Warrior Clan Cats

The future's in your paws. Shape it well.

Roleplay in a cat Clan of warriors. Based off the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. Takes place in an AU before the cats in the books existed.
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 Talking with Rustfang.

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Characters : Sleepycloud, Hopepaw, Lakepaw, Bear
Clan/Rank : Ye Old Member-- ALL THUNDERCLAN OOPS Sleepycloud (MCA), Hopepaw [App], Lake [App], Bear [Loner[
Taurus Dragon
Number of posts : 3575
Gender : She/her
Age : 24

Talking with Rustfang. Empty
PostSubject: Talking with Rustfang.   Talking with Rustfang. EmptyThu 22 Nov 2012 - 16:14

Nightwing wanted to talk to Rustfang. While she was waiting for him, She pawed at the ground, Her tail flicked slightly. She waited for him near the out side of camp.

Talking with Rustfang. ECeeb3r

Sleepycloud || Hopepaw || Lakekit
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meme police

meme police

Characters : Antkit, Dipperkit
Clan/Rank : ThunderClan/kit, ShadowClan/kit
Pisces Horse
Number of posts : 1976
Age : 22

Talking with Rustfang. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Talking with Rustfang.   Talking with Rustfang. EmptyThu 22 Nov 2012 - 16:17

It had been a moon since the three ceremonies, and Rustfang brushed through a clump of cracking bracken to see Nightwing nervously kneading the ground.
"You wanted to talk, yes?" Rustfang purred, sitting down.
He couldn't shake the feeling snowy blue eyes were watching, though.

Talking with Rustfang. 2q1rq6u

Art credit to Grey.
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Characters : Sleepycloud, Hopepaw, Lakepaw, Bear
Clan/Rank : Ye Old Member-- ALL THUNDERCLAN OOPS Sleepycloud (MCA), Hopepaw [App], Lake [App], Bear [Loner[
Taurus Dragon
Number of posts : 3575
Gender : She/her
Age : 24

Talking with Rustfang. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Talking with Rustfang.   Talking with Rustfang. EmptyThu 22 Nov 2012 - 16:24

Nightwing smiled and nodded."I've been wanting to tell you something for a while..." Her voice trailed off, She glanced away out of shear shyness, her old personality seizing threw her new on, that her warrior name had given her.

Talking with Rustfang. ECeeb3r

Sleepycloud || Hopepaw || Lakekit
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Talking with Rustfang. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Talking with Rustfang.   Talking with Rustfang. EmptyThu 22 Nov 2012 - 16:27

Snowstorm had been out hunting, since it was all she really had to keep her busy. When she saw Rustfang and Nightwing, she silently put her prey in the fresh kill pile, and ran over behind the nearest tree/bush, whatever... to hide her.
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meme police

meme police

Characters : Antkit, Dipperkit
Clan/Rank : ThunderClan/kit, ShadowClan/kit
Pisces Horse
Number of posts : 1976
Age : 22

Talking with Rustfang. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Talking with Rustfang.   Talking with Rustfang. EmptyThu 22 Nov 2012 - 16:28

Rustfang shifted and lay his tail on her shoulders.
"What is it?" he purred soothingly.

Talking with Rustfang. 2q1rq6u

Art credit to Grey.
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Characters : Sleepycloud, Hopepaw, Lakepaw, Bear
Clan/Rank : Ye Old Member-- ALL THUNDERCLAN OOPS Sleepycloud (MCA), Hopepaw [App], Lake [App], Bear [Loner[
Taurus Dragon
Number of posts : 3575
Gender : She/her
Age : 24

Talking with Rustfang. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Talking with Rustfang.   Talking with Rustfang. EmptyThu 22 Nov 2012 - 16:32

Nightwing took a deep breath. "I-I love you." She finally mewed. The she-cat looked away and glanced back to see his reaction

ooc: brb Going to the store.

Talking with Rustfang. ECeeb3r

Sleepycloud || Hopepaw || Lakekit
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Talking with Rustfang. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Talking with Rustfang.   Talking with Rustfang. EmptyThu 22 Nov 2012 - 16:35

Snowstorm gasped to herself, she was right! Nightwing was in love with Rustfang! She kept listening, still staying as quiet as possible.
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meme police

meme police

Characters : Antkit, Dipperkit
Clan/Rank : ThunderClan/kit, ShadowClan/kit
Pisces Horse
Number of posts : 1976
Age : 22

Talking with Rustfang. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Talking with Rustfang.   Talking with Rustfang. EmptyThu 22 Nov 2012 - 17:03

"Nightwing..I'm sorry."
He murmured softly.
"But..I just want to be friend's..I can't be your mate, I don't love you more than friends."
He stopped briefly.
"But you'll always be my best friend." He murmured, licking her ear.

