >3> Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dat Border Patrol >3>   Dat Border Patrol >3> EmptyTue 25 Jun 2013 - 21:48

When Mottlepaw finally padded out of the den and over to Gingerheart, the warrior looked down at her daughter and gave her a small smile. "Don't look so excited!" She joked, seeing just how tired the apprentice was. "Come on, we have a full day ahead! Tonight you're going to learn the borders and the territory. It's large, so don't try to get lost. Maybe we will run into another patrol from another clan." As the warrior continued talking, she rose to her feet from where she was sitting and began walking into the territory, her paws gently splashing in the puddles that littered the soft earth as she walked. "Our first stop, the Skyclan border."
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Number of posts : 960

Dat Border Patrol >3> Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dat Border Patrol >3>   Dat Border Patrol >3> EmptyWed 26 Jun 2013 - 22:25

The young apprentice quickly perked up at the mention of other clan cats. "Do you really think we'll see other warriors and apprentices? What about foxes? Will we see them? Or toads? Speaking of frogs, I didn't have time to eat. I'm really hungry, do you think maybe we can..." The cat rambled, happily jumping to he'd feet. As she tried to keep up with her mother/mentor, her legs being short made it hard to jump over the sticks and stuff, she continued to chat happily. Her tail swayed left and right until she picked up a strange scent and froze, her tail sticking up on end. "What is that?!?" She questioned nervously, looking left and right frantically.

Dat Border Patrol >3> Kit_110 Dat Border Patrol >3> Caat_110
c l o v e r p a w -- m o t h w h i s k e r

because lilacbreeze will always be my one true love:

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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : Bramblekit
Clan/Rank : Windclan kit
Leo Pig
Number of posts : 6644
Age : 28

Dat Border Patrol >3> Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dat Border Patrol >3>   Dat Border Patrol >3> EmptySun 30 Jun 2013 - 22:36

"It's a possibility we could see other cats! Who knows, maybe a Thunderclan patrol is out when we pass by. As for a fox, probably not but it's always best to keep your eyes, ears, and nose open for anything..." Gingerheart's voice trailed off as Mottlepaw quickly sniffed the air and found a rather strange scent. It was a little odd and not quite normal for Shadowclan territory. 

OOC: was there something you had in mind for the smell? x3
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Number of posts : 960

Dat Border Patrol >3> Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dat Border Patrol >3>   Dat Border Patrol >3> EmptySun 28 Jul 2013 - 16:03

Ooc: I am so sorry I haven't responded. As for smells, I didn't have anything in particular in mind. Maybe a fox or bird of prey. Idk. Okay so anyway, here we gooo-

Her eyes grew, suddenly any trace of tired leaving her brain. This was so much more exciting than sleep or anything that could happen back in the Shadow Clan nursery. It was cozy, but the confined space left her feeling puny and defensless. Mottlepaw was an apprentice now, she couldn't let her mother defend her for her whole life! Which ironically her mother was her mentor- but that was beside the point. The point was excited to be free and explore the expanding world around her. "Really Thunder Clan," Mottlepaw questioned turning her nose up at the name. "Are they nice? Or mean? How do they look? Do they have smushed noses like me? Are they tall? Are they fat? I know they smell, but do they think we smell? Do we smell good? Do we smell bad? Oh boy, I hope we meet them! I'll show them that Shadowclan is better than their clan!" Her mouth rambling by minute as she looked a round practically begging for the Thunderclan cats to show themselves. Only she stopped abruptly at the smell becoming strong in her nose again and she turned to look up at her mother.

Dat Border Patrol >3> Kit_110 Dat Border Patrol >3> Caat_110
c l o v e r p a w -- m o t h w h i s k e r

because lilacbreeze will always be my one true love:

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Former Staff
Former Staff

Characters : Bramblekit
Clan/Rank : Windclan kit
Leo Pig
Number of posts : 6644
Age : 28

Dat Border Patrol >3> Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dat Border Patrol >3>   Dat Border Patrol >3> EmptyMon 29 Jul 2013 - 15:23

OOC: I shall also get hunting done in this topic ;u;

Gingerheart passively listened to all of Mottlepaw's question as she opened her mouth just slightly to get a better idea of where the scent was coming from. She quickly looked behind them with hackles raised. This was very unusual for Shadowclan, but it was really weird for every clan. "Speaking of foxes..." she muttered as she looked around for any kind of sign of the fox being close. The plain scent itself had become stronger than it originally was which meant that the fox was becoming closer, but at the same time, if it hadn't seen them or they hadn't seen it, it probably was a better idea to try to get back to camp and get a larger patrol to run it out of the territory... but if it had already found them, it would be too late for that. Mottlepaw would have to try to get back to camp and let the others know. "Keep your eyes, ears, and nose open Mottlepaw. This might get ugly. Look for anything unusual. Fur, rustles of the grass, sounds of footsteps, anything. If this fox really is around here, I'm going to distract it. As soon as you see me go after it, you run for camp and get the others. Do you understand?" She asked, her claws unsheathed and digging into the ground with anticipation.
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Dat Border Patrol >3> Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dat Border Patrol >3>   Dat Border Patrol >3> Empty

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Dat Border Patrol >3>
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