So, school started today, and I met my teachers. If you are wondering about the title, I'm referencing our math teacher who is a silly old geezer who calls the school intercom "The voice from above", and he'll do this little stance with it too. It's really funny actually :P
Not the point. Tomorrow I got soccer try-outs, and though I didn't have any home work today(cuz they rarely give HM on the first day), I'm sure to have a lot more really soon. However, I do get to see my friends again :3
So, the main purpose of this is to say I got a lot going on right now, and before they spam up the member announcements with close to the same thing, I'm gonna do my bros a favor and say Ice and Frog will probably a little inactive too, just not as much as me. 'Course I'll still get on a lot. Just not until around 5:00 or 6:00 PM (Eastern), so from 3:00(or whenever they get done with homework) to whenever I get free time, Ice and Frog might be able to role play a while, and fill you in if you have any questions, since I can't get on the computer until 6:00/5:00. ANYWAYS, I will still remain active...just not nearly as much :3
Maybe like...2 hours a day at the most...Maybe. I think. That's actually a really good estimate. I like that answer. I'm gonna shut up now. Bye.
P.S. I'll be on all tonight, or at least up to 9:00 maybe a little more due to needed sleep, as like I said I got nothing to do today.
Tue 28 Aug 2012 - 15:09 by Ice Cream Zombie