Talking with Rustfang. 2q1rq6u

Art credit to Grey.
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Talking with Rustfang. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Talking with Rustfang.   Talking with Rustfang. EmptyThu 22 Nov 2012 - 17:06

Snowstorm then slipped out from her hiding spot, and walked up a few fox-lengths away, and sat down. She sneezed, but not on purpose. Something had bugged her nose.
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Characters : Sleepycloud, Hopepaw, Lakepaw, Bear
Clan/Rank : Ye Old Member-- ALL THUNDERCLAN OOPS Sleepycloud (MCA), Hopepaw [App], Lake [App], Bear [Loner[
Taurus Dragon
Number of posts : 3575
Gender : She/her
Age : 24

Talking with Rustfang. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Talking with Rustfang.   Talking with Rustfang. EmptyThu 22 Nov 2012 - 17:52

Nightwing looked hurt. She closed her eyes. Her heart fell. Nightwing twitched her ear away.She got up and walked away with her tail down. As soon as she got out of sight distance she broke in to a run she didn't want to be near camp. She didn't want to be near any one. Nightwing wanted to be by herself. She found a stump, with a hole inside. Must have been a fox's by the scent. Though it was really stale. She curled up inside, The broken hearted she-cat Cried out her sadness. BEST FRIEND? She had to settle with being his best friend? She sobbed Snowstorm had been there too. She probably felt great seeing her so sad. Anger welled up inside of her. Why does she hate me so much? The black and white she-cat thought. Her neck fur stood on end. What did she derive this hatred and neglect!? She did nothing wrong! Why was everyone agaised her!? Nightwing's personality turned from when she was a kit, nervous, hiding, and turning herself away from the others. When she was an apprentice, She became outgoing and accepted. And then after a month of warriorship, she turned back to her nervous away from the world state. What is wrong with me...She rested her head, Her tears stopped flowing and she heard rain start falling, Great. What a great way to brighten the mood...

Talking with Rustfang. ECeeb3r

Sleepycloud || Hopepaw || Lakekit
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Talking with Rustfang. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Talking with Rustfang.   Talking with Rustfang. EmptyThu 22 Nov 2012 - 18:09

Snowstorm looked over at Nightwing running away. She looked at Rustfang, "I'll be right back." she said, softly. She trotted in Nightwing's direction. "Nightwing!" she said, breaking out into a run. Her hatred days were over, she didn't mind the rain, even though she usually hated it. "Nightwing?" she exclaimed. The rain beating on her back, piercing her with cold. "Nightwing! Come on! You'll freeze to death in this weather!" she said, she was glad she picked up Nightwing's scent in time. She followed it, and skidded to a halt. She found Nightwing, and layed down beside her. It was better than being out in the open, at the least. "Nightwing," she began, her eyes clouding with emotion. She knew it was time. "I'm sorry for how I treated you, in the past. I was just, jealous, I guess, but no, I was worse than that. I just, I thought Rustfang would pick you to be his mate, when I really wanted to be his." she said, lightly touching her rather softwet head on Nightwings side, as if she was showing friendship.
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Characters : Sleepycloud, Hopepaw, Lakepaw, Bear
Clan/Rank : Ye Old Member-- ALL THUNDERCLAN OOPS Sleepycloud (MCA), Hopepaw [App], Lake [App], Bear [Loner[
Taurus Dragon
Number of posts : 3575
Gender : She/her
Age : 24

Talking with Rustfang. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Talking with Rustfang.   Talking with Rustfang. EmptyThu 22 Nov 2012 - 18:16

Nightwing, haven gone in to her shyness, turned away from her saying nothing. She moved her fluffy tail over her black ears. She didn't want to talk to this cat. She didn't want to talk to any one. Nightwing closed off her thoughts to everyone. She ignored all things. ((IGNORE ALL THE THINGS!! :D /shot)) Until she was ready to face her clan and everyone else.

Talking with Rustfang. ECeeb3r

Sleepycloud || Hopepaw || Lakekit
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Talking with Rustfang. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Talking with Rustfang.   Talking with Rustfang. EmptyThu 22 Nov 2012 - 19:56

Snowstorm sighed, watching Nightwing. "Fine, be that way, but I'll still be sorry." she said. She got up, and ran back to where Rustfang was, it was getting awfully cold.
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meme police

meme police

Characters : Antkit, Dipperkit
Clan/Rank : ThunderClan/kit, ShadowClan/kit
Pisces Horse
Number of posts : 1976
Age : 22

Talking with Rustfang. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Talking with Rustfang.   Talking with Rustfang. EmptyFri 23 Nov 2012 - 15:15

When Snowstorm arrived, Rustfang padded over to her slowly.
"What'd she say?" he inquired, tilting his head as he walked with her back towards the camp. A pang welled in his chest as a question thumped in his brain.
"Snowstorm.." he whispered. He wanted to propose to ask Snowstorm to be his mate, but Nightwing...
"Snowstorm, w...will you be my mate? I love you, and.." his voice trailed away as a crack of thunder growled overhead and a claw of lightning sliced the sky with blues and whites.

Talking with Rustfang. 2q1rq6u

Art credit to Grey.
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Talking with Rustfang. Empty
PostSubject: Re: Talking with Rustfang.   Talking with Rustfang. EmptyFri 23 Nov 2012 - 17:04

Snowstorm looked at Rustfang. "She wouldn't talk," she sighed, but as she listened to him, her eyes lit up with shock, and joy. "Yes." she said. "I would love to, I love you too." she said, but the crack of Thunder sent a shiver up her spine. "Come on," she said. "Nightwing will come back later, I'm sure of it. For now, lets just get back to camp and get warm. I'm freezing." she said. She then after a few minutes of walking with him to camp, finished, "And you can tell me what you were going to say." she softly smiled.
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PostSubject: Re: Talking with Rustfang.   Talking with Rustfang. Empty

